Ranger Build - The Prey Tracker

Ranger Build - The Prey Tracker - Dragon Age: Origins (DAO)

By zanuffas
Last updated:
This post will cover Ranger Build - The Prey Tracker for Dragon Age: Origins. You will be using your long-range archer skills and beast companion to hunt down foes. With your tracking skills, there is no one safe on the field be it a darkspawn or a drake.

Ranger Build - The Prey Tracker

This build offers a fantasy of Archer Ranger using its pets to track down foes. The build revolves around a few core aspects.

First - the Ranger pets. They can be very effective if used correctly. Wolf can lunge on an enemy and disable them. Bear is excellent for being a tank that can soak up a lot of damage, and draw the enemy's attention. Spider is kind of okay, but as it does not have any control options it is inferior to others.

Next, is your second specialization which is Bard. It will buff allies and the summoned beast with improved damage and critical chance. This will depend on Cunning, in which the build will invest heavily.

Lastly, all of this will culminate into a powerful archer build with all the buffs, high critical chance, and solid damage. This will depend on the gear you can access, so I recommend getting the gear from the recommendation list.

If this sounds like what you are interested in, let's go more into the build!

The build has been played and tested on Nightmare difficulty

Character Creation

If you are into optimizing there are a few things that you can do to optimize your build a bit.

dwarf starting rogue race dao


So, all the races can have rogue classes and have very interesting backstories for that. However, I do think for optimal setup two of those are better:

Attribute Description
Human Gives +1 Dexterity and +1 Cunning, which directly improves survivability and damage. The initial strength bonus will help reach gear requirements earlier.
Dwarf Dwarves give a boost to strength and dexterity and also come with magic resistance. This is an important stat for survivability, as some enemy casters can be deadly.


The choice here is obvious:

Class Description
Rogue The main class will give you access to all the spells mentioned in the build and recommended specializations.


To be fair there are quite a few background choices. Elves and Dwarves get two of each. Here are my recommendations

Background Description
Human Noble The default and the only choice for humans.
City Elf Gives Coercion skill which is the most relevant for the main character.
Dwarven Commoner Offers Stealing skill, that unlocks a unique mission sequence in Denerim Market. Also fits the build very well.


For the start of the game, all points should be invested - +5 Cunning. Although this will delay the access to required equipment, reaching 20 as soon as possible will allow you to unlock all chests in the early game, and see traps.

Need help with level-by-level attribute/talent progression? For my supporters on Ko-Fi or Patreon, I offer attribute picks on each level, for optimal progression.


I recommend one of the following:

Skill Description
Coercion 1 level will help unlock some additional dialogue options in the early game.
Combat Training If you already have Coercion, from the background, then I would pick this one to provide the main offensive stat boost. This will make it easier to land hits in early-game encounters.


There are 2 main talents that I would prioritize.

Spells Description
Deft Hands Makes sure you can disarm early-game traps, and unlock all the chests in the Ostagar and Lothering areas. However, you will need at least 2 levels or 20 Cunning in addition to this talent to make trap detection any good.
Melee Archer The most important talent early on. This will allow you to fire without interruptions while under attack.

Quest Priority and Locations

Once you have finished Ostagar and Lothering, the world will open up and you can visit multiple areas. Below I will cover some progression recommendations, to obtain a few core items needed.

This is an optional progression. If you want to experience the main quests in different sequences, feel free to do that!

If you do not have Specializations unlocked:

  1. Stoner Prisoner and Return to Ostagar have a few core items to the build, particularly Repeater Gloves.
  2. Circle Tower - additional attributes for progression and to reach the required strength threshold to save attribute points.
  3. Talk with Leliana a few times in camp and get her on the positive side. Ask her about Orlais and spies. This will unlock Bard's specialization.
  4. Should be able to purchase the Manual: Ranger from Bodahn Feddic in the camp for 15 Gold.
  5. Your preferred quests

Full Build Setup

In this section, I will go with in-depth explanations of each important selection for attributes, talents, and skills. This will give you a better understanding of what role each decision will have on your overall build. The explanations can also be used to better decide your picks for optimizations.


