Arcane Trickster Build - The Scroll Eater

Arcane Trickster Build - The Scroll Eater - Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)

By zanuffas
Last updated:
In this post, I will go through the Best Arcane Trickster Build - The Scroll Eater for Baldur's Gate 3. The build embraces the stealthy playcaster playstyle and utilizes all tools available to Rogues to overcome any cons the class and subclass have.

Arcane Trickster Build - The Scroll Eater

So Arcane Trickster is famous for being the abandoned subclass in Baldur's Gate 3, especially as some features were not implemented as expected. Overall this does shine in a specific playstyle and if you are willing to put in some extra effort.

The main highlight of Rogue is its Sneak Attack (Ranged) icon action bg3Sneak Attack (Ranged)​ mechanic. Which at first glance looks very good. However, the main caveat is that it works once per turn. This kind of makes it work like an Extra Attack icon passive feature bg3Extra Attack​ but overall it is an inferior option, with all the stacking that you can do later in the game.

Arcane Trickster gives access to spellcasting. Sadly, it will mostly be utility options. The spell levels are very low, and you will fall behind other party members. Still, Arcane Trickster unlocks Magical Ambush icon passive feature bg3Magical Ambush, which can work well later on making you a fully-fledged - Scrollcaster. However, for this, you will need scrolls...

Here is where Rogue starts to shine, especially later in the game - Reliable Talent icon passive feature bg3Reliable Talent​ which will feed into being able to steal all the scrolls + arrows that you would want. Merge this with some of the subclass features and you will have a unique and exciting build.

So let's go into the build!

Class Contribution

The build goes into a single Rogue class. There are options for level 1 dips, which will be utilized for the late game.

11 Arcane Trickster Rogue

  • Use a unique Sneak Attack (Ranged) icon action bg3Sneak Attack (Ranged)​ mechanic which is good early on but falls behind in the late game.
  • Additional Expertise icon passive feature bg3Expertise​ in various skills, which help with overall exploration.
  • Evasion icon passive feature bg3Evasion​ that drastically reduces incoming spell damage.
  • The ultimate pickpocket feature - Reliable Talent icon passive feature bg3Reliable Talent. This will feed into the whole role-play of accumulating lots of scrolls and arrows, to overcome the weaknesses of the build.
  • Mage Hand Legerdemain icon passive feature bg3Mage Hand Legerdemain is a special variation of Mage Hand icon action bg3Mage Hand​. It is invisible, so can be used to set up surprise rounds, and do some special item throwing. Sadly, it does not have any special "Thieves Tools" effect as mentioned in the tooltip.
  • Access to Level 1-2 spells from the Wizard spell list.
  • Magical Ambush icon passive feature bg3Magical Ambush​ - enemies receive a disadvantage on Saving Throws when you cast a spell while using Hide icon action bg3Hide. This improves the build spellcasting potential.

1 Fighter

  • Get Constitution Saving Throw proficiency which also helps with maintaining spell concentration.
  • Access Fighting styles like Defence icon passive feature bg3Defence​ or Archery icon passive feature bg3Archery.
  • Additional item proficiencies, allowing to wear medium or heavier armors.

Leveling Overview

Here is a concise table with all the main picks during your leveling progression. For more detailed reasoning, I go further in the article. Also, do not forget to check the recommended gear as it is crucial.

I recommend doing a respec at Withers to correctly allocate the initial Ability points and other options.
Level Class Selection
1 Rogue 1 Subclass: The Fiend
Abilities: STR - 8, DEX - 17 (15+2), CON - 14, INT - 16 (15+1), WIS - 10, CHA - 8
Skills: Stealth, Sleight of Hand, Acrobatics
2 Rogue 2 -
3 Rogue 3 Subclass: Arcane Trickster
Cantrips: Minor Illusion icon action bg3Minor Illusion, anything
Spells: Disguise Self icon action bg3Disguise Self, Tasha's Hideous Laughter icon action bg3Tasha's Hideous Laughter
Expanded: Shield icon action bg3Shield
4 Rogue 4 Spells: Sleep icon action bg3Sleep
Feat: Sharpshooter: All In icon passive feature bg3Sharpshooter: All In
5 Rogue 5 Replace Spell: Sleep icon action bg3Sleep​ -> Mage Armour icon action bg3Mage Armour
6 Rogue 6 Skills: Prioritise stealth and Sleight of Hand if not covered
7 Rogue 7 Spells: Mirror Image icon action bg3Mirror Image
8 Rogue 8 Expanded: Misty Step icon action bg3Misty Step
Feat: Ability Improvement +2 Dexterity
9 Rogue 9 -
10 Rogue 10 Cantrips: anything
Spells: Hold Person icon action bg3Hold Person
Feat: Ability Improvement - +2 Intelligence
11 Rogue 11 Spells: Invisibility icon action bg3Invisibility
12 Fighter 1
(respec as first level)
Fighting Style: Archery icon passive feature bg3Archery

