Loredin Build - Lore Bard and Paladin Multiclass

Loredin Build - Lore Bard and Paladin Multiclass - Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)

By zanuffas
Last updated:
In this post, I will go through Loredin Build for Baldur's Gate 3. This is a Lore Bard and Paladin multiclass giving unique synergy of radiant spells and melee attacks. It also utilizes items and Cutting Words icon action bg3Cutting Words​ to deliver weakening debuffs making enemies miss their attacks.

Loredin - Lore Bard and Paladin Multiclass Build

At the core of this build stands a Paladin, that will do most of the heavy lifting. Mainly you will engage in combat as melee martial using Divine Smite icon action bg3Divine Smite​ and other goodies available to the class.

But instead of going fully Paladin, the build finished with Bard, specifically College of Lore. This is an interesting synergy, especially as both classes have the same Spellcasting modifier. This setup will encourage you to start leaning into the support role.

Lore Bard comes with various tools at its disposal - Cutting Words icon action bg3Cutting Words, more spell slots, and Magical Secrets. All of these will help you shape your Loredin into something more than just a fighter hitting with radiant damage.

Thank you, Jevin the Paladin from BG3 Discord, for reviewing the build.

So let's get into the build

Class Contribution

The build mostly goes into Cleric to obtain all the core parts of the Tempest Domain. Sorcerer comes into play to empower the caster parts of the build.

6 Paladin (can be Devotion or Vengeance)

  • Access to a very powerful radiant damage tool - Divine Smite icon action bg3Divine Smite.
  • Ability to use Aura of Protection icon action bg3Aura of Protection​ to have high success chances with saving throws.
  • Arsenal of spells, that are not the main highlight of the build, but can be used if the situation arises - Command icon action bg3Command, Shield of Faith icon action bg3Shield of Faith, Thunderous Smite icon action bg3Thunderous Smite, Magic Weapon icon action bg3Magic Weapon, etc.
  • Proficiencies to wield any weapon and armor.
  • Access to Oath abilities like Vow of Enmity icon action bg3Vow of Enmity, Sacred Weapon icon action bg3Sacred Weapon, etc. depending on your subclass.
  • Extra Attack icon passive feature bg3Extra Attack​ for that sweet second hit to boost your damage output.

6 Lore Bard

  • Powerful reaction to weaken foes - Cutting Words icon action bg3Cutting Words. It will also spew some hilarious words.
  • Improves the amount of spell slots that Paladin has access to.
  • Bonus utility spells like Enhance Ability icon action bg3Enhance Ability, Longstrider icon action bg3Longstrider, etc.
  • Bardic Inspiration icon action bg3Bardic Inspiration, although this will mostly be used for Cutting Words icon action bg3Cutting Words. it can still help with various ability check rolls, when needed.
  • Song of Rest icon action bg3Song of Rest​ - if this is the only bard, the additional short rest is great at restoring various resources like Ki, Bardic Inspiration icon action bg3Bardic Inspiration, Warlock spell slots, etc.
  • Bonus skill proficiencies
  • Magical Secrets - access to almost all spells up to level 3 from any class. There are a few great options here, that will allow Loredin to be specced based on your playstyle.

Leveling Overview

Here is a concise table with all the main picks during your leveling progression. For more detailed reasoning, I go further in the article. Also, do not forget to check the recommended gear as it is crucial.

Level Class Selection
1 Paladin 1 STR - 8, DEX - 16, CON - 14, INT - 8, WIS - 10, CHA - 17
Skills: any
Subclass: Oath of Vengeance
2 Paladin 2 Fighting Style: Defence icon passive feature bg3Defence
Prepare Spells: Thunderous Smite icon action bg3Thunderous Smite, Shield of Faith icon action bg3Shield of FaithDivine Favour icon action bg3Divine Favour​, Command icon action bg3Command.
3 Paladin 3 -
4 Paladin 4 Feat: Great Weapon Master: All In icon passive feature bg3Great Weapon Master: All In​ or Ability Improvement +2 Charisma
5 Paladin 5
Prepare Spells: Magic Weapon icon action bg3Magic Weapon, Lesser Restoration icon action bg3Lesser Restoration
6 Paladin 6 -
7 Bard 1 Cantrips: Friends icon action bg3Friends, Light icon action bg3Light
Spells: Longstrider icon action bg3Longstrider, Feather Fall icon action bg3Feather Fall, Healing Word icon action bg3Healing Word, any.
Abilities: Charisma-related if it is the main character.
8 Bard 2 Spells: Any
9 Bard 3 Spells: Enhance Ability icon action bg3Enhance Ability
Subclass: College of Lore
Skills: pick any, and be sure to cover Charisma ones.
10 Bard 4 Cantrips: Minor Illusion icon action bg3Minor Illusion​ or Mage Hand icon action bg3Mage Hand
Spells: any
Feat: Savage Attacker icon passive feature bg3Savage Attacker​ or Ability Improvement - +2 Charisma
11 Bard 5 Spells: Glyph of Warding icon action bg3Glyph of Warding
Replace Spell: 1 spell that you do not use ->Hypnotic Pattern icon action bg3Hypnotic Pattern
12 Bard 6 Spells: Fear icon action bg3Fear
Magical Secrets: Spirit Guardians icon action bg3Spirit Guardians​ or Hunger of Hadar icon action bg3Hunger of Hadar, Counterspell icon action bg3Counterspell

Starting the Game - Level 1

This section covers the creation screen and what would go into the best Races, Abilities, and Skills for the Blaster Cleric build. Some of these choices are impactful as you cannot respec them.


Picking a race provides various benefits - abilities, dialogue options, looks, etc.

If you are having difficulties making a choice, pick whatever you prefer in terms of looks or roleplay. "The perfect race pick" is important if you are into extreme min-maxing.
Race Features Description
Half-Elf Baldur's Gate 3Wood Half-Elf The bonus movement speed is excellent for any martial build. Otherwise, you will get all the necessary proficiencies.
elf bg3Wood Elf
  • Elven Weapon Training icon passive feature bg3Elven Weapon Training
  • Darkvision icon passive feature bg3Darkvision
  • Fey AncestryFey Ancestry
  • Fleet of Foot - your movement speed is increased by 1.5m.
Half-Orc Baldur's Gate 3Half-Orc Excellent race for martial builds. The Relentless Endurance icon passive feature bg3Relentless Endurance​ will ensure that you will stand up if things come to worse and Loredin gets downed.
Githyanki Baldur's Gate 3Githyanki
  • Martial Prodigy icon passive feature bg3Martial Prodigy
Githyanki comes with a wide array of utility actions like Astral Knowledge icon action bg3Astral Knowledge, Misty Step icon action bg3Misty Step, etc. These can help both in combat and world exploration.


paladin Baldur's Gate 3Paladin
Lay on Hands icon action bg3Lay on Hands Use your blessed touch to heal a creature or cure it of all diseases and poisons. 
Divine Sense icon action bg3Divine Sense Gain Advantage on Attack Rolls against celestials, fiends, and undead.
ico_classRes_channelOath Baldur's Gate 3Channel Oath Charges You gain the ability to channel the power contained in your Paladin Oath, which you can use to fuel certain actions.


oath of vengeance bg3Oath of Vengeance
Inquisitor's Might icon action bg3Inquisitor's Might Improves weapon damage based on spellcasting modifier.
Oath of Vengeance Tenets icon passive feature bg3Oath of Vengeance Tenets Requirements that you need to meet to uphold the oath.