In this section, I would like to review the recommended attributes for Ranger Build. You will be required to pick them every level up, so optimizing and not wasting any of them will prove vital for the build.

attributes dao ranger build

Attribute Description
Strength - 18 The main attribute of the build that will determine the effectiveness of the build. This will improve the healing amount, spell success chance, and auto-attack damage.
Dexterity - 30 This is the minimum amount, you will need 34 to wear some of the bows, but you should be getting at least +4 from gear. Otherwise, invest more based on the situation.
Cunning - Max Put everything else in here. This is the core attribute that will improve and maximize your damage via Lethality and other talents.
Need help with level-by-level attribute/talent progression? For my supporters on Ko-Fi or Patreon, I offer attribute picks on each level, for optimal progression.


The goal in my opinion is to get Combat Training and Coercion to a maximum. This will cover all the aspects that the main character would need in my opinion.

Skill Level Description
Coercion 4 Allows to overcome various dialogues, finish quests earlier, or avoid unnecessary combat.
Pickpocket 1 Access to one of the most lucrative quests in the game in terms of gold rewards.
Survival 4 Survival skill fits the theme of the build very well. Moreover, by knowing enemy levels you can effectively use Arrow of Slaying (if you decide to take it) against lower-level foes.
Combat Training  4 Improves mana regeneration, and casting while under attack, mainly we want that +2 regeneration from level 2. Higher levels are a decent addition.


The build uses two specializations which both improve the build:

Specialization Description
Ranger The main specialization of this build giving access to various beasts. The two strongest ones are Wolf and Bear.

What about a second specialization? To be fair, there are two options that you can pick:

Specialization Description
Bard Important specialization for this build as it will help utilize high Cunning to improve damage via Song of Courage. This is my recommended option because as the main character you can invest a lot into cunning for higher damage bonuses.
Duelist Gives access to Dueling sustained talent which improves attack and defense. The former is important as it will improve hit chance that the build does need for effective DPS.


In this section, I would like to go through recommended talents for the Ranger Build. Overall, the early game is the hardest, when there are many options on how to progress. I will give some description of my picks and how they interact with the build.

Need help with level-by-level attribute/talent progression? For my supporters on Ko-Fi or Patreon, I offer attribute picks on each level, for optimal progression.

Ranger Tree

Talent Description
Summon Wolf The first pet gets access to additional talents via the Tactics screen. Without these, it is an average distraction to the enemies.
Summon Bear A sturdy beast that can act as a tank and a source of health for any blood mages in the party.
Summon Spider Can be used to immobilize foe. Overall, it is a decent companion, but inferior to the other ones.
Master Ranger Improves the stats of the beasts and gives new talents.

Bard Tree

Talent Description
Song of Valor A decent early-game talent, that can be used for improved mana and stamina regeneration. It's not very efficient, however, as you will not have much use for your stamina otherwise, this can be activated until you unlock the next buff.
Distraction Progression Talent
Song of Courage Gives a good boost to damage, critical chance, and critical damage, based on your cunning. This is one of the key skills to maximize the build damage.

Rogue Tree

Dirty Fighting Tree

Talent Description
Dirty Fighting This talent is unlocked by default, but it's a good option to stun nearby enemies.

Below the Belt tree

Talent Description
Below the Belt Progression Talent, I do not see it being useful as it applies no control and gives a movement speed decrease to the foe.
Deadly Strike Progression Talent
Lethality One of the core talents, that allows bow damage to scale with cunning instead of strength.

Deft Hands tree

Talent Description
Deft Hands These talents are needed to improve your lockpicking and trap-disarming. Overall, with high Cunning (70+) you can have 0 investment in these. However, as high-level chests are spread throughout the game you would need to do some backtracking. For this reason, to balance everything out, I suggest taking these 3 and having high Cunning.
Improved Tools
Mechanical Expertise

Power of Blood

These talents are obtained automatically if you drink a blood vial in Soldier's Peak.

Talent Description
Dark Passage Improves dodge chance.
The Tainted Blade The damage bonus also applies to ranged attacks.

Archery Tree

Melee Archer

Talent Description
Melee Archer Very important talent that allows you to shoot without interruptions when enemies are using melee hits against you.
Aim Very important talent for the build. It will improve all damage-related stats - critical chance, armor penetration, and damage. This will slow down attack speed, but with Repeater Gloves that should be a minor problem.
Defensive Fire Progression talent.
Master Archer Improves almost all abilities of the archery tree.

Pinning Shot

Talent Description
Pinning Shot Decent early game talent, to pin down foes. But loses potential as you improve bow damage.