Starting the Game - Level 1

This section covers the creation screen and what would go into the best Races, Abilities, and Skills for the Arcane Trickster build. If you have already started playing feel free to do a respec at Withers and follow along. This will make it easy to follow the build step by step.


Picking a race provides various benefits - abilities, dialogue options, looks, etc.

If you are having difficulties making a choice, pick whatever you prefer in terms of looks or roleplay. "The perfect race pick" is important if you are into extreme min-maxing.
Race Features Description
dwarf bg3Dwarf Duergar
  • Dwarven Combat Training icon passive feature bg3Dwarven Combat Training
  • Superior Darkvision icon passive feature bg3Superior Darkvision
  • Dwarven Resilience icon passive feature bg3Dwarven Resilience
  • Duergar Resilience icon passive feature bg3Duergar Resilience
One of the best options for any kind of stealthy build. They come with Invisibility icon action bg3Invisibility​ which can help to start rounds with Surprise or leave combat.
halfling bg3Lightfoot Halfling One of the best races in the whole game, with special bonuses for dice rolls. They also come with a stealth advantage.
Half-Elf Baldur's Gate 3Wood Half-Elf Both of these options are great, giving improved movement speed. The main highlight is that half-elves can also wear shields giving a slight survivability boost at least in the early game.
elf bg3Wood Elf
  • Elven Weapon Training icon passive feature bg3Elven Weapon Training
  • Darkvision icon passive feature bg3Darkvision
  • Fey AncestryFey Ancestry
  • Fleet of Foot - your movement speed is increased by 1.5m.
Githyanki Baldur's Gate 3Githyanki
  • Martial Prodigy icon passive feature bg3Martial Prodigy
Excellent race overall, with various bonuses like Misty Step icon action bg3Misty Step​ and Astral Knowledge icon action bg3Astral Knowledge. Githyanki also can use Medium armor allowing for some decent armor class in early and mid-game.
gnome bg3Deep Gnome
  • Gnome Cunning icon passive feature bg3Gnome Cunning
  • Superior Darkvision icon passive feature bg3Superior Darkvision
  • Stone Camouflage icon passive feature bg3Stone Camouflage
With a general advantage to mental checks with Gnome Cunning icon passive feature bg3Gnome Cunning, they also come with an advantage on stealth, making them perfect rogue characters.


rogue Baldur's Gate 3Rogue
Sneak Attack (Melee) icon action bg3Sneak Attack (Melee) Exploit a foe's distraction to deal an additional 1d6 damage. Damage increases by 1d6 for every uneven Rogue Level gained.
Sneak Attack (Ranged) icon action bg3Sneak Attack (Ranged) Exploit a foe's distraction to deal an additional 1d6 damage. Damage increases by 1d6 for every uneven Rogue Level gained.


Backgrounds are mostly for role-playing and you can pick whatever you prefer. If you want to optimize, then it would be good to pick backgrounds that are based on your ability points.

Background Skills Description
Charlatan Deception
Sleight of Hand
A decent background that will save one proficiency on chest lockpicking.
Urchin Sleight of Hand
The most relevant pick in my opinion as it covers both important parts - stealth and pickpocketing with lockpicking
Criminal Deception
Gives stealth proficiency and helps with Deception which is excellent for the main character.


Now let's take a look at the abilities of the Arcane Trickster build. Correct allocation will allow you to maximize the early gameplay and get good modifier bonuses.

The core mechanic to understand for ability points is that they give "ability modifiers" that apply to various skill checks. For example, Charisma works on Intimidation and persuasion checks. Wisdom on Survival or Animal Handling and so on.

You get a higher ability modifier on even values - 10, 12, 14, etc. So keeping it on odd may be useless. However, there are various +1/2 modifiers in the game, specifically Auntie Ethel Hair or Feats that help round this up.

