Duelist Rogue Build - The Dueler

Duelist Rogue Build - The Dueler - Dragon Age: Origins (DAO)

By zanuffas
Last updated:
A Dual Wield Rogue Duelist Build for Dragon Age: Origins. This Rogue boasts a very high Dexterity which results in high defense and attack. So you can expect to have a very high survivability with this build to avoid enemy hits.

Rogue Duelist Build - The Dueler

The build is very similar to another build - Rogue Dual Wielder Assassin. The key difference here is that you go more into the Dexterity attribute. This creates the ultimate setup for avoiding enemy attacks and having a very high survivability.

The build will use Dual Wield daggers, which will result in very high attack speed, and their damage gets increased the more Dexterity you have. So this is the perfect pair to maximize the build effectiveness.

The negative part about the build is that Cunning will be fairly low, and this means that world exploration will have to suffer. Deft Hands tree will somewhat address this, but there will be some chests in the game that you will not be able to unlock or you will have to backtrack to unlock them. Still, this is a minor issue as you will still get all the best gear.

Now the Duelist specialization will provide everything the build needs. First, you will get improved attack and defense. Second, with Pinpoint Strike, you will be able to get guaranteed critical hits. This will make it very easy to lash out a lot of damage, without engaging in backstabs.

So let's get into the details.

The build has been played and tested on Nightmare difficulty

Character Creation

If you are into optimizing there are a few things that you can do to optimize your build a bit.

dwarf starting rogue dragon age origins


So, all the races can have rogue classes and have very interesting backstories for that. However, I do think for optimal setup two of those are better:

Attribute Description
Human Gives +1 Dexterity and +1 Cunning, which directly improves survivability and damage. The initial strength bonus will help reach gear requirements earlier.
Dwarf Dwarves give a boost to strength and dexterity and also come with magic resistance. This is an important stat for survivability, as some enemy casters can be deadly.


The choice here is obvious:

Class Description
Rogue The main class will give you access to all the spells mentioned in the build and recommended specializations.


To be fair there are quite a few background choices. Elves and Dwarves get two of each. Here are my recommendations

Class Description
Human Noble The default and the only choice for humans.
City Elf Gives Coercion skill which is the most relevant for the main character.
Dwarven Commoner Offers Stealing skill, that unlocks a unique mission sequence in Denerim Market. Also fits the build very well.


My recommendation for Dexterity-based Rogue is to go with +5 Dexterity from the start. This will improve damage, and allow you to wear some very good daggers early in the game.

The drawback is that you will need Improved Tools talent to effectively unlock the chests and find traps in the first areas. So this mechanic will be delayed to level 4, which is a minor problem in my opinion. Investing into Cunning now would waste a few attribute points, especially as you will get +5 from the Circle Tower quest.

Need help with level-by-level attribute/talent progression? For my supporters on Ko-Fi or Patreon, I offer attribute picks on each level, for optimal progression.


I recommend one of the below:

Skill Description
Coercion 1 level will help unlock some additional dialogue options in the early game.
Combat Training If you already have Coercion, from the background, then I would pick this one to provide the main offensive stat boost. This will make it easier to land hits in early-game encounters.


There are 2 main talents that I would prioritize.

Spells Description
Deft Hands Makes sure you can disarm early-game traps, and unlock all the chests in the Ostagar and Lothering areas. However, you will need at least 2 levels or 20 Cunning in addition to this talent to make trap detection any good.
Dual-Weapon Training Improves the offhand weapon damage when dual-wielding.

Quest Priority and Locations

Once you have finished Ostagar and Lothering, the world will open up and you can visit multiple areas. Below I will cover some progression recommendations, to obtain a few core items needed.

This is an optional progression. If you want to experience the main quests in different sequences, feel free to do that!
  1. Visit the Denerim Market District (if you have 22 Dexterity) and go to the Pearl. There, play card games with Isabela and catch her hand as she draws cards using Dexterity. This will unlock The Duelist specialization.
  2. Return to Ostagar - here you can obtain a very good Duncan’s Dagger, that can last till the late game.
  3. Stone Prisoner - additional XP and one of the best helmets in the game - Helm of Honnleath.
  4. 1 Main story quest - any story so that you would progress the world. Circle Tower is great, for getting extra Strength, Cunning, and Dexterity points.
  5. Explore the world and wait for a random world encounter where you can recruit Zevran. He is the one who can teach the Assassin specialization with good relations (approval of 27 or more).
  6. Your preferred quests

Full Build Setup

In this section, I will go with in-depth explanations of each important selection for attributes, talents, and skills. This will give you a better understanding of what role each decision will have on your overall build. The explanations can also be used to better decide your picks for optimizations.