Backgrounds are mostly for role-playing and you can pick whatever you prefer. If you want to optimize, then it would be good to pick backgrounds that are based on your ability points of Charisma, Dexterity, or Strength.

Background Skills Description
Soldier Athletics
The most relevant background as it gives a skill using both strength and charisma abilities.
Entertainer Acrobatics
Uses both dexterity and charisma modifiers that you will have a good investment.
Guild Artisan Insight
Persuasion proficiency is the main aspect of this background.
Noble History
Similar to the above, but gives History skills.


Now let's take a look at the abilities of the Loredin build. Correct allocation will allow you to maximize the early gameplay and get good modifier bonuses.

Ability Value Description
strengthStrength 8 Although strength is important my recommendation would be to use Elixir of Hill Giant Strength or rely on Dexterity-based weapons until Act 3. Paladin already has an unfavorable stat split, so this alleviates some early-game problems.
dexterityproficient_ability Baldur's Gate 3Dexterity 16 (15+1) Dexterity is important, as it will improve your chances of going early in the turn. Moreover, if you use Medium armor, this will give an additional Armour Class. High Dexterity will also provide a way to wear some powerful finesse weapons like Phalar Aluve icon bg3Phalar Aluve if you decide not to use Elixir of Hill Giant Strength.
constitution bg3Constitution 14 High Constitution will ensure you get ample HP and a higher chance of maintaining concentration with spells.
intelligenceIntelligence 8 Not relevant for the build
wisdomWisdom 10 A slight boost to Wisdom, so that there would not be a negative modifier to saving throws.
charismaCharisma 17(15+1) The main spellcasting ability of paladins and bards. This will improve the effectiveness of spells and auras.
If you want to go with a natural high-strength setup, without Elixir of Hill Giant Strength, my recommended allocation would be STR - 17, DEX - 10, CON - 14, INT - 8, WIS - 8, CHA - 16. Later, you can pick up Gloves of Dexterity icon bg3Gloves of Dexterity for higher initiative. I go more into this setup in the maximum abilities score section of the post.

Skills and Expertise

Overall, the skills should be impacted by your roleplaying and background decisions. However, you would still want those that will give you the best benefits. My recommendation would be to go for these, most relevant to the theme of the build:

  • Intimidation
  • Persuasion
  • Athletics

Leveling Progression - Levels 2-12

Here is the detailed progression for the Lore Bard Paladin build to get you started. You can use it as a guideline because early games can be daunting and overwhelming. Later on, once you get a feel for the class you can start picking your options

Level 2

This is where you will have left the tutorial area, and will start exploring the world. 

Action Description
Divine Smite icon action bg3Divine Smite A very powerful action unique to Paladins. It will allow you to empower weapon attacks at the cost of spell slots. Use it when you need high damage to take out a foe as fast as possible or land a critical hit. Using higher-level spell slots will improve Divine Smite icon action bg3Divine Smite​ damage.

Fighting Style

Style Description
Defence icon passive feature bg3Defence Gives +1 Armour Class which results in a decent increase in survivability. I would say this is a better pick, as Great Weapon Fighting icon passive feature bg3Great Weapon Fighting​ damage bonuses are negligible.
Great Weapon FightingGreat Weapon Fighting When you roll a 1 or 2 on a damage die for an attack with a two-handed melee weapon, that die is rerolled once.

Prepared Spells

Spell Description
Thunderous Smite icon action bg3Thunderous Smite Deals decent damage and gives use for Bonus Action early in the game, when you might not have a use yet. Also making an enemy Prone will make it easier to hit them next time.
Shield of Faith icon action bg3Shield of Faith Gives +2 Armour Class as long as you can maintain concentration. Lasts until a long rest.
Command icon action bg3Command Can command the creature to drop a weapon, run away, come close, etc. It can be useful in some encounters, especially against low Wisdom enemies.

Optional Elixir of Hill Giant Strength

Well, there is a trick early in Act 1, after you reach the first settlement - Druid's Grove. There you can stock up on some really powerful potions for the rest of the game - Elixir of Hill Giant Strength.

What do they do? They increase the Strength to 21 until a Long rest. More or less this negates any need to have strength investments if you plan to use them. This is somewhat gimmicky, however, if you are interested here is a guide on how to farm Elixir of Hill Giant Strength.

Because of the build dumps strength, this is a recommended option if you do not want to use Finesse weapons. Overall, for Act 1 and 2 this saves a lot of headaches for build optimization and makes you truly powerful.

Level 3

We continue leveling Paladin. Level 3, brings some great things both for class and subclass. First the class benefits:

Feature Description
Divine HealthDivine Health Prevents diseases from affecting the Paladin.

In addition, you get subclass actions:

Action Description
Abjure Enemy icon action bg3Abjure Enemy This is kind of expensive action to use, and I would not recommend it.
Vow of Enmity icon action bg3Vow of Enmity A powerful option, that is excellent when you are fighting a stronger enemy. This will ensure you can land multiple hits more easily, especially once you obtain Great Weapon Master: All In icon passive feature bg3Great Weapon Master: All In.

In addition, you get Oath spells:

Feature Description
Bane icon action bg3Bane Not relevant in my opinion, as the cost of using it is very high.
Hunter's Mark icon action bg3Hunter's Mark It's an okay action for the early game but loses its value very fast as you will gain more and more uses for bonus action. Moreover, Vengeance Paladin already has plenty of options.

Level 4

Finally, the Loredin build will get the first Feat. In addition, another Lay on Hands Charge is unlocked, for more healing spells.


Feat Description
Great Weapon Master: All In icon passive feature bg3Great Weapon Master: All In The recommended feature greatly empowers the build by giving a flat 10 damage boost. However, it does reduce your attack rolls by 5. Here are some ways to counteract this effect in the early game - improve attack rolls. Another aspect is that you gain Great Weapon Master: Bonus Attack icon passive feature bg3Great Weapon Master: Bonus Attack​ giving you a chance to attack with bonus action.
Ability Improvement If you want to avoid managing Great Weapon Master: All In icon passive feature bg3Great Weapon Master: All In​ in the early game, just take Ability Improvement with +2 Charisma. I could also recommend +2 Dexterity (only until level 6 Aura of Protection icon action bg3Aura of Protection​) to have better initiative and a higher hit chance with weapons like Phalar Aluve icon bg3Phalar Aluve and not using Elixir of Hill Giant Strength. Still, this is a temporary solution for early-game.