Ability Value Description
strengthStrength 8 Not relevant for the build
dexterityDexterity 17 (15+2) The main offensive ability will improve weapon damage, initiative, and armor class bonuses.
constitution bg3Constitution 14 This will improve the health pool and help with maintaining spell concentration
intelligenceIntelligence 16 (15+1) The spellcasting ability will become more important as you obtain the Arcane Trickster subclass.
wisdomWisdom 10 2 points on Wisdom, will help to remove the negative modifier on Saving Throws and better resist spells.
charismaproficient_ability Baldur's Gate 3Charisma 8 Not relevant for the build.
For this build, I do recommend using Auntie Ethel's Hair with +1 Dexterity. As you will need multiple Ability points this will drastically improve the build performance.

Skills and Expertise

Overall, the skills should be impacted by your roleplaying and background decisions. However, you would still want those that will give you the best benefits. There are only a few relevant ones


  • Stealth
  • Charisma-related if the main character or Intelligence-related if the companion.


  • Sleight of Hand
  • Stealth

Leveling Progression - Levels 2-12

Here is the detailed progression for the Arcane Trickster build to get you started. You can use it as a guideline because early games can be daunting and overwhelming. Later on, once you get a feel for the class you can start picking your options

Level 2

This is where you will have left the tutorial area, and will start exploring the world. It unlocks cunning actions. These are similar to normal actions but use Bonus actions instead of Action Points:

Action Description
Cunning Action: Hide icon action bg3Cunning Action: Hide Allows to enter sneak with bonus action and attack with the main hand in the same turn.
Cunning Action: Dash icon action bg3Cunning Action: Dash Cover more distance this turn: double your movement speed.
Cunning Action: Disengage icon action bg3Cunning Action: Disengage Retreat safely: moving won't provoke Opportunity Attacks.

Level 3

The Arcane Trickster rogue can pick a subclass and get all the relevant bonuses


arcane trickster bg3Arcane Trickster
ico_mini_spellSlot Baldur's Gate 3Spell Slots These can be used to cast spells and are restored each long rest.
Mage Hand icon action bg3Mage Hand A spectral hand that can be used to interact with items and the world.
Mage Hand Legerdemain icon passive feature bg3Mage Hand Legerdemain Improved version of Mage Hand icon action bg3Mage Hand​ which is Invisible.


Cantrip Description
Minor Illusion icon action bg3Minor Illusion A powerful cantrip that can be used to route foes to a specific point while being in stealth. After this, they can be attacked with a powerful area-of-effect spell.
Anything Take any cantrip, that you might fancy. I do not think that the offensive ones are worthwhile with the limited number of attacks.


Spell Description
Disguise Self icon action bg3Disguise Self Especially useful for roleplaying and can be used to overcome some of the game encounters.
Tasha's Hideous Laughter icon action bg3Tasha's Hideous Laughter A decent control spell, that can help with disabling a foe. Sadly it can be cancelled easily when the foe is hit.


Spell Description
Shield icon action bg3Shield One of the most valued spells that Arcane Trickster gets. It greatly improves survivability as you can get a bonus 5 Armour Class when under attack.

Level 4

The first feat is unlocked, and you get some great choices to pick.


The spell here will be replaced next level.

Spell Description
Sleep icon action bg3Sleep The spell here will be replaced next level.

Replace Spell

Nothing to replace


Feat Description
Sharpshooter: All In icon passive feature bg3Sharpshooter: All In The go-to feat for any ranged character. The damage boost is huge especially if you can maintain the -5 to attack rolls. Be sure to disable Sharpshooter: All In icon passive feature bg3Sharpshooter: All In​ if your hit chance is low. Here is a guide on how to increase attack rolls.

Level 5

Unlock additional feature for Rogue:

Feature Description
Uncanny Dodge icon passive feature bg3Uncanny Dodge A solid survivability improvement.

Replace Spell

Remove Spell Add Spell Description
Sleep icon action bg3Sleep Mage Armour icon action bg3Mage Armour A somewhat optional pick, but the spell will help with wearing armor like The Graceful Cloth icon bg3The Graceful Cloth and having a competitive Armour Class.

There is another option, especially if you continue using Spidersilk Armour icon bg3Spidersilk Armour:

Remove Spell Add Spell Description
Sleep icon action bg3Sleep Longstrider icon action bg3Longstrider
Enhance Leap icon action bg3Enhance Leap
Get one of the utility spells. I would prioritize Longstrider icon action bg3Longstrider​ if nobody else in the party has it.