In this section, I would like to review the recommended attributes for Duelist Build. You will be required to pick them every level up, so optimizing and not wasting any of them will prove vital for the build.

attributes duelist rogue build dao

There are a few major goals that should be reached:

Attribute Description
Strength - 18. You will get +4 from the Fade Quest inside the Circle Tower. This will leave 4 points, that you can allocate as your progress every few levels. It will enable wearing the best armor in the game. This can also be somewhat delayed, if you do not have Battledress of the Provocateur from the DLC.
Dexterity - MAX Put all the points in here as this will give all the main stats the build needs - damage, attack, and defense.
Cunning - 22 22 Cunning is good as it will give access to the highest tier Deft Hands to help with lockpicking and trap disarm. However, if you plan on having Leliana in your group, I would leave this uninvested. She could be the one doing the lockpicking.
Need help with level-by-level attribute/talent progression? For my supporters on Ko-Fi or Patreon, I offer attribute picks on each level, for optimal progression.


The goal in my opinion is to get Combat Training and Coercion to a maximum. This will cover all the aspects that the main character would need in my opinion.

Skill Level Description
Coercion 4 Better persuasion to solve various quests and get better rewards in some situations.
Pickpocket 1 Access to one of the most lucrative quests in the game in terms of gold rewards.
Poison-Making 4 Allows creating coatings that improve damage.
Combat Training 4 Provides bonus stats to improve hit chance.
Tactics 1 Additional slot, for those situations when you are not controlling the character.


The build uses two specializations which both improve the build:

Specialization Description
Duelist The specialization gives bonus dexterity which is your main attribute. Moreover, you will get access to useful talents like Dueling and Pinpoint Strike for better combat effectiveness.
Assassin Provides a bonus of +2 to dexterity and unlocks a few powerful talents to improve damage. I would prioritize this tree, as the Mark of Death can be obtained at level 7.


There are many talents that you will want in the early game, so it might be hard to prioritize, but overall, you don't need many active ones.

Need help with level-by-level attribute/talent progression? For my supporters on Ko-Fi or Patreon, I offer attribute picks on each level, for optimal progression.


Talents Description
Mark of Death This can be used on stronger enemies
Exploit Weakness
Gives a direct damage boost based on your Cunning value. Because your Cunning is low, this will be a marginal improvement.
Both of these talents are optional. Lacerate does not work correctly without recommended mods and Feast of the Fallen stamina regeneration is not as relevant as you will not use many active talents late in the game.
Feast of the Fallen

Duelist Tree

Talent Description
Dueling One of the key Sustained talents, that will improve attack and defense values.
Upset Balance Mainly for progression.
Keen Defense Improves Dueling and gives bonus defense.
Pinpoint Strike All hits will land as critical hits. This can be amazing for the start of combat as you might not be able to reach the flanks of enemies.

Power of Blood

These talents are obtained automatically if you drink a blood vial in Soldier's Peak.

Talent Description
Dark Passage Improves dodge chance.
The Tainted Blade Improves damage at the sacrifice of your HP. It does come with a bug while using Dual-Weapon Expert talent.


Dirty Fighting tree

Talent Description
Dirty Fighting Allows you to momentarily stun the target, especially if they are about to run away. Works perfectly against mages. It also has a strong synergy with Coup de Grace as you can inflict backstabs while standing in front.
Combat Movement Improves the flanking angle, making it easier to land backstabs.
Coup de Grace Very powerful talent allows one to inflict backstabs on stunned or paralyzed enemies. This drastically improves damage per second as no movement will be required.

Below the Belt tree (Optional)

For Dexterity build you do not need this. There is an option for a small damage boost via getting Lethality, in case your Cunning would be higher than Strength. But that's it.