Level 5

Finally, level 2 spells are unlocked, new Oath spells and you get a new and powerful class feature:

Feature Description
Extra AttackExtra Attack Can make an additional free attack after making an unarmed or weapon attack.

Always ready spells:

Spell Description
Hold Person icon action bg3Hold Person This spell can be a very powerful option, allowing you to inflict guaranteed critical hits. I do recommend using this together with Helmet of Arcane Acuity icon bg3Helmet of Arcane Acuity + Band of the Mystic Scoundrel icon bg3Band of the Mystic Scoundrel if you decide to go this route in the equipment section.
Misty Step icon action bg3Misty Step Excellent spell that gives a big mobility boost, whether you need to escape or enter combat.

Prepared Spells

As level 2 spells are unlocked here are some considerations to include in your build:

Spell Description
Lesser Restoration icon action bg3Lesser Restoration Can heal disease, poison, paralysis, and some other negative effects. Not mandatory, but good to have if the situation arises.
Magic Weapon icon action bg3Magic Weapon This spell can empower your weapons with bonus damage rolls and attack rolls. The higher the spell slot you use the bigger the bonus. Another thing is that the bonus may seem low, but it will greatly boost your success on hitting while having Great Weapon Master: All In icon passive feature bg3Great Weapon Master: All In​ active.

Level 6

Another important level for Loredin build as you will get access to an Aura.

Feature Description
Aura of Protection icon action bg3Aura of Protection Gives a bonus to saving throws making Paladin an excellent option for resisting spells and maintaining concentration with spells.

Level 7 - Bard Lv 1

To fit the Loredin Build, the build now pivots to Bard. Slowly you will gain an arsenal of utility actions and spells to expand the arsenal of Paladin in support.

mutliclass button bg3


bard Baldur's Gate 3Bard
Bardic Inspiration icon action bg3Bardic Inspiration Iconic bard feature, that can improve damage, dialogue dice rolls, and saving throws.
ico_mini_spellSlot Baldur's Gate 3Spell Slots These can be used to cast spells and are restored each long rest.


Cantrips Description
Friends icon action bg3Friends If you are the main character and do most of the dialogues, this is mandatory as it gives an advantage on dialogue rolls.
Light icon action bg3Light This will be useful in Act 2, but also if you plan on using rings like Callous Glow Ring icon bg3Callous Glow Ring and Coruscation Ring icon bg3Coruscation Ring.


Spell Description
Healing Word icon action bg3Healing Word I like having this spell on hand, as it can be used to raise a downed ally in a tight situation just by using bonus action.
Longstrider icon action bg3Longstrider Improves movement speed.
Feather Fall icon action bg3Feather Fall Great for exploration when you need to jump down from high places.
Faerie Fire icon action bg3Faerie Fire Can be situationally useful, as it does not engage enemies in combat. The guaranteed advantage is a big deal, especially when you know that an encounter is coming.

Starting Instruments

Pick the coolest looking for you.


I recommend getting Charisma-based ones - Deception, Persuasion, Performance or Intimidation.

Level 8 - Bard Lv 2

This is where you will have left the tutorial area, and will start exploring the world. From the get-go, Bard gets some useful bonuses.

Features Description
Jack of All Trades icon passive feature bg3Jack of All Trades A truly useful passive throughout the whole game to increase your chances of ability roll success.

That is not all, there is another surprise waiting:

Actions Description
Song of Rest icon action bg3Song of Rest This is a very important Bard action, and with it, you can use Short Rest a third time before Long Rest. Use it to heal or restore class-specific resources. So do not save those, and use them to your heart's content. Moreover, classes like Warlock, and Fighter, greatly benefit from it.


To be fair, pick any spell, I do not think they will give a big boost or any empowerment.

Replace Spell

Nothing to replace yet.

Level 9 - Bard Lv 3

The Bard gets to choose its subclass. Moreover, level 2 spells are unlocked, giving some better offensive and control options.


college of lore bg3College of Lore
Cutting Words icon passive feature bg3Cutting Words This is a very powerful feature, you can use Bardic Inspiration icon action bg3Bardic Inspiration​ to debilitate enemies and decrease their attack rolls or Saving Throws. It is one of the pillars of Lore Bard's build.


By picking Lore Bard you get to pick three additional skills in which you gain proficiency. Again I would recommend picking anything that is Charisma related (if not yet picked). After that, you can take - Perception, Insight, Sleight of Hand, or anything else.


Now some good spells are unlocked that will improve your options.

Spells Description
Enhance Ability icon action bg3Enhance Ability I would say this is mandatory on Honour Mode, and optional on lower difficulties. The spell can be a lifesaver as it will give a huge chance of success in case you need a roll advantage.

Replace Spell

Feel free to take anything that you want to try.

Level 10 - Bard Lv 4

The main highlight of this level is another Feat unlocked.


You can pick any cantrip, that you think might be useful, my recommendation:

Cantrip Description
Minor Illusion icon action bg3Minor Illusion Can be used to pull potential targets together. Should be used before combat. Use an area-of-effect spell for maximum effect.
Mage Hand icon action bg3Mage Hand Can be used in exploration to set off traps, distract enemies, or interact with the world.


Spell Description
Hold Person icon action bg3Hold Person You will be getting this spell with Oath of Vengeance Paladin, however, if you took Oath of Devotion be sure to take this one.
See Invisibility icon action bg3See Invisibility Can be useful in a few situations in Act 3.


Feat Description
Great Weapon Master: All In icon passive feature bg3Great Weapon Master: All In If you did not take it for level 4, this is the optimal choice, as you will have a higher chance to hit, thanks to the proficiency bonuses.
Savage Attacker icon passive feature bg3Savage Attacker Improves damage of weapon attacks, and works with Divine Smite icon action bg3Divine Smite. Landing a critical hit will greatly boost your damage.
Ability Improvement Another safe option, invest +2 Charisma. It will improve your Aura of Protection icon action bg3Aura of Protection​ and Spell Save DC

Level 11 - Bard 5

Level 5 Bard gets access to level 3 spells, which are good. Moreover, you gain some other bonuses:

Feature Description
Font of Inspiration icon passive feature bg3Font of Inspiration Extremely potent feature, that makes your Bardic Inspiration icon action bg3Bardic Inspiration​ inspirations reset each short rest. You can now use Cutting Words icon action bg3Cutting Words​ without limiting yourself.
Improved Bardic Inspiration icon passive feature bg3Improved Bardic Inspiration
Higher bonuses when using Bardic Inspiration icon action bg3Bardic Inspiration.