Rapid Shot

Talent Description
Rapid Shot Progression Talent can be useful before you obtain Repeater Gloves.
Shattering Shot This one should be used against bosses, as normal or lieutenant enemies will not survive enough so you would benefit from the armor reduction.
Suppressing Fire Progression talent.
Scattershot One of the best talents that an archer gets. It can stun the whole room of enemies with a correctly placed shot. Try to hit the largest group.


The gear you use with Ranger Build will play a crucial role in combat. There are various combos that you can go with.

Below, you will find the gear that should be used with the build. Generally, the lower the item is in the table the lower its priority and the earlier you can get it. So the top ones are the best picks.


Item Description
The Sorrows of Arlathan iconThe Sorrows of Arlathan Gives all core stats that the build needs - improved critical chance, attack speed, and damage. This does require to finish Witch Hunt DLC.
Far song iconFar Song One of the best bows in the game provides core stats needed for build improvement - critical damage boost, critical chance, and damage with rapid aim effect.
whitewood bow icon daoWhitewood Bow Comes with a good damage boost, making it a decent early and mid-game weapon for Archer.
Falon'Din's Reach iconFalon'Din's Reach A decent bow that comes with a Rapid Aim bonus and improved damage. It also has the highest-tier materials.
bregan's bow iconBregan's Bow It's one of the best early-game bows, just be sure to get enough Dexterity.


Item Description
Helm of Honnleath iconHelm of Honnleath One of the best helmets in the game giving +2 to all attributes.
the long sight iconThe Long Sight Provides +5% ranged critical chance boost for stacking.
armsmans tensioner icon daoArmsman's Tensioner Comes with a Rapid Aim effect. It is useful if you are playing with recommended mods and Repeater Gloves -3 seconds effect is fixed to 0.3s. Otherwise, skip it.
Free scout arming cap iconQuicksilver Arming Cap +2 Cunning to improve damage directly and from various talents.
Free scout arming cap iconFree Scout Arming Cap Provides +2 Dexterity which is less important than cunning in the late game.
Free scout arming cap iconLongrunner’s Cap Adds 0.5 stamina regeneration.


Item Description
The Felon's Coat iconThe Felon’s Coat The best armor in terms of direct boost to damage. It offers +6 Dexterity and other relevant bonuses.
The Felon's Coat iconBattledress of the Provocateur This does trade blows with The Felon’s Coat. It can be obtained very early. Although it provides less dexterity it comes with a boost to dodge. I think it is less important for ranged characters, compared to melee rogues.
The Felon's Coat iconWade’s Superior Drakeskin Leather Armor I only recommend equipping this together with Wade's Superior Drakeskin armor set. I would avoid using just armor, as its bonuses are disappointing.
The Felon's Coat iconShadow of the Empire Not as good as the others, because provides only +2 dexterity. Moreover, it gives additional strength that is not as useful once you reach the required threshold.
Dalish armor iconDalish Armor Great armor early in the game. Can be bought in Dalish Camp. Moreover, you can equip it with other items for the Dalish Leather armor set bonus.


Unfortunately, there are not many worthwhile gloves.

Item Description
Repeater gloves iconRepeater Gloves The best gloves in the game for archers if playing without mods. It gives -3s animation duration, overcoming most of the archer bugs (I cover them in the build mechanics section). Otherwise, if you are using recommended mods I would put these to lower priority as they only give -0.3s.
light gloves iconRed Jenny Seekers Gives +15% to critical damage.
light gloves iconBackhands Similar to Red Jenny Seekers, however, gives only +10% to critical damage.
light gloves iconWade’s Superior Drakeskin Gloves Give's +1 to Dexterity. Best to wear with Wade's Superior Drakeskin armor set, but can be worn alone
dalish gloves iconDalish Gloves Use these gloves together with the Dalish Leather armor set


Item Description
cadash stompers iconCadash Stompers Gives +2 dexterity and ranged critical chance, the best boots for an archer. However, you will need 22 strength to equip the item.
Silverhammer's Tackmasters iconSilverhammer’s Tackmasters Gives +2 to Dexterity. Best boots for the Rogue in terms of damage.
Silverhammer's Tackmasters iconWade’s Superior Drakeskin Boots You can also wear them without Wade's Superior Drakeskin armor set as they give bonus Dexterity.
The lion's Paw iconThe Lion's Paw Provides a bonus dodge chance. It's a useful stat but not crucial for long ranged builds which can avoid attacks.
Bard's dancing shoes iconBard’s Dancing Shoes A decent boost to defense, to make it easier to avoid enemy attacks.
Dalish Boots iconDalish Boots Great early boots that you can obtain cheap in Dalish Camp. Use these boots together with the Dalish Leather armor set


