Alistair Tank Build - The Juggernaut

Alistair Tank Build - The Juggernaut - Dragon Age: Origins (DAO)

By zanuffas
Last updated:
This post will cover Alistair Tank Build - The Juggernaut, for Dragon Age: Origins. This is a tank build so that you could soak a lot of damage and draw the enemy's attention so that everyone in the party could safely attack.

Alistair Tank Build - The Juggernaut

To access the old archived build go - Alistair Old Build.

The build is pretty straightforward and makes Alistair the Ultimate tank to stand his ground against the strongest enemies. Alistair is a very popular companion, first, he is the first one to join your ranks. Second, he offers unique and entertaining banter throughout the journey.

Regarding the build mechanics, the build will rely on heavy or massive armor to have a very high armor value. This will help to reduce incoming damage.

Defense stat, allows for the avoidance of enemy attacks, ensuring that Alistair does not incur any damage. This will be optimized for the latter part of the game, and the good thing is that this does not create any kind of animation that would slow damage output.

The last part is drawing aggro, this will be achieved with the help of a few talents, but mainly, having sufficient strength and access to Threaten. The latter will be invaluable as each hit will slowly increase threat levels, ensuring that enemy attention is drawn to him.

The build has been played and tested on Nightmare difficulty


In this section, I would like to review the recommended attributes for Alistair Tank Build. You will be required to pick them every level up, so optimizing and not wasting any of them will prove vital for the build.

alistair build attributes dao

There are a few goals that you want to reach first:

  • Dexterity: 26 - unlocks all the talents in the Weapon and Shield tree. You should continue investing in it later on. But this is what I recommend to have as a starting goal.
  • Cunning: 12 - unlocks more tactics slots via Combat Tactics skill.
  • Strength: 42 - allows wearing heavier armor and improves weapon damage.

Here is my recommended way of reaching it:

Attribute Description
Strength - +2 every level up The main damage attribute of the build. It also ensures that you can wear the heaviest armor and best weapons. Together with Threaten it will ensure that you can sufficiently keep a single enemy's attention on you.
Dexterity - +1 every level up Very important all-around stat providing bonuses to defense and attack. This will result in Alistair landing more hits and avoiding many more attacks from the foes.
Cunning - +1 for a single time to reach 12 Cunning. Only needed to obtain a few levels of Combat Tactics.
Need help with level-by-level attribute/talent progression? For my supporters on Ko-Fi or Patreon, I offer attribute picks on each level, for optimal progression.

You might see that one attribute is missing - the Constitution. The main reason is that you should be getting some of it from equipment. Moreover, the HP boost is very low. If you feel comfortable you can invest some points, but generally, this is not needed as good Armor and high Defense value will overcome this.

You could also play around with +2 Dexterity and +1 Strength once you reach 42 Strength. This way you would have a bigger improvement to defense at the cost of lower Threat generation.


This section will go through recommended skills to optimize the character. These unlock general utility actions or improve combat capabilities in terms of new talent levels or tactics slots.

alistair skills tank build dao

Skill Level Description
Survival 2 Improves Nature resistance.
Poison-Making 1 Allows using coatings to improve damage. To be fair I do not use this much as I usually control the main character.
Combat Training 4 The most important skill, which improves attack and defense but also unlocks higher tier talents for the Weapon and Shield tree.
Combat Tactics 2 Unlocks new tactics slots. The build does not need a lot, but having a few more will make it easier to optimize for various combat situations.


Specialization Description
Templar This is the main specialization that Alistair starts with. it relates to hunting mages, but I do not use much of it, due to the very high use costs, of the last ability.
Champion This specialization does with the build very well in my opinion. You can improve your ally's stats, but also debuff enemies around you. In turn, this improves your tanking capabilities.

To be fair, you can play around with other Specializations like Berserk or Reaver if you are into more offensive playstyle.

Talents and Spells

In this section, I would like to go through the recommended talents for Alistair Tank Build. They are important in optimizing the various bonuses and what actions are unlocked.

Need help with level-by-level attribute/talent progression? For my supporters on Ko-Fi or Patreon, I offer attribute picks on each level, for optimal progression.


I would not give this tree a high priority. The last ability is unlocked late into the game, and by that time you will probably have a mage with Mana Clash. So the talents here I kind of wasted.

Spell Description
Righteous Strike This ability is obtained automatically and drain's enemy's mana with each hit, if they have it.
Cleanse Aura The talent is great for dispelling magic, however, there are not many encounters where this might be useful, especially as it has a friendly fire effect. For this reason, its uses are limited.
Mental Fortress Improves mental resistance against various control effects.
Holy Smite
The most powerful templar ability. "Powerful" is a bit of a stretch as the damage depends on Willpower. Still, it can knock back multiple foes which is great for control.