Talent Description
Below the Belt It's a decent early-game attack that can weaken foes. However, later on, it will be much weaker than auto-attacks.
Deadly Strike It's an okay ability that you can use in early game for some guaranteed damage.
Lethality One of the core talents of the build. It enables you to rely on Cunning instead of Strength for damage calculations. This allows one to rely on one attribute for damage - Cunning, which by itself also improves armor penetration.

Deft Hands tree

This tree is very important for exploration. You may wonder why. The obvious reason is chest unlocks. The more subtle reason is trap-disarming which will also provide some additional XP throughout the game. I also do not recommend picking all of the talents - only 2 or 3.

Talent Description
Deft Hands Allows unlocking and disarming very simple contraptions.
Improved Tools Improves trap detection and lockpicking
Mechanical Expertise Further improves lockpicking and trap disarming.
Device Mastery The highest tier of unlocking.

To unlock all chests in the game you would need Cunning of 30 in addition to these talents. This means that for Dexterity rogue this might not be possible unless you have the best items in the game to stack attribute bonuses. However, I would not worry about that as Chests usually don't contain any unique gear.

Stealth tree (optional)

Talent Description
Stealth To be fair, this tree is optional. I never use it on my main character, but I understand the appeal and it could be used in some situations - for example reaching an enemy mage before engaging in combat.
Stealthy Item use
Combat Stealth
Master Stealth

Dual Weapon

The main tree for maximum dual-wielding effectiveness.

Dual-Weapon Training tree

Spell Description
Dual-Weapon Training Improves the off-hand weapon damage.
Dual-Weapon Finesse Gives bonuses to attack and defense when dual-wielding to improve combat performance.
Dual-Weapon Expert Kind of a bugged ability, but it does provide bonuses to critical hit chance.

Dual Striking Tree

Spell Description
Dual Striking Only taken for progression.
Riposte One of a few talents that can stun enemies and apply control. If the enemy is stunned you can then use Backstabs on them with Coup de Grace.
These active talents can be good for bosses as they apply some debuffs. However, most of the time you will be using auto attacks, as they just deal more damage.

Dual-Weapon Sweep Tree

Spell Description
Dual-Weapon Sweep Mainly for progression, but can be useful in the early game for dealing damage.
Flurry Only for progression.
Momentum Drastically improves attack speed. However, if you have a mage with Haste, check the recommended mods that address high attack speed bugs.
Whirlwind Late game pick, which allows you to instantly take out or damage multiple enemies surrounding rogue.


The gear you use with Rogue Duelist Build will play a crucial role in combat. There are various combos that you can go with.

Below, you will find the gear that should be used with the build. Generally, the lower the item is in the table the lower its priority and the earlier you can get it. So the top ones are the best picks.


I do recommend only using Daggers. The build does not utilize Dual Striking, so a heavier weapon will not bring much benefit. Of course, you might be able to increase DPS like that, but to be fair, it is already overkill as enemies will melt.

Item Description
The Rose's Thorn iconThe Rose’s Thorn The best dagger in the game giving good bonuses and three rune slots.
Duncan's Dagger iconDuncan’s Dagger Very good dagger, especially if you can obtain or upgrade it to a higher tier for 3 rune slots. The +10 damage to dragons is amazing against dragon bosses.
The Edge One of the best daggers that you get very early. It gives a big direct damage boost and only needs 26 dexterity to wear.
Duncan's Dagger iconDead Thaig Shanker Gives a significant boost to cunning - the main damage stat.
thorn of the dead gods iconThorn of the Dead Gods This dagger depends on the tier at which you obtain it. At tier 6, it is one of the best picks.


Item Description
Helm of Honnleath iconHelm of Honnleath One of the best helmets in the game, giving a +2 all-attribute boost.
first enchanters cowl daoFirst Enchanter's Cowl Can be used together with other dodge items to greatly boost survivability. Sadly, it is obtained very late in the game.
Free scout arming cap iconFree Scout Arming Cap +2 Dexterity boost. This improves your dagger damage and increases defense.
Free scout arming cap iconLongrunner’s Cap A slight boost to stamina regeneration.