Item Description
Andruil's blessing iconAndruil’s Blessing Comes with a +2 to all attributes bonus improving all the stats the build needs.
destructionist's belt icon Guildmaster's Belt +3 Cunning, which is a significant boost to damage and also provides a bonus chance to dodge attacks.
Cinch of skillful maneuvering iconCinch of Skillful Maneuvering You will need to finish Witch Hunt DLC to unlock this accessory. Gives +1 to all attributes, spell resistance, and improved dodge chance.
Longbowman's Belt iconLongbowman's Belt Provides +2% critical hit chance.
Dalish Hunter's Belt iconDalish Hunter's Belt Both of these belts give a boost to stamina regeneration. This is a low priority but still somewhat relevant, especially in the early game.
dalish leather belt icon daoDalish Leather Belt


Item Description
The high Regard of House dace amulet iconThe High Regard of House Dace The best amulet in terms of offensive power as it improves Cunning.
Pearl of Anointed iconPearl of the Anointed The +1 to all attributes is a significant boost, especially at the start of the game.
The spellward iconThe Spellward Considered one of the best amulets in the game as it gives dodge chances and spell resistance. Still, I am more in favor of offensive stats on amulets for a build using long-ranged weapons.
Magister's Shield iconMagister's Shield Improves defense and spell resistance.
Mark of vigilance iconMark of Vigilance Provides defense and resistance bonuses.


Item Description
Key to the city iconKey to the City One of the best rings in the game. It will be contested by many builds, so just listing it here as an option.
blood ring iconDusk Ring Sacrifice 1 point in strength (this should not be a problem in the late game) to gain +3 Cunning.
the lucky stone iconThe Lucky Stone +1 to all attributes that improve all the core stats of the build.
harvest festival ringHarvest Festival Ring Improves dexterity and strength. The ring is perfect to gain attributes to wear the best armors in the game and save attribute points.
silverleaf icon daoSilverleaf +1 Cunning which is not much, but still a relevant addition to the build's core talents.
ring of the warrior iconRing of the Warrior Improves dexterity and strength.
wicked oath iconThe Wicked Oath
Improves critical damage and armor penetration.
keeper's Ring iconKeeper’s Ring +1 Dexterity for improved damage, attack, and defense.

How to use the Build

In this section, I would like to go through some general tips on how to correctly utilize the build.

Main mechanics

In this part, I would like to go through the core mechanics of the build. Using them you can construct your preferred playstyle and utilize everything that the various talent and equipment picks have to offer.

Sustained Talents

The build does not use many active talents so it's easy to use sustained abilities with minimal impact on the offensive potential of the build.

  1. Song of Courage - the main Bard song, that will improve your and party member damage.
  2. Aim - gives bonuses to damage and critical chance, greatly improving combat potential. Sadly, this does slower attack speed which can be addressed with some items that I recommend.
  3. One of the beasts - I do recommend Summon Wolf or Summon Bear depending on the what kind of fights you are doing. Generic - use Wolf, bosses - Bear.

Optional sustained abilities. These can be activated depending on the situation or party composition:

  • Song of Valor - the song can be used early in the game to improve mana and stamina regeneration early on. Still, the bonuses are quite low and should be dropped later in the game.
  • Tainted Blade - works with ranged weapons. It does slowly drain health, which can be risky in some encounters. I do recommend some discretion when using it.

Cunning - Damage, Lockpicking and Traps

The main stat of this build is Cunning. Thanks to Lethality it is used for damage calculation instead of strength. Why is this important?

  • It improves armor penetration which results in more damage against heavily armored enemies.
  • Improves the Song of Courage effect giving even more boost to damage.
  • Improves Tainted Blade effect.
  • Increases the lockpicking and trap disarm capabilities.

So as you can see, with a single talent the build receives a significant boost to damage and utility during world exploration.

Shale and Rock Mastery

If your main character is an archer probably you will want to maximize all of its damage-related stats. Due to this, it is important to have Shale in the group.

Shale Rock mastery talents

Shale has a Rock Mastery aura. This buff provides +5% to ranged critical chance. Moreover, when she uses Rock Barrage the bonus is increased to +10% ranged critical chance.