Spells Description
Glyph of Warding icon action bg3Glyph of Warding The only spell that you need, for now... It can cause damage using most elements, so if the enemy is wet, just use the Lightning/Cold element. However, the most important aspect is that it can put multiple targets to sleep. This can easily invalidate many fights.

Replace Spell

I recommend removing any spell that you do not use and taking:

Spells Description
Hypnotic Pattern icon action bg3Hypnotic Pattern Can be used to disable multiple foes. Especially potent if you will use Band of the Mystic Scoundrel icon bg3Band of the Mystic Scoundrel.

Level 12 - Bard Lv 6

The last level gives a huge power-up in terms of spell arsenal for Loredin. You will have a few options to tailor the build to your play style.


Spells Description
Fear icon action bg3Fear A potent spell for a melee build can make enemies drop their weapons and run.
Plant Growth icon action bg3Plant Growth Requires no concentration and can be used to greatly slow foes passing by. The speed is cut to a quarter.

Magical Secrets

This is a very important milestone, specifically for the Loredin build. Here you can choose 2 spells, and I would like to recommend a few of them.

Spells Description
Counterspell icon action bg3Counterspell The most important spell to get in my opinion. This will ensure you can disable enemies if they are about to cast a powerful spell.
Spirit Guardians icon action bg3Spirit Guardians Pick this if you are going for a Light debuff setup, applying Reverbation and Radiating Orbs. This is a strong option, especially for making enemies miss their attacks and getting prone.
Hunger of Hadar icon action bg3Hunger of Hadar One of the most deadly spells in the game. By itself, it can cover an area in a dark fog, which blinds and slows enemies. In addition, they will receive cold and acid damage every turn. This spell can be a guaranteed win in various encounters, so use it freely!

Replace Spell

Feel free to choose anything that you want to try or have no need for.

Maximizing Ability Scores

Now, as the build progression is covered there are a few aspects and important decisions you will have to make throughout the game. These will decide your final score for abilities.


  1. Act 1 - Auntie Ethel Hair - you will want to get +1 Charisma if you pick this choice.
  2. Feat - Ability Improvement - +2 Charisma
  3. Act 3 - Mirror of Loss - pick +2/3 Charisma.

This will allow you to reach 22 natural Charisma. Without Auntie Ethel Hair, you will maximize it at 22 also, but you will need to get the third Charisma point from Mirror of Loss.


For your weapon abilities, you can go with Elixir of Hill Giant Strength to set it at 21. If not, Gloves of Dexterity icon bg3Gloves of Dexterity will help you to set high strength by dumping Dexterity, more about this in the next section.

In Act 3 you can use Gauntlets of Frost Giant Strength icon bg3Gauntlets of Frost Giant Strength to set strength at 23 and effectively use any melee weapon.

Naturally high Strength

There is a setup option for natural strength. Why would you want to do this? Here are the main reasons:

  • Using the Elixir of Hill Giant Strength, is assumed as cheating by some people.
  • Have access to the Bloodlust Elixir, especially in the early game.
  • A consistent +7 ability modifier.

Overall, it does complicate progression in my opinion, and Bloodlust Elixir can be scarce in Acts 1 and 2. Here is how you can reach high natural strength:

  1. 17 natural Strength via Ability points.
  2. Act 1 - +1 Strength Auntie Ethel Hair
  3. Feat - Ability Improvement +2 Strength
  4. Act 2 - Potion of Everlasting Vigour - +2 Strength.
  5. Act 3 - Mirror of Loss - pick +2 Strength.

This leaves 24 Strength in total, resulting in a +7 ability modifier for attacks.

It does require some sacrifices throughout the game, but overall you should use these items as you progress:

  1. Gloves of Dexterity icon bg3Gloves of Dexterity (my recommended option) - sets dexterity to 18, improving initiative and giving bonus armor class with medium and light armor. Can be used for all the acts, till you finish the game.
  2. Amulet of Greater Health icon bg3Amulet of Greater Health can be used as a substitute for Gloves of Dexterity icon bg3Gloves of Dexterity. This will leave Dexterity at 14, which is less than ideal, but you will have a huge pool of HP. This option is great if you plan on using Medium or Heavy armor for the end-game. Moreover, you will unlock a glove slot for Legacy of the Masters icon bg3Legacy of the Masters or Helldusk Gloves icon bg3Helldusk Gloves.

Potions, Elixirs and Consumables

Let's take a look at what consumables you can use to further empower the build.


These are general consumables, and most of them are activated for a few turns. Potions are separate from Elixirs and can be active together.

Consumable Description
oil of accuracy bg3Oil of Accuracy Gives +2 to attack rolls, which minimizes the negative impact from Great Weapon Master: All In icon passive feature bg3Great Weapon Master: All In.
diluted oil of sharpness bg3Diluted Oil of Sharpness Gives a bonus attack roll and damage. It is a good coating if you can apply it before combat.
potion of speed bg3Potion of Speed You can chug this potion before combat, or during combat using bonus action. It gives another action point that gives an additional attack or one more spell cast. Sadly its duration is only 3 turns.
potion of animal speaking bg3Potion of Animal Speaking Although not something powerful, it is worth stocking up and saving a spell slot.
potion of invisibility bg3Potion of Invisibility Can be used to get a perfect position before the encounter starts.


Unfortunately, only one Elixir can be active at a time. However, the good thing is that they last until a long rest, making them very useful and economical.

Be sure to activate them before combat as otherwise, you will need to use Bonus Action.

Remember to activate one elixir after each Long Rest. These are found plentiful throughout the game, so don't save them too much.
Consumable Description
elixir of bloodlust bg3Elixir of Bloodlust As you will be able to easily kill at least the weakest foe, this ensures additional attacks per turn. I recommend starting using it once you obtain Gauntlets of Frost Giant Strength icon bg3Gauntlets of Frost Giant Strength.
elixir of vigilance bg3Elixir of Vigilance For some encounters, you will want to go first. This elixir will ensure that it overcomes even surprise mechanics.
elixir of hill giant strength bg3Elixir of Hill Giant Strength Sets strength value to 21 until the Long Rest. With this option, you can easily gimp on strength in the early game. You can put those points in Dexterity or Strength. Here is a farming guide for Elixir of Hill Giant Strength
elixir of hill giant strength bg3Elixir of Cloud Giant Strength An upgraded version that is available mostly in Act 3 via crafting or purchasing. Sets Strength to 27, the highest value possible.
elixir of peerless focus bg3Elixir of Peerless Focus Another good choice that allows to better maintain spell Concentration.
superior elixir of arcane cultivation bg3Superior Elixir of Arcane Cultivation Grant's a single level 3 spell slot. Could be useful in case you are preparing for a longer encounter.
supreme elixir of arcane cultivation bg3Supreme Elixir of Arcane Cultivation Grant's a single level 4 spell slot. Could be useful in case you are preparing for a longer encounter.