Level 6

Nothing special this level up

If you want to maximize the potential of the build, you can respec to Level 1 as a Fighter. This will give constitution saving throw proficiency, medium armor proficiency, and Fighting Style. However, for the sake of progression simplicity, I will do this only at level 12.


You gain additional skill expertise picks:

  • Deception/Persuasion/Performance - if the main character, otherwise Perception
  • Acrobatics

Replace Spell

Nothing to replace

Level 7

Level 2 spells are unlocked.


There are some decent spell picks. Overall Invisibility icon action bg3Invisibility​ is extremely relevant, however, with the limited amount of spell picks I would use potions/scrolls for it and instead pick:

Spell Description
Mirror Image icon action bg3Mirror Image A solid defensive spell, that boosts Armour Class and helps avoid multiple incoming attacks.

Replace Spell

Feel free to replace a spell that you are not using.

Level 8

More spells and a second feat are waiting for you.


Spell Description
Misty Step icon action bg3Misty Step A great utility spell to move around. Although your spell slots are limited this still unlocks great potential to move into a perfect position.

Replace Spell

Feel free to change anything that you find relevant. Hold Person icon action bg3Hold Person​ is a good spell, but I will be taking it later.


The goal is to maximize the ranged martial potential for now:

Feat Description
Ability Improvement - +2 Dexterity Go for this option if you are not using The Graceful Cloth icon bg3The Graceful Cloth to reach 20 Dexterity. Otherwise, it will be taken later.
Ability Improvement - +2 Intelligence This will start to be valuable on the next level once you obtain the Magical Ambush icon passive feature bg3Magical Ambush​ feature.

Level 9

This level unlocks the major feature of Arcane Trickster:

Feature Description
Magical Ambush icon passive feature bg3Magical Ambush The core feature of Arcane Trickster that will help it stand out from other characters. The disadvantage and decent spellcasting modifier should help land most of the attacks on enemies. Be sure to start using scrolls to make use of this effect.

Replace Spell

Feel free to replace anything you do not use.

Level 10

Unique to Rogues, they get an additional Feat at this level


At this stage in the game, it won't matter much what you pick.

Cantrip Description
Anything Any pick will work here. There are no game-changers here.


Spells Description
Hold Person icon action bg3Hold Person On one hand, this could have been picked earlier. On the other hand, without having Magical Ambush icon passive feature bg3Magical Ambush​ this would have been disappointing to use.


Feat Description
Ability Improvement - +2 Dexterity Optimizes the Dexterity value which is important for weapon usage and Armour Class.

Level 11

This is a major level for a rogue as you gain a unique feature allowing you to become a master pickpocket:

Feature Description
Reliable Talent icon passive feature bg3Reliable Talent The lowest roll for ability checks with proficiency becomes 10. This more or less guarantees that you can pickpocket most of the items without risk.


Spells Description
Invisibility icon action bg3Invisibility Excellent spell to have in the arsenal as you can use it to leave combat or get a better position for combat.

Level 12 - Respec to Fighter Lv 1

For this level-up, you can either take the last level in Rogue or go for 1 level dip in another class. The Rogue will give another Feat, but I do not think they are as valuable. So I will go with Fighter, which gives:

  • Constitution Saving Throw proficiency if starting as a first level, for better spell concentration
  • Fighting Style - Archery icon passive feature bg3Archery​ to help with landing ranged attacks.

So go to Withers for Respec and start as a Fighter:


fighter bg3Fighter
Second Wind icon action bg3Second Wind You can use this to heal yourself in tight encounters, to get a little bit more of survivability.

Fighting Style

Style Description
Archery icon passive feature bg3Archery This is the important passive feature as it will improve hit chance and make it easier to land shots with Sharpshooter: All In icon passive feature bg3Sharpshooter: All In​ being active.


Pick the same ones from the Level 1 Rogue: STR - 8, DEX - 17, CON - 14, INT - 16, WIS - 10, CHA  - 8.

After you are done picking Fighter, multiclass back into Rogue and go through levels 1-11:

Multiclass button

Maximizing Ability Scores

Now, as the build progression is covered there are a few aspects and important decisions you will have to make throughout the game. These will decide your final score for abilities.


  1. 17 Charisma - the base from character creation.
  2. Act 1 - Auntie Ethel Hair - you will want to get +1 Dexterity if you pick this choice.
  3. Feat - Ability Improvement - +2 Dexterity.
  4. Act 3 - Mirror of Loss - pick +2 Dexterity.