Champion Tree

Only one talent will be relevant here.

Spell Description
War Cry Weaken foes by decreasing their attack rolls. It also can knock back enemies with a Superiority upgrade.
Rally This is the crucial talent from the tree as it improves defense which results in more attacks being avoided. With Motivate upgrade attack values are also improved.
Motivate Adds attack bonuses to Rally.
Superiority This will further improve War Cry and give a knockback effect.


Powerful Tree

Spell Description
Powerful Excellent passive talent that reduces fatigue from armor and improves total health pool.
Threaten One of the key abilities of Tank build ensuring that you can effectively draw enemies.
Bravery Some decent bonuses to resistance.
Death Blow
Being a tank, you will not be dealing high enough damage to consistently be the one killing enemies. For this reason, I recommend this ability with a very low priority.

Precise Striking

Spell Description
Precise Striking Mainly taken for progression.
Taunt I would recommend using this when there is some Lieutenant foe or boss. Otherwise, normal enemies will be taken care of very fast.

Weapon and Shield

Almost all the talents are relevant for the build.

Shield Bash Tree

Most of the actions here will give some degree of control by stunning or knocking down targets.

Spell Description
Shield Bash Can knock the target off for 3 seconds, while also inflicting moderate damage.
Shield Pummel Executes three attacks with improved armor penetration. It can also result in the enemy being stunned.
Overpower Hits three times and can also knock down and daze the target.
Optional talent. It is quite costly and does not apply any kind of control - stun or knockback, making it a low priority.

Shield Defense Tree

Spell Description
Shield Defense Excellent early-game talent to improve defenses. It does impose the penalty to attack which can be removed with a Sheild Balance upgrade.
Shield Balance Improves Shield Defense.
Shield Wall If you are playing without unofficial fixes, this talent does not impose any damage penalty, making this a direct upgrade to Shield Defense. It also comes with a knockback immunity which helps in various combat situations.
Shield Expertise Improves both Shield Defense and Shield Wall with higher bonuses.

Shield Block Tree

Spell Description
Shield Block Excellent passive to reduce flanking damage from enemies.
Shield Cover I did not use this much, only for the early game when Alistair only had talent available as a sustained one.
Shield Tactics A further reduction to flanking and backstab bonuses on attacking foes.
Shield Mastery Improves almost all talents in the Weapon and Shield tree.


The gear you use with Alistair Tank Build will play a crucial role in combat. There are various combos that you can go with. I would recommend going with either Heavy or Massive armor pieces as these will provide a substantial boost to armor.

Below, you will find the gear that should be used with the build. Generally, the lower the item is in the table the lower its priority and the earlier you can get it. So the top ones are the best picks.


There are a lot of weapons to choose from in terms of one-handed. I listed just a few of them that I think are the best.

Item Description
Starfang iconStarfang (longsword) This weapon has the highest base damage, making it an excellent choice for Alistair. It also comes with 3 rune slots enabling it to further enhance it.
The veshialle iconThe Veshialle This weapon would be the best one if excluding Starfang (longsword). It can surpass it, but this will require a huge strength investment which is not possible with AI companions.
the reapers cudgel icon daoThe Reaper's Cudgel A powerful mace with high direct damage and strength improvements.
Maric's Blade iconMaric’s Blade Use this weapon together with Cailan's Shield for the Cailan's Arm set. With the set, stamina regeneration will increase greatly allowing Alistair to use many more active talents. Moreover, it weakens darkspawn and increases damage against them.
Keening blade iconKeening Blade A late-game weapon was obtained from one of the bosses. It is a powerful option, but not as good in my opinion compared to others.
asturian's might iconAsturian's Might A sword that is a good progression between Oathkeeper and the higher Tier 7 swords.
Oathkeeper iconOathkeeper A decent early-game sword that you can obtain in Lothering. Also comes with 1 rune slot


Similar to weapons, there are a lot of choices throughout the game for the best shield.

Item Description
Fade Wall iconFade Wall If you are lucky to obtain this one, it is a very powerful shield to use on the tank character.
champions shield icon daoChampion's Shield Can be easily stolen in Orzammar. The +12 Defense boost is significant and the highest in the game. Can be obtained early on.
cailan's shield iconCailan's Shield Use this shield together with Maric’s Blade for the Cailan's Arm set. Will boost stamina regeneration allowing Alistair to use offensive abilities more often.
duncan's shield iconDuncan's Shield A well-rounded shield that boosts willpower, stamina regeneration, and defense. Unfortunately, you only obtain it late in the game
warden tower shield iconWarden Tower Shield A solid shield with very good stats. However, it is not a guaranteed drop.
bulwark of the true king iconBulwark of the True King I would say one of the best shields in the early game, but requires a significant investment into strength before equipping it.
eamons shield iconEamon's Shield An early game shield that can be obtained in Redcliffe Castle. It boosts both defense and stamina, allowing Alistair to use more offensive abilities.