Illithid Powers

This special mechanic in Baldur's Gate 3 allows you to consume tadpoles and unlock special Illithid Powers.

At first, you can only use the base powers. As you move to Act 3, you will be able to unlock the outer ring powers.

Illithid Power Type Description
Favourable Beginnings icon passive feature bg3Favourable Beginnings Base Beneficial power to take as it does not have any costs, and provides only benefits on the first hits.
Luck of the Far Realms icon passive feature bg3Luck of the Far Realms Base Guarantees a critical hit, use it on important targets, that you want to make sure are killed. This will make Divine Smite icon action bg3Divine Smite​ extremely deadly.
Cull the Weak icon passive feature bg3Cull the Weak Base Can help to kill an enemy faster if it is left with a few HP.
Illithid Expertise icon passive feature bg3Illithid Expertise Elite As you are not a charisma-based character, these proficiencies help with dialogue checks.
Black Hole icon action bg3Black Hole Elite Very powerful spell that can be used to pull enemies together.
Psionic Dominance icon action bg3Psionic Dominance Elite Can be used to save yourself from a deadly spell. This is especially relevant as you will have a disadvantage on mental saving throws.
Freecast icon passive feature bg3Freecast Elite Remove the cost of spell slots or charges.
Mind Sanctuary icon action bg3Mind Sanctuary Elite You can now use action and bonus action interchangeably, giving two full spell casts each turn.

Equipment Recommendations

Now I would like to go through some gear recommendations to maximize the Loredin Build. Items are especially important as they take the build to the next level thanks to their unique effects.

I recommend checking the Item Checklists this will help you plan your run and assign items so that they do not overlap.

Act 1

The core items of the build are obtained in Act 1, so be sure not to miss those items as they will play a crucial role in making the build effective later on, based on your setup.

Weapons with high dexterity and low strength

Slot Item Description
melee slot bg3Melee (Two-Handed) Phalar Aluve icon bg3Phalar Aluve A strong sword, that can be wielded as a two-hander. The main aspect is its special action - Phalar Aluve: Sing for bonus attack rolls and improved saving throws. This weapon can also use Dexterity as the main damage ability.
Larethian's Wrath icon bg3Larethian's Wrath A good weapon that has a solid area of effect special action to hit multiple enemies.

Weapons for high strength with elixirs

Slot Item Description
melee slot bg3Melee (Two-Handed) Unseen Menace icon bg3Unseen Menace Solid choice as it increases the critical chance and provides an advantage on attack rolls.
Svartlebee's Woundseeker icon bg3Svartlebee's Woundseeker One of the top Act 1 Greatswords. If you manage to get it, I recommend using Great Weapon Master: All In icon passive feature bg3Great Weapon Master: All In​ feat.
Sword of Justice icon bg3Sword of Justice A very good choice, it has +1 Enchantment but most importantly it can use a spell that gives +2 Armour Class.

Other Equipment

Slot Item Description
ranged slot bg3Ranged Bow of Awareness icon bg3Bow of Awareness Gives bonus initiative, allowing one to go earlier in combat.
helmet slot bg3Head Diadem of Arcane Synergy icon bg3Diadem of Arcane Synergy The best option that will lead you through the game. Be sure to use Divine Smite on the first attack, to activate Arcane Synergy.
Grymskull Helm icon bg3Grymskull Helm Gives resistance to critical hits and allows the use of Hunter's Mark, for additional single-target damage.
Haste Helm icon bg3Haste Helm Provides increased speed at the start of the combat.
cloak slot bg3Cloak - Nothing relevant for the build
armor slot bg3Armor Adamantine Scale Mail icon bg3Adamantine Scale Mail Another powerful armour from Grymforge, that is best worn with 14 Dexterity, to get Bonus Armour Class, making it equal to Heavy Armour.
Githyanki Half Plate icon bg3Githyanki Half Plate This can be equipped when starting the game by taking it from Lae'zel. Very solid option with a high Armour Class.
Luminous Armour icon bg3Luminous Armour This will work with Divine Smite icon action bg3Divine Smite​ and apply Radaiting Orb to weaken enemies. If you have cleric, this will most likely be taken by it.
gloves slot bg3Gloves Gloves of Dexterity icon bg3Gloves of Dexterity These can be an excellent choice if you are not using Cloud of Hill Giant Strenght elixirs. Moreover, they are also useful thanks to the +1 Attack roll bonus.
Gloves of the Growling Underdog icon bg3Gloves of the Growling Underdog Excellent gloves for martial builds early in the game to increase the hit chance with Great Weapon Master: All In icon passive feature bg3Great Weapon Master: All In.
boots slot bg3Boots Disintegrating Night Walkers icon bg3Disintegrating Night Walkers One of the best boots, giving a total advantage for movement on difficult surfaces. It also gives Misty Step icon action bg3Misty Step​ to increase that mobility.
Boots of Stormy Clamour icon bg3Boots of Stormy Clamour I suggest making sure you get these boots, as they might be useful later on.
Boots of Striding icon bg3Boots of Striding Gives improved movement when you cast a spell with Concentration. Moreover, you can walk on Ice without falling.
Boots of Speed icon bg3Boots of Speed Excellent boots that improve movement capabilities, especially if enemies are far.
amulet slot bg3Amulet Broodmother's Revenge icon bg3Broodmother's Revenge The only amulet in the game that gives a direct boost to damage.
ring slot bg3Rings Caustic Band icon bg3Caustic Band Adds flat 2 damage bonus.
Crusher's Ring icon bg3Crusher's Ring Improves movement speed, making it easier to reach your targets.
Ring of Protection icon bg3Ring of Protection The bonus Armour Class is a great boost for survivability.

Act 2 - mid-game

If you are not using Elixir of Hill Giant Strength then continue utilizing Phalar Aluve icon bg3Phalar Aluve or Larethian's Wrath icon bg3Larethian's Wrath until Act 3. Then you can obtain Gauntlets of Frost Giant Strength icon bg3Gauntlets of Frost Giant Strength for fixed 23 strength.