These will allow you to reach 20-22 natural Dexterity, which results in a +6 ability modifier for attacks and various checks.


Arcane Trickster also utilizes its spellcasting modifier as it will be used for scrollcasting and some control spells in its arsenal.

  • 16 Intelligence - the base from character creation
  • Feat - Ability Improvement - +2 Intelligence

This should result in 18 Natural Intelligence, which will make the core of your spellcasting. With Magical Ambush icon passive feature bg3Magical Ambush​ you will be able to inflict some heavy casualties.

Potions, Elixirs and Consumables

Let's take a look at what consumables you can use to further empower the build.


These are general consumables, and most of them are activated for a few turns. Potions are separate from Elixirs and can be active together.

Consumable Description
potion of speed bg3Potion of Speed In case you or your other casters have a Concentration spell slot taken and cannot cast Haste, use this potion. It acts similarly, but the effect is just for 3 turns.
potion of animal speaking bg3Potion of Animal Speaking Although not something powerful, it is worth stocking up and saving a spell slot.
potion of invisibility bg3Potion of Invisibility Can be used to get a perfect position before the encounter starts or leave the encounter if it comes to worst.
oil of accuracy bg3Oil of Accuracy Gives +2 to attack rolls, which minimizes the negative impact from Sharpshooter: All In icon passive feature bg3Sharpshooter: All In​.
diluted oil of sharpness bg3Diluted Oil of Sharpness Gives a bonus attack roll and damage. It is a good coating if you can apply it before combat.


Unfortunately, only one Elixir can be active at a time. However, the good thing is that they last until a long rest, making them very useful and economical.

Be sure to activate them before combat as otherwise, you will need to use Bonus Action.

Remember to activate one elixir after each Long Rest. These are found plentiful throughout the game, so don't save them too much.
Consumable Description
elixir of heroismElixir of Heroism Very valuable elixir especially in the early game to counteract the Sharpshooter: All In icon passive feature bg3Sharpshooter: All In​ and Great Weapon Master: All In icon passive feature bg3Great Weapon Master: All In​ effects of -5 attack rolls.
elixir of battlemage's power bg3Elixir of Battlemage's Power Gain 3 stacks of Arcane Acuity. It is extremely useful to give a little bit of push for spell success rate.
elixir of bloodlust bg3Elixir of Bloodlust Very effective elixir that gives another action point if you kill an enemy. I would say this is the best one to use to maximize your output through the turn.
elixir of the colossusElixir of the Colossus Makes you bigger, and a bit stronger with a 1d4 damage boost.
elixir of peerless focus bg3Elixir of Peerless Focus Can be used to better maintain spell concentration, later in the game once you start scrollcasting.
elixir of vigilance bg3Elixir of Vigilance For some encounters, you will want to go first. This elixir will ensure that it overcomes even surprise mechanics.


This is a very important part of the build and makes it over-the-top powerful. By stocking up with a few of these you can reach strong potential.

Consumable Description
arrow of many targets icon bg3Arrow of Many Targets One of the most overpowered arrows in the game. What makes it powerful is that it can hit up to 4 targets. It has some strange interactions with Luck of the Far Realms icon passive feature bg3Luck of the Far Realms​ and other effects, inflicting more damage than intended.
arrow of slaying icon bg3Arrow of Humanoid Slaying With all the pickpocketing that the build can do, these arrows allow doubling your damage and inflicting some heavy casualties even without getting access to Extra Attack icon passive feature bg3Extra Attack​.
arrow of slaying icon bg3Arrow of Aberration Slaying
arrow of slaying icon bg3Arrow of Dragon Slaying
Other same-name arrows...

Illithid Powers

This special mechanic in Baldur's Gate 3 allows you to consume tadpoles and unlock special Illithid Powers.

At first, you can only use the base powers. As you move to Act 3, you will be able to unlock the outer ring powers also called Elite.