That is not all. If you use Hurl Rock party aim speed also increases in total by -2 seconds.

So having Shale in the party will maximize everyone’s offensive capabilities especially if they are an archer. There is one problem, the aura radius is quite short, so your archer should be standing nearby to receive its effects.

Summoned Beasts and their effectiveness

This section is relevant if you have picked Ranger specialization for Leliana. I would like to go through some important mechanics to best utilize these beasts.

Beast Description
Wolf Perfect if you are not lazy and can set up the tactics (that are described below). This way the wolf can knock back or stun foes.
Bear This is the companion that I recommend to use. Bear is very sturdy and can act as a tank. It also is an excellent source of HP for your Blood Mages.
Spider A somewhat okay companion, it can use Web on foes, but overall, nothing spectacular.

Summoned Beasts - Tactics slots

One core problem with the Ranger beasts is that you have to take control of them to use their talents. There is a workaround on the PC. Once you summon, on the left side there will appear "tactics slots acquired".

tactics slots beasts dao

Once you click on it, you can add various actions and logic when to use them. So set up the tactics, and be sure to save them to presets. I do recommend doing this on Wolf as in terms of talents it is the most powerful pick:

ranger beast wolf tactics dao

Once you click on it, you can add various actions and logic when to use them. So set up the tactics, and be sure to save them to presets. You will have to do this every time you summon the beast. This is irritating, but sadly, this is the implementation. For this reason, I recommend using Bear only, it has the most HP and can act as an effective tank.

Archery Bugs

So Archery comes with plenty of bugs, some of them bad, others good. Overall, I do recommend using recommended mods, it makes Archer work as intended albeit a bit weaker in some cases.

First thing, effects like Haste and Swift Salve reduce attack speed... This is how it works currently. Second, the Arrow of Slaying multiplier effect is also all over the place. The simplest fix for all of this is to use Repeater Gloves. They give -3s animation time (which is also bugged) but at least fix all the attack speed problems.

Maximizing Critical Chance

So Archer builds rely on auto attacks. To improve your damage it is a good choice to maximize critical chance which will make them even more deadlier. The problem is that various active talents have long animations which result in damage over time decrease.

Let's go through the sources of critical chance increase:

So with all of these active you should easily reach 50%+ which will make at least half of your hits critical.

High Dodge chance

To increase the build survivability you can stack Dodge Chance from various items. This is a perfect option to overcome low defense and incoming enemy physical attacks.

So with a 30% dodge chance, you can avoid three out of ten attacks. This does not account for any defense-related avoidance, which would further boost the survivability.

Early Game Combat

  • Use your ranged attacks to lure enemies one by one. Just make allies stand still with Hold command. This is especially useful in Ostagar and Lothering.
  • Pinning Shot is great to disable a single foe.
  • Rapid Shot is excellent talent until you get Repeater Gloves. With a low critical chance, having a high attack speed is better.
  • If an enemy gets close just use Dirty Fighting to stun them.
  • Use Summon Wolf and setup tactics (I cover how to do this in the mechanics section), once you get Bear you can use it instead.

Late Game Combat

In general, the build just simplifies. "The most effective playstyle" is just auto-attacking. However, it does become tedious after a while, so I still recommend using some actions:

  • Arrow of Slaying - generally it is not an effective talent to use. You need to target enemies with specific level differences. However, it does give a satisfying feel when used on Lieutenant enemies with a large damage number. I would not use it on bosses.
  • Shattering Shot - this one should be used against boss enemies. This will reduce their armor improving your damage against them.
  • Scattershot - one of the strongest talents in your arsenal. Can stun multiple enemies making the encounter a piece of cake. Try to hit a large group of foes.
  • Make sure to have Aim, Song of Courage, and The Tainted Blade active for maximum damage boost.
  • Don't forget to keep summoning Wolf against normal encounters where it can disable multiple foes with Dread Howl (If you have access to the animal tactics screen on PC). For bosses, Bear is better with its huge pool of HP.


Thank you for reading the Best Ranger Build, post for Dragon Age: Origins. If you are looking for a Tracker type of build that utilizes beasts to overwhelm foes, try it out. Even without summons the Bard specialization offers sturdy buffs and archery talents with good gear that will melt almost any foe.

Feel free to leave feedback below.


Post author zanuffas avatar zanuffas
Gamestegy Founder. I have been writing game guides and builds for 4 years. I like to push myself to create something wonderful for the readers!