Slot Item Description
melee slot bg3Melee (Two-Handed) Shar's Spear of Evening icon bg3Shar's Spear of Evening One of the best weapons in the game, having great bonuses and actions.
Selûne's Spear of Night icon bg3Selûne's Spear of Night Good playthrough weapon that gives +3 enchantment and few unique actions.
Moonlight Glaive icon bg3Moonlight Glaive Has a passive light effect, making it effective with Callous Glow Ring icon bg3Callous Glow Ring. Moreover, it gets bonus radiant damage and unique attack actions.
Halberd of Vigilance icon bg3Halberd of Vigilance Strong Act 2 weapon, that comes with +2 enchantment and 1d4 force damage rider.
ranged slot bg3Ranged Bow of Awareness icon bg3Bow of Awareness The same bow from Act 1.
helmet slot bg3Head Diadem of Arcane Synergy icon bg3Diadem of Arcane Synergy The bonus damage based on your Charisma modifier will give a significant boost.
Helmet of Arcane Acuity icon bg3Helmet of Arcane Acuity Be sure to get it, as it can be useful in Act 3 depending on what build setup you will go for.
Flawed Helldusk Helmet icon bg3Flawed Helldusk Helmet Is cool-looking and provides good bonuses for Saving Throws.
cloak slot bg3Cloak Thunderskin Cloak icon bg3Thunderskin Cloak Because most of the enemies you come across will have Reverbation this cloak will further help to weaken those foes.
Cloak of Protection icon bg3Cloak of Protection Improves survivability and Saving Throw success. You want to equip this cloak to maintain that good Armour Class.
armor slot bg3Armor Dwarven Splintmail icon bg3Dwarven Splintmail Truly a solid heavy armor option for a frontline. It also increases the Constitution for higher HP.
Yuan-ti Scale Mail icon bg3Yuan-ti Scale Mail I would only use this if you equip Gloves of Dexterity icon bg3Gloves of Dexterity so that you could get a +4 Armor class.
gloves slot bg3Gloves Flawed Helldusk Gloves icon bg3Flawed Helldusk Gloves Bonus damage rider and a chance to inflict Bleeding.
Gloves of the Automaton icon bg3Gloves of the Automaton These can be extremely useful due to the Advantage on the attack rolls. This requires you to cast the special action they come. best to do it before combat.
boots slot bg3Boots Disintegrating Night Walkers icon bg3Disintegrating Night Walkers One of the best boots, giving a total advantage for movement on difficult surfaces. It also gives Misty Step icon action bg3Misty Step​ to increase that mobility.
Boots of Striding icon bg3Boots of Striding Gives improved movement when you cast a spell with Concentration. Moreover, you can walk on Ice without falling.
amulet slot bg3Amulet Broodmother's Revenge icon bg3Broodmother's Revenge The only amulet in the game that gives a direct boost to damage.
Amulet of the Harpers icon bg3Amulet of the Harpers Allows casting a Shield icon action bg3Shield​ spell, and can be a lifesaver if attacked heavily for one turn.
ring slot bg3Rings Killer's Sweetheart icon bg3Killer's Sweetheart The ring is very potent on Paladin as a critical hit with Divine Smite icon action bg3Divine Smite​ can be deadly against most of the enemies.
Risky Ring icon bg3Risky Ring A very simple yet risky way to obtain Advantage on hits. This will make it easier to hit enemies without much preparation and your Aura of Protection icon action bg3Aura of Protection​ can set off the negative aspect.
Callous Glow Ring icon bg3Callous Glow Ring Provides additional radiant damage. This can be used together with Luminous Armour icon bg3Luminous Armour for radiant orb activation.
Eversight Ring icon bg3Eversight Ring Can be useful in Darkness icon action bg3Darkness​ using party so that you could maintain the advantage.
Ring of Protection icon bg3Ring of Protection Solid ring for improved Armour Class.

Act 3 - Final Build setup

Act 3, is where the Loredin Build can split into a few variations depending on what gear is available and the playstyle you want to go for.

Spirit Guardians setup

The main idea of this setup is to use Spirit Guardians icon action bg3Spirit Guardians​ which deal radiant damage and will debuff enemies thanks to the equipment you have. The whole setup can even act as a Cleric in the late game, as the core playstyle revolves around the Spirit Guardians icon action bg3Spirit Guardians.

Another aspect is what weapons you choose. If you are willing to make a few evil decisions in Act 3 you can get Bhaalist Armour icon bg3Bhaalist Armour. Equip an ally with it to make them activate Aura Of Murder icon passive feature bg3Aura Of Murder​ in the melee range and use one of the mentioned spears below.

Otherwise, take the Two-Handed Swords as they will serve you well, with a little bit less damage.

Slot Item Description
melee slot bg3Melee (Two-Handed) Shar's Spear of Evening icon bg3Shar's Spear of Evening The best spear if you have an ally that has equipped Bhaalist Armour icon bg3Bhaalist Armour. Otherwise, go for the Greatsword options.
Nyrulna icon bg3Nyrulna An excellent weapon that comes with plenty of weapon actions, a thunder damage rider, and +3 enchantment. However, it does have a base roll of 1d8 which is inferior when not having piercing vulnerability. If you have an ally with Bhaalist Armour icon bg3Bhaalist Armour this is the perfect pick.
Selûne's Spear of Night icon bg3Selûne's Spear of Night An excellent weapon that comes with plenty of weapon actions, and +3 enchantment. However, it does have a base roll of 1d8 which is inferior when not having piercing vulnerability. If you have an ally with Bhaalist Armour icon bg3Bhaalist Armour this is the perfect pick.
Balduran's Giantslayer icon bg3Balduran's Giantslayer This weapon is an excellent choice as it has good bonuses and also adds bonus damage based on the strength modifier.
Silver Sword of the Astral Plane icon bg3Silver Sword of the Astral Plane It is an excellent sword, especially if you are Githyanki or can use Disguise Self icon action bg3Disguise Self​ from any source.
ranged slot bg3Ranged The Dead Shot icon bg3The Dead Shot In terms of damage bonuses, this weapon is an excellent stat stick to improve critical rolls.
Hellrider Longbow icon bg3Hellrider Longbow This bow gives +3 Initiative. I think it is extremely valuable for this Radiant setup as you can go first and debuff enemies using Spirit Guardians icon action bg3Spirit Guardians​ before they take a turn.
helmet slot bg3Head Holy Lance Helm icon bg3Holy Lance Helm With various gear bonuses and debuffs you can easily avoid most of the enemy attacks, this will reflect Radiant damage which will also proc Boots of Stormy Clamour icon bg3Boots of Stormy Clamour for the Reverbation stacks.
Diadem of Arcane Synergy icon bg3Diadem of Arcane Synergy Improves weapon damage based on the charisma modifier once you apply an effect. T
cloak slot bg3Cloak Cloak of Displacement icon bg3Cloak of Displacement Powerful cloak especially when you need to avoid enemy hits to maintain spell concentration.
Cloak of Protection icon bg3Cloak of Protection Increases Armour Class and improves Saving Throws.
armor slot bg3Armor Luminous Armour icon bg3Luminous Armour The key item of this setup. Each time you deal Radiant damage you will apply Radianting Orb stacks, weakening enemy attack rolls and making them miss.
gloves slot bg3Gloves Gauntlets of Frost Giant Strength icon bg3Gauntlets of Frost Giant Strength These gloves set your Strength to 23, giving a solid 6 ability modifier and you can effectively use strength weapons.
Legacy of the Masters icon bg3Legacy of the Masters Considered the best weapon martial gloves, but these would require you to use Strength Elixirs to compensate for low strength.
Gloves of Belligerent Skies icon bg3Gloves of Belligerent Skies If you want to go all-in on the debuff role and apply even more stacks this is a strong option. However, without the Gauntlets of Frost Giant Strength icon bg3Gauntlets of Frost Giant Strength, you will have to use Strength Elixirs or utilize Dexterity-based weapons.
boots slot bg3Boots Boots of Stormy Clamour icon bg3Boots of Stormy Clamour The best option for boots, especially as they will work extremely well with Spirit Guardians icon action bg3Spirit Guardians​ and Cutting Words icon action bg3Cutting Words​ to apply debuffs.
amulet slot bg3Amulet Amulet of Greater Health icon bg3Amulet of Greater Health You will be a target of enemies when using Spirit Guardians icon action bg3Spirit Guardians, with a high Constitution and advantage on Constitution Saving Throws you can easily maintain spells.
ring slot bg3Rings Killer's Sweetheart icon bg3Killer's Sweetheart The ring is very potent on Paladin as a critical hit with Divine Smite icon action bg3Divine Smite​ can be deadly against most of the enemies.
Risky Ring icon bg3Risky Ring A very simple yet risky way to obtain Advantage on hits. This will make it easier to hit enemies without much preparation and your Aura of Protection icon action bg3Aura of Protection​ can set off the negative aspect.
Callous Glow Ring icon bg3Callous Glow Ring Provides additional radiant damage. This can be used together with Luminous Armour icon bg3Luminous Armour for radiant orb activation when you are doing normal attacks.
Ring of Protection icon bg3Ring of Protection +1 Armour Class and Saving Throws, excellent ring for improved protection.