Illithid Power Type Description
Favourable Beginnings icon passive feature bg3Favourable Beginnings Base Beneficial power to take as it does not have any costs, and provides only benefits on the first hits with attack rolls.
Luck of the Far Realms icon passive feature bg3Luck of the Far Realms Base An easy way to ensure you land critical hits.
Cull the Weak icon passive feature bg3Cull the Weak Base Can help to kill an enemy faster if it is left with a few HP.
Psionic Overload icon action bg3Psionic Overload Base A powerful illithid power, that works well with multi-hit attacks like Arrow of Many Targets. However, it does consume an action point, so I would only precast it before combat.
Psionic Backlash icon action bg3Psionic Backlash Base A great way to weaponize your reaction before obtaining Counterspell icon action bg3Counterspell.
Ability Drain icon passive feature bg3Ability Drain Base Reducing enemy ability like Dexterity, can result in lower Armour Class, making it easier to land the next hit.
Transfuse Health icon action bg3Transfuse Health Base If you will use Helmet of Grit icon bg3Helmet of Grit this can help with lowering your HP easily.
Illithid Expertise icon passive feature bg3Illithid Expertise Elite Can be used to maximize the effectiveness of charisma-based skills, especially relevant to the main character.
Black Hole icon action bg3Black Hole Elite Very powerful spell that can be used to pull enemies together. You can then follow up with area-of-effect spells or attacks. In general, it is very effective action in the hands of any character.
Psionic Dominance icon action bg3Psionic Dominance Elite Can be used to save yourself from a deadly spell. This is especially relevant as you will have a disadvantage on mental saving throws.

Equipment Recommendations

Now I would like to go through some gear recommendations to maximize the Arcane Trickster Build. Items are especially important as they take the build to the next level thanks to their unique effects.

I recommend checking the Item Checklists this will help you plan your run and assign items so that they do not overlap.

Act 1

For most of Act 1, your melee weapon slots will be free, so use anything there.

Slot Item Description
melee slot bg3Melee (Two-Handed) Knife of the Undermountain King icon bg3Knife of the Undermountain King The best stat stick in Act 1, giving a boost to crit range and dice rerolls.
Sussur Dagger icon bg3Sussur Dagger A decent offhand weapon to silence caster enemies, but this is a very niche use case.
Ritual Dagger icon bg3Ritual Dagger It can be used to buff your attack rolls.
Club of Hill Giant Strength icon bg3Club of Hill Giant Strength This should be used together with Titanstring Bow icon bg3Titanstring Bow for improved damage from strength ability.
ranged slot bg3Ranged Hand Crossbow +1 icon bg3Hand Crossbow +1 Equip two of these so that you can attack with your bonus action and main action.
Titanstring Bow icon bg3Titanstring Bow In general, this is the best bow in the game. Sadly, it does limit the rogue somewhat as you will not be able to shoot with bonus action. However, if you are looking for long-range stealth shooting this weapon is the perfect pick. You will need improved strength either via Elixir of Hill Giant Strength or Club of Hill Giant Strength icon bg3Club of Hill Giant Strength.
helmet slot bg3Head Diadem of Arcane Synergy icon bg3Diadem of Arcane Synergy This is the best helmet in terms of damage improvements. It requires you to inflict a condition, which sometimes happens from a simple attack or avoiding hits.
Haste Helm icon bg3Haste Helm I think the melee aspect of the build greatly benefits from this helmet, so I recommend it.
cloak slot bg3Cloak - -
armor slot bg3Armor The Graceful Cloth icon bg3The Graceful Cloth It is an excellent armor that gives an advantage on dexterity ability checks. I would also recommend taking Mage Armour icon action bg3Mage Armour​ to get an additional +3 Armour Class.
Spidersilk Armour icon bg3Spidersilk Armour The best light armor in Act 1, with good bonuses. It also looks cool!
gloves slot bg3Gloves Gloves of Archery icon bg3Gloves of Archery Gives a slight boost to ranged damage from your hand crossbows.
Gloves of Missile Snaring icon bg3Gloves of Missile Snaring Defensive gloves to reduce the damage of incoming ranged attacks.
boots slot bg3Boots Disintegrating Night Walkers icon bg3Disintegrating Night Walkers One of the best boots in the game. The Misty Step icon action bg3Misty Step​ is a great way to get bonus mobility.
Boots of Genial Striding icon bg3Boots of Genial Striding Makes it easier to move on difficult terrain.
amulet slot bg3Amulet Amulet of Branding icon bg3Amulet of Branding Can be used to enable enemy weakness to specific damage types. This is great if you have party members that use similar weapon type to yours, so you could easily gang up on a single foe.
Broodmother's Revenge icon bg3Broodmother's Revenge The only amulet in the game that gives direct damage increase, can be activated with a single health potion before combat.
Amulet of Misty Step icon bg3Amulet of Misty Step Gives mobility improvement thanks to the Misty Step icon action bg3Misty Step​ spell.
ring slot bg3Rings Ring of Protection icon bg3Ring of Protection The best option for Act 1. The bonus Armour Class is a great boost for survivability.
Caustic Band icon bg3Caustic Band A solid ring with a +2 acid damage bonus on your weapon attacks.
Smuggler's Ring icon bg3Smuggler's Ring One of the best rings for early-game pickpocketing.
Crusher's Ring icon bg3Crusher's Ring A good movement boost makes it easier to reach those targets.