Item Description
The Felon's Coat iconThe Felon’s Coat Boosts dexterity, increasing your damage. It will also increase stamina regeneration, allowing it to sustain Momentum for much longer.
The Felon's Coat iconBattledress of the Provocateur A safer option, that also gives a +15% chance to dodge, giving a significant boost to survivability. In addition, you get bonus dexterity and armor.
The Felon's Coat iconWade’s Superior Drakeskin Leather Armor I only recommend equipping this together with Wade's Superior Drakeskin armor set. Just armor bonuses are quite disappointing and you need the whole set.
The Felon's Coat iconShadow of the Empire Not as good as the others, because provides only +2 dexterity. Moreover, it gives additional strength that is not as useful once you reach the required threshold.
Dalish armor iconDalish Armor Great armor early in the game. Can be bought in Dalish Camp. Moreover, you can equip it with other items for the Dalish Leather armor set bonus.


Item Description
light gloves iconRed Jenny Seekers Gives +15% to critical and backstab damage.
light gloves iconBackhands Similar to Red Jenny Seekers, however, gives only +10% to backstab and critical damage.
light gloves iconWade’s Superior Drakeskin Gloves Give's +1 to Dexterity. Best to wear with Wade's Superior Drakeskin armor set, but can be worn alone
Wade's Superior Drakeskin GlovesAngled Strikers Gives a 5% backstab bonus that is great in the early game, especially if you do not have the Dalish Leather armor set
dalish gloves iconDalish Gloves Use these gloves together with Dalish Leather armor set


Item Description
Silverhammer's Tackmasters iconSilverhammer’s Tackmasters Overall, the best light boots for rogue builds with a +2 Dexterity bonus.
The lion's Paw iconThe Lion's Paw Gives a 10% chance to avoid enemy attacks. Use it together with other similar items.
cadash stompers iconCadash Stompers Equip these if your Warden will have 22 strength. The additional armor and critical chance are a great minor boost.
Silverhammer's Tackmasters iconWade’s Superior Drakeskin Boots Gives +1 Dexterity. They should also be worn with Wade's Superior Drakeskin armor set for maximum effectiveness.
Bard's dancing shoes iconBard’s Dancing Shoes One of the best defensive boots in the game. Gives bonus defense and reduces hostility.
Dalish Boots iconDalish Boots Cheap boots, that provide +3 defense. This allows you to evade more attacks.


Item Description
Andruil's blessing iconAndruil’s Blessing One of the best belts in the game, giving significant attribute boosts of +2. It also improves stamina regeneration, which is not as important but still somewhat relevant.
destructionist's belt icon Guildmaster's Belt Gives a significant boost of +3 Cunning for higher damage.
Cinch of skillful maneuvering iconCinch of Skillful Maneuvering Gives +1 to all attributes and improves dodge chance. The only drawback is that this requires finishing the Witch Hunt DLC.
Dalish Hunter's Belt iconDalish Hunter's Belt Both of these belts give a boost to stamina regeneration. This is a low priority but still somewhat relevant, especially in the early game.
dalish leather belt icon daoDalish Leather Belt


Item Description
The spellward iconThe Spellward The amulet can be used to stack chances to dodge and improve survivability greatly. It also has a significant boost to spell resistance, making it easy to avoid some nasty surprises.
Pearl of Anointed iconPearl of the Anointed The +1 to all attributes is a significant boost, especially at the start of the game.
Magister's Shield iconMagister's Shield Provides bonus defense and spell resistance.
Mark of vigilance iconMark of Vigilance Gives bonus spell resistance and defense to avoid enemy attacks.


Item Description
Key to the city iconKey to the City It's one of the best rings in the game. It gives +2 to all attributes. It can be obtained in Orzammar
wicked oath iconThe Wicked Oath
Gives a significant boost to backstab damage.
harvest festival ringHarvest Festival Ring Improves strength, dexterity, and attack - these are all important stats to wear better gear and improve hit chance with defense.
the lucky stone iconThe Lucky Stone Gives +1 to all attributes, which improves dexterity and strength.
ring of the warrior iconRing of the Warrior Improves Dexterity by 2 and gives bonus strength.
keeper's Ring iconKeeper’s Ring +1 Dexterity for minor damage and defense boost.