Bhaalist Setup

You can go for this setup if you are more interested in Spellswords playstyle that utilizes control spells, and uses Divine Smite icon action bg3Divine Smite​ and Cutting Words icon action bg3Cutting Words​. It is a powerful option in terms of damage but does offer a more Bardadin-like playstyle.

Slot Item Description
melee slot bg3Melee (Two-Handed) Shar's Spear of Evening icon bg3Shar's Spear of Evening One of the most powerful weapons that should be used together with Bhaalist Armour icon bg3Bhaalist Armour for piercing vulnerability from Aura Of Murder icon passive feature bg3Aura Of Murder. Has a 1d6 damage rider that gets doubled.
Nyrulna icon bg3Nyrulna A solid choice if used together with Bhaalist Armour icon bg3Bhaalist Armour for piercing vulnerability from Aura Of Murder icon passive feature bg3Aura Of Murder. Gives bonus weapon actions and thunder damage rider.
Duellist's Prerogative icon bg3Duellist's Prerogative It is a cool-looking rapier that also comes with additional Reaction per turn. Now you can use second Cutting Words icon action bg3Cutting Words​ per turn. This weapon does not need Great Weapon Master: All In icon passive feature bg3Great Weapon Master: All In, so respec and remove it. It will also get its damage doubled with Bhaalist Armour icon bg3Bhaalist Armour.
ranged slot bg3Ranged The Dead Shot icon bg3The Dead Shot In terms of damage bonuses, this weapon is an excellent stat stick to improve critical rolls.
Hellrider Longbow icon bg3Hellrider Longbow This bow gives +3 Initiative. Excellent for going first, to reach enemies and activate the Aura Of Murder icon passive feature bg3Aura Of Murder​ from Bhaalist Armour icon bg3Bhaalist Armour so that allies with piercing weapons could exploit it.
helmet slot bg3Head Helmet of Arcane Acuity icon bg3Helmet of Arcane Acuity Pick this helmet for the ability to empower your spells with stacks of Arcane Acuity. These will improve spell success chances and you can have 90%+ with spells like Hold Person icon action bg3Hold Person.
Diadem of Arcane Synergy icon bg3Diadem of Arcane Synergy As the setup wears Bhaalist Armour icon bg3Bhaalist Armour, Aura Of Murder icon passive feature bg3Aura Of Murder​ effect will easily activate the Arcane Synergy for bonus damage.
cloak slot bg3Cloak Cloak of Displacement icon bg3Cloak of Displacement Powerful cloak especially when you need to avoid enemy hits to maintain spell concentration.
Cloak of Protection icon bg3Cloak of Protection Increases Armour Class and improves Saving Throws.
armor slot bg3Armor Bhaalist Armour icon bg3Bhaalist Armour One of the most powerful armors in the game, giving an Aura Of Murder icon passive feature bg3Aura Of Murder​ effect which doubles piercing damage.
gloves slot bg3Gloves Gauntlets of Frost Giant Strength icon bg3Gauntlets of Frost Giant Strength These gloves set your Strength to 23, giving a solid 6 ability modifier and you can effectively use strength weapons.
boots slot bg3Boots Disintegrating Night Walkers icon bg3Disintegrating Night Walkers One of the best boots, giving a total advantage for movement on difficult surfaces. It also gives Misty Step icon action bg3Misty Step​ to increase that mobility.
Boots of Striding icon bg3Boots of Striding Gives improved movement when you cast a spell with Concentration. Moreover, you can walk on Ice without falling.
amulet slot bg3Amulet Broodmother's Revenge icon bg3Broodmother's Revenge One of the only amulets to give additional damage rider.
Amulet of Greater Health icon bg3Amulet of Greater Health A high Constitution ensures good survivability and allows one to keep concentrating on spells.
ring slot bg3Rings Killer's Sweetheart icon bg3Killer's Sweetheart The ring is very potent on Paladin as a critical hit with Divine Smite icon action bg3Divine Smite​ can be deadly against most of the enemies.
Band of the Mystic Scoundrel icon bg3Band of the Mystic Scoundrel The ring allows casting illusion and Use the ring together with Helmet of Arcane Acuity icon bg3Helmet of Arcane Acuity to pump up Spell Save DC and have almost guaranteed spell success.
Risky Ring icon bg3Risky Ring A very simple yet risky way to obtain Advantage on hits. This will make it easier to hit enemies without much preparation and your Aura of Protection icon action bg3Aura of Protection​ can set off the negative aspect.
Ring of Protection icon bg3Ring of Protection +1 Armour Class and Saving Throws, excellent ring for improved protection.

Build Mechanics

In this section, I would like to dive deep into how to play the Loredin Build. This will help you utilize it to the fullest and correctly use various actions and spells throughout the game.

Important Mechanics and Combos

Let's go through key mechanics and tips on how to use the build effectively.

Managing Great Weapon Master

The most important aspect of most two-handed builds is correctly utilizing Great Weapon Master: All In icon passive feature bg3Great Weapon Master: All In​ and its attack roll penalty. By putting an effort into this, from level 4, you can get 10 flat damage boosts, making most of the enemies a cakewalk.