Item Description
corruption iconCorruption Helm Although this is an extremely good helmet for a tank, you obtain it close to the end of the game. You can use it against the last boss due to the high Spirit Resistance it provides
Helm of Honnleath iconHelm of Honnleath The only helmet to give direct damage and survivability boost in one. However, it will probably be used by the main character.
Juggernaut helm iconJuggernaut Helm Equip together with Juggernaut armor set. The helmet provides +1 bonus armor
Bergen's honor iconBergen's Honor I would say these helms are equal. On the one hand, you get some good bonuses to armor and attack. On the other +25 stamina with Executioner’s Helm is a really good boost for additional active ability during an encounter.
Executioner's Helm iconExecutioner’s Helm
Helm of the deep iconHelm of the Deep Boost to the constitution for a bigger HP pool. A great helmet as you earn it for free early in the game


Item Description
Wade's Superior Dragonbone Plate Armor iconWade's Superior Dragonbone Plate Armor Part of the Wade's Superior Dragonbone Plate armor set. This will increase Alistair's stamina and stamina regeneration. Moreover, it will reduce fatigue with the total set.
Evon's The great mail iconEvon the Great’s Mail The Wade's Superior Heavy Dragonscale armor set is lighter in terms of fatigue stats but has less armor. Still, with Evon the Great’s Mail which can be used instead of Wade's Superior Heavy Dragonscale Armor, you will get additional armor, making it a very close contender, to Wade's Superior Dragonbone Plate Armor but this will cost a lot of gold.
Wade's SUperior heavy dragonscale armor iconWade's Superior Heavy Dragonscale Armor
knight commanders plate armor icon daoKnight Commander's Plate The high spell resistances will make you a much better tank, able to withstand various magic effects.
Juggernaut Plate Armor iconJuggernaut Plate Armor Mid-game armor that comes with significant elemental resistances and some boost to strength and constitution.
warden commander armor iconWarden Commander Armor This armor can be excellent if obtained early. The negative aspect is that it will have lower-tier materials which will be outclassed later on. Equip together with the Warden Commander armor set.


Item Description
Wade's Superior Dragonbone Plate Gloves iconWade's Superior Dragonbone Plate Gloves Part of the Wade's Superior Dragonbone Plate armor set. This will increase Alistair's stamina regeneration. Use it together with the whole set
Wade's Superior Heavy Dragonscale Gauntlets iconWade's Superior Heavy Dragonscale Gauntlets Part of Wade's Superior Heavy Dragonscale armor set
juggernaut plate gloves iconJuggernaut Plate Gloves Equip together with Juggernaut armor set. The gloves provide bonus elemental resistance.
Warden commander gloves iconWarden Commander Gloves Equip together with the Warden Commander armor set. The gloves give a bonus of 10% fire resistance


Item Description
Wade's Superior Dragonbone Plate Boots iconWade's Superior Dragonbone Plate Boots Part of the Wade's Superior Dragonbone Plate armor set. This will increase Alistair's stamina regeneration. Use it together with the whole set
Wade's Superior Heavy Dragonscale Boots iconWade's Superior Heavy Dragonscale Boots Part of Wade's Superior Heavy Dragonscale armor set
Cailan's Greaves These boots are an excellent way to reduce the chance for enemies to hit you. I do recommend using it with The Spellward and other items giving bonuses to dodge.
Juggernaut Plate Boots iconJuggernaut Plate Boots Equip together with Juggernaut armor set. The boots provide bonus elemental resistance
Warden commander boots iconWarden Commander Boots Equip together with the Warden Commander armor set. The boots give a bonus of 50 stamina
The lion's Paw iconThe Lion's Paw Decent early games shoes that give chance to avoid enemy attacks.


Item Description
Andruil's blessing iconAndruil’s Blessing The best belt available all around. The bonuses to stamina regeneration are great to counteract the sustained abilities.
Cinch of skillful maneuvering iconCinch of Skillful Maneuvering You will need to finish Witch Hunt DLC to unlock this accessory. The chance to dodge is excellent for survivability improvement.
buckle of the winds iconBuckle of the Winds +3 defense boost to slightly improve the chance of avoiding enemy attacks.
Dwarven Warrior's Belt iconDwarven Warrior's Belt Improves armor and strength for slightly more damage.