Act 2 - mid-game

Slot Item Description
melee slot bg3Melee (Two-Handed) Justiciar's Scimitar icon bg3Justiciar's Scimitar A +2 enchantment weapon. It has a special attack that does not break concealment allowing do land an additional hit with 1d6 psychic damage.
Assassin's Shortsword icon bg3Assassin's Shortsword The weapon gives an advantage on stealth checks. Generally, if you are using The Graceful Cloth icon bg3The Graceful Cloth I would disregard this item.
Drakethroat Glaive icon bg3Drakethroat Glaive You can imbue a weapon with any element 1d4 damage and gain a +1 to attack rolls. You can get the bonus elemental damage on any weapon. For example, drop another weapon on the ground, cast the spell with this glaive, and equip the said weapon. This is a very powerful combo, which can be irritating to activate.
Club of Hill Giant Strength icon bg3Club of Hill Giant Strength This should be used together with Titanstring Bow icon bg3Titanstring Bow for improved damage from strength ability.
ranged slot bg3Ranged Hellfire Hand Crossbow icon bg3Hellfire Hand Crossbow The best hand crossbow for now with +2 enchantment.
Ne'er Misser icon bg3Ne'er Misser A decent hand crossbow with a force damage modifier. You will also get access to level 3 Magic Missile icon action bg3Magic Missile​ which can be used to finish off specific foes.
Titanstring Bow icon bg3Titanstring Bow In general, this is the best bow in the game. Sadly, it does limit the rogue somewhat as you will not be able to shoot with bonus action. However, if you are looking for long-range stealth shooting this weapon is the perfect pick. You will need improved strength either via Elixir of Hill Giant Strength or Club of Hill Giant Strength icon bg3Club of Hill Giant Strength.
helmet slot bg3Head Diadem of Arcane Synergy icon bg3Diadem of Arcane Synergy The best option in terms of offensive power as you will get increased damage based on the spellcasting modifier - Intelligence.
Helmet of Arcane Acuity icon bg3Helmet of Arcane Acuity By landing a solid shot with your weapon you can increase Spell Save DC for the next turn and cast a spell with a high success chance for the next turn. This is especially potent with Magical Ambush icon passive feature bg3Magical Ambush.
Marksmanship Hat icon bg3Marksmanship Hat A slight boost to ranged attack rolls.
cloak slot bg3Cloak Cloak of Protection icon bg3Cloak of Protection Improves survivability and Saving Throw success. You want to equip this cloak to maintain that good Armour Class.
Cloak of Cunning Brume icon bg3Cloak of Cunning Brume Using this cloak you can create foggy cloud to empower the stealthy playstyle.
armor slot bg3Armor Dark Justiciar Half-Plate icon bg3Dark Justiciar Half-Plate Although you will not be able to wear these (until you take the Fighter Lv 1 dip), I do recommend getting at least the first armor.
Dark Justiciar Half-Plate icon bg3Dark Justiciar Half-Plate
Yuan-ti Scale Mail icon bg3Yuan-ti Scale Mail Gives initiative and a higher Armour Class boost from dexterity without imposing any disadvantages on stealth checks. It is medium armor, so be sure you have a relevant proficiency.
gloves slot bg3Gloves Dark Justiciar Gauntlets icon bg3Dark Justiciar Gauntlets Gives a necrotic damage bonus and gives a unique bonus action for even more damage.
Flawed Helldusk Gloves icon bg3Flawed Helldusk Gloves It gives a bonus of 1d4 damage, which is a good boost to melee damage.
Gloves of the Balanced Hands icon bg3Gloves of the Balanced Hands It can help you improve the offhand attack of the hand crossbow.
Ichorous Gloves icon bg3Ichorous Gloves It can be used together with Caustic Band icon bg3Caustic Band for acid damage interaction.
boots slot bg3Boots Disintegrating