Here are a few ways to increase attack rolls:

I have a separate article covering how to improve attack rolls. It lists almost all options, especially in the early game to help you manage your hit chance.

Divine Smites

The key aspect of any build that involves at least 2 levels of Paladin is Divine Smite icon action bg3Divine Smite. It is one of the coolest actions punishing your targets with a ray of light. To use it effectively there are a few tips that I have.

First, update your reactions and make sure the Divine Smite icon action bg3Divine Smite​ has a reaction on critical hit and asks you to use it:

ask divine smite critical hit reaction bg3

This way you will not waste your time with unnecessary popups and can use it when needed. For example, using a critical hit Divine Smite icon action bg3Divine Smite​ on a weak foe with a few HP will feel like a waste. However, you still might want to use it on the boss even if it has few HP to finish them off.

If you want to use the normal smite, just activate it from the quick bar by selecting Divine Smite icon action bg3Divine Smite​ action.

Overall, critical hits are extremely important for these attacks as the big number of dice rolls get doubled and get rerolled with Savage Attacker icon passive feature bg3Savage Attacker. That is why I recommend Killer's Sweetheart icon bg3Killer's Sweetheart, Luck of the Far Realms icon passive feature bg3Luck of the Far Realms,​ and spells like Hold Person icon action bg3Hold Person.

Cutting Words - to the help

One of the main features of this build is Lore Bard levels. You gain its unique reaction - Cutting Words icon passive feature bg3Cutting Words. It can be used to weaken enemies and target different rolls:

  • Attack Roll
  • Ability Check
  • Saving Throw

So this helps with overcoming the most important problems - incoming enemy hits that may do large damage or helping you land spells by weakening the enemy's Saving Throws. In the late game, this can ensure that control spells land.

Moreover, it includes an insult (fully voice-acted) from the character using it.

Spirit Guardians setup

One of the setups I mentioned utilizes Spirit Guardians icon action bg3Spirit Guardians, which is otherwise accessible only to clerics. What makes this special is that it creates a radiant damage field following the caster. So your Loredin can walk in the group of enemies and have them all receive Radiant Damage.

The main highlight comes when you synergize this with various gear. For example, using Luminous Armour icon bg3Luminous Armour will apply Radiant Orb, weakening foes and making them receive -1 to attack rolls per stack.

On the other hand, Boots of Stormy Clamour icon bg3Boots of Stormy Clamour helps apply Reverbation. This reduces enemy strength, dexterity, and constitution saving throws. Still, the main highlight is when you reach 5 stacks and apply 1d4 thunder damage + chance to Prone an enemy. If they fall, your allies attacking close by will get an Advantage.

Arcane Acuity mechanics explained

Another important mechanic is accessible with a specific item - Helmet of Arcane Acuity icon bg3Helmet of Arcane Acuity. I mention this in the Bhaalist setup. The idea is that by attacking with melee attacks you build up Arcane Acuity stacks. Each one of them increases Spell Save DC by 1. With enough stacks, you can reach a very high spell success chance.

By itself, this doesn't seem fancy, because you will need to use action to cast spells and waste melee attacks. However, you can use Band of the Mystic Scoundrel icon bg3Band of the Mystic Scoundrel to cast spells like Hold Person icon action bg3Hold Person, Hypnotic Pattern icon action bg3Hypnotic Pattern,​ or Fear icon action bg3Fear​ using bonus action. These can outright disable foes and give effects like guaranteed crits.

Early Game Combat

Let's cover how you should progress combat levels 1-6. This plays as a normal Paladin, where you utilize mostly your weapon attacks and a few concentration spells.

  • Shield of Faith icon action bg3Shield of Faith​ is an excellent spell to use early on to improve Armour Class.
  • Thunderous Smite icon action bg3Thunderous Smite​ can be used in early games to give use for bonus action and inflict adequate damage.
  • Based on your hit chance turn on and off Great Weapon Master: All In icon passive feature bg3Great Weapon Master: All In, try keeping it at 65%+. Once you get Magic Weapon icon action bg3Magic Weapon​ it can be used to improve your hit chance.
  • Vow of Enmity icon action bg3Vow of Enmity​ is best used on stronger targets that you will be hitting multiple times. The Advantage will ensure that it is easy to hit your targets.
  • I would save Divine Smite icon action bg3Divine Smite​ for critical hits or on enemies like casters or bosses. Due to limited spell slots, you can go through them very fast.
  • Misty Step icon action bg3Misty Step​ is useful to get close to the enemies if you will not be able to reach them otherwise. It can also be used in the opposite way to get away.

Late Game Combat

For the late game, it will all depend on the setup that you went for.

Spirit Guardians Setup

  • Spirit Guardians icon action bg3Spirit Guardians​ is best to be cast before combat. If not use it on the first turn. Once you do that get close into enemies and apply debuffs.
  • Follow up with Divine Smite icon action bg3Divine Smite, thanks to Luminous Armour icon bg3Luminous Armour you will also apply debuffs.
  • Dealing with as much as possible radiant damage will ensure that enemies get Radiating Orb, reducing their chances of hitting anyone.
  • Cutting Words icon action bg3Cutting Words​ is excellent for enemies that will still be able to land a hit on you or an ally. On the other hand, it can be used to help your allies to land control spells.

Bhaalist Setup

This is more of an offensive setup, that also utilizes spellcasting.

  • Get close in on enemies to activate Aura Of Murder icon passive feature bg3Aura Of Murder​ from Bhaalist Armour icon bg3Bhaalist Armour. This way any piercing attacks either from you or allies will get doubled.
  • Apply a few hits to stack up Spell Save DC from Helmet of Arcane Acuity icon bg3Helmet of Arcane Acuity. Once you have some of it, you can use Band of the Mystic Scoundrel icon bg3Band of the Mystic Scoundrel effect to cast control spells like Hypnotic Pattern icon action bg3Hypnotic Pattern, Fear icon action bg3Fear,​ or Command icon action bg3Command​ with a very high success chance.
  • Cutting Words icon action bg3Cutting Words​ can help you with landing that control spells in case enemies resist it.
  • Divine Smite icon action bg3Divine Smite​ is your main damage dealer and be sure to use it if you land a critical hit for a large damage boost.

Build Variations

Here are some variations that work similarly and utilize the same classes at their core.

Setup Description
Bardadin Build:
  • 2 Paladin
  • 10 Swords Bard
A very popular and extremly powerful Bard Paladin mutliclass. It is able to hit multiple enemies with single attack and is perfect for gish playstyle with Band of the Mystic Scoundrel icon bg3Band of the Mystic Scoundrel and control spells.


Thank you for reading the Loredin build - Lore Bard and Paladin multiclass for Baldur's Gate 3.



Post author zanuffas avatar zanuffas
Gamestegy Founder. I have been writing game guides and builds for 4 years. I like to push myself to create something wonderful for the readers!