Item Description
The spellward iconThe Spellward It is one of the best amulets as it increases the mana pool adds a chance to dodge and a significant boost to spell resistance.
Pearl of Anointed iconPearl of the Anointed The +1 to all attributes is a significant boost, especially at the start of the game.
Mark of vigilance iconMark of Vigilance Provides a decent boost to defense. Spell resistance and mental resistance bonuses are a good addition.
Magister's Shield iconMagister's Shield Provides a decent boost to defense. Spell resistance and mental resistance bonuses are a good addition. It does decrease nature resistance, which is a minor concern.
Heart of Witherfang iconHeart of Witherfang This can be equipped on Alistair due to a +1 Strength bonus.


Item Description
Key to the city iconKey to the City One of the best rings in the game. It will be contested by many builds, so just listing it here as an option.
lifegiver iconLifegiver Gives a significant boost to health. Overall, I recommend using it on the tank or on Blood Mage in the group to improve survivability.
harvest festival ringHarvest Festival Ring Overall good ring for the Warriors, improving damage, hit chance, and defense.
ring of the warrior iconRing of the Warrior Overall good ring for the Warriors, improving damage, hit chance, and defense.
Dawn ring iconDawn Ring Significantly improves strength, which results in higher damage. This is a late-game ring, so it will have minimal impact.
the lucky stone iconThe Lucky Stone Gives +1 to all attributes. Excellent ring when starting the game.
band of fire iconBand of Fire Good early-game ring, providing a bonus constitution for higher survivability.

How to use the Build

In this section, I would like to go through some general tips on how to correctly utilize the build.

Main mechanics

In this part, I would like to go through the core mechanics of the build. Although this is a companion build it is still crucial to understand how to best utilize it in the party composition.

Sustained Abilities

For this tank build, various sustained abilities can be used. You should be balancing between them. If you use too many of them, actions will cost too much, and there won't be much free stamina for Taunt or other active options.

Here is what I recommend:

  1. Threaten - increases generated threat. With gradually increasing damage, this should easily keep the enemy's attention on Alistair.
  2. Shield Defense or Shield Wall - both of these have their use cases. The former is excellent for improving defense, which will result in getting hit less. Shield Wall on the other hand provides bonus armor (which does lose its importance once you get endgame equipment). It also comes with knockdown immunity, but it doesn't work on everything, like Ogre or Dragon attacks. Overall, I would prioritize Shield Wall when playing without recommended mods, as it is bugged and has no damage penalty. Otherwise, Shield Defense is a plausible alternative for more offensive build-up.

And here are some optional ones, that I might use depending on the situation:

  1. Rally - excellent talent to boost attack and defense values of yourself and allies. I would use this once you feel confident with Alistair's tanking capabilities. The upkeep cost is significant which could be used for another Taunt or other control ability.

Control and Damage

As a tank character, you will not be dealing huge amounts of damage or disabling multiple enemies with a single attack. Still, you have a few abilities that should make it easy to stun or knockback a foe to make the encounter easier:

  • Shield Pummel
  • Shield Bash
  • Overpower
  • War Cry - requires the Superiority upgrade. Without it, I would not even use the action.
  • Holy Smite - very expensive ability to use, that should either be used at the start or not utilized at all. Sadly, its damage depends on Willpower so it's only good for stunning foes.

Draw the enemy's attention.

The most important part of the tank is to keep the enemy's attention - Threat generation. If you have the enemy's attention allies can freely inflict damage and use spells. Overall, the logic is that the more damage you deal (as a percentage of the target's total HP) the more threat you generate.

With Threaten active ability you should easily sustain threat levels at least on the single target. To help with other targets I recommend taking Taunt, which can further help with drawing aggro. In addition, staying close to the enemies will also generate threat.

Early Game Tactics

These are the tactics that I would use for the early game, up until levels 10-12. The game up to this point can be very hard, so you might need to do some cheesing. A few things of note:

  • I would start with the Defender preset and work from there.
  • Change Shield Cover to Shield Defense
  • I would pick Threaten and use it at about level 8+. Before that, you will not have enough survivability to consistently maintain large numbers of enemies with Alistair

Alistair tank build early game tactics dao

Late Game Tactics

These tactics are aimed towards the late game when you have most of the build talents covered:

  • Due to limited stamina, you might not be able to utilize all of them
  • Threaten could be disabled if Taunt is enough to maintain aggro, this will allow another use of something like Shield Bash
  • Shield Wall can be changed with Shield Defense, once you have Shield Expertise talent. The knockdown immunity is situationally good but still doesn't work fully against dragons and ogres

alistair tank build tactics late game dao


Thank you for reading the Alistair Build, post for Dragon Age: Origins. I hope you enjoyed reading this build and it will help you to optimize one of the best tanks in the game. With the correct gear and tactics, your playthrough will become very easy.

Feel free to leave feedback below


Post author zanuffas avatarzanuffas
Gamestegy Founder. I have been writing game guides and builds for 4 years. I like to push myself to create something wonderful for the readers!