How to use the Build

In this section, I would like to go through some general tips on how to correctly utilize the build.

Main mechanics

In this part, I would like to go through the core mechanics of the build. Using them you can construct your preferred playstyle and utilize everything that the various talent and equipment picks have to offer.

Sustained Talents

The build needs a few sustained abilities as they will give a huge improvement in terms of damage.

  1. Momentum - improves attack speed by 30%, mandatory talent from very early.
  2. Dueling - improves both attack and defense. You should not worry about the former, but the latter is great as it will give even more chances for you to avoid incoming attacks.

Optional sustained ability:

  • The Tainted Blade - I recommend this only in case you want to minmax the damage. Due to low cunning, this gives a marginal improvement and I would not worry about it.

Cunning - Lockpicking and Traps

So the build comes with low Cunning. This means that you will not be perfect for lockpicking and trap-disarm. This can also lead to some backtracking as you obtain higher tier Deft Hands which would then help with the chests.

My solutions are these:

  • Have Cunning at least 20 with the base value.
  • Or use another rogue like Leliana which is perfect for Lockpicking.


The main idea with Rogue is that you can get guaranteed backstabs which inflict a similar amount of damage as critical hits. They are technically different so some effects will not apply. But overall, the damage amount will be similar.

This encourages you to go behind enemies and use every chance you get to exploit this weakness. This creates an interesting and engaging playstyle, where you think of ways how to safely reach targets and exploit this.

However, for the late game, when you will be very powerful with plenty of runes, high damage, and fast attack speed I would use a different approach. For normal enemies use auto attacks without backstab, as they only need a few hits to be killed. This does not waste any time with movement. And for stronger foes exploit the backstabs.

Coup de Grace and stunned targets

One of the talents that you will obtain is Coup de Grace. It will allow you to inflict backstabs on stunned targets. This is important as you can use Dirty Fighting or mage Paralysis, Glyph of Paralysis, etc. to not waste time with movement and instantly attack for maximum damage.

Maintaining high attack speed

So I already mentioned this a few times, but there are various bugs with dual wielding and in general attack speed. The main one is that if your attack speed reaches above 50% percent you start hitting slowly. This can happen easily:

  • Momentum - 30% attack speed
  • Haste - 25% attack speed

For rogues, there is no in-game fix for this besides disabling one of them. However, if you are on PC you can install recommended mods that address this issue.

High Dodge chance

Opposite to Dual Wield Assassin Build that mainly uses Cunning, this one utilizes Dexterity. This means that you have no problems avoiding enemy hits due to high Defense. Still, you can use a few items with an increased dodge chance to avoid attacks in case they pass your defenses.

So in total, you can reach 70% Dodge chance, without accounting for the defense values of your rogue. So you will avoid 7/10 hits, making you a very sturdy and robust frontline combatant. Of course, this is not mandatory, and just an option if you find a need for this and your healer might not be doing a good job of keeping you alive.

Early Game Combat

The start of the game might be a bit difficult as you will be limited by your spell arsenal. However, with each level, it will be easier and easier. Here are some recommendations for the early game:

  • Make sure to use Dual-Weapon Sweep, as it hits multiple enemies and is effective early on.
  • Activate Momentum for improved attack speed.
  • Dirty Fighting is excellent for stunning Lieutenants or casters, which you can then attack from the back.
  • Go for the enemy's back to inflict backstabs with maximum damage.

Late Game Combat

  • Always have active - Momentum and Dueling for maximum combat effectiveness.
  • Riposte can be used to stun stronger targets like lieutenants or bosses.
  • Use Mark of Death on bosses to drastically improve damage.
  • Whirlwind and Dual-Weapon Sweep can be used to hit multiple enemies surrounding you.
  • Auto-Attacks are your bread and butter and I would mostly rely on them.
  • Don't waste time on moving behind the backs of weak enemies just attack them directly.


Thank you for reading the Rogue Duelist Build, post for Dragon Age: Origins. This setup offers very high dexterity which results in a rogue, that is far from a glass cannon and can survive alone in many of the game encounters.

Feel free to leave feedback below.


Post author zanuffas avatar zanuffas
Gamestegy Founder. I have been writing game guides and builds for 4 years. I like to push myself to create something wonderful for the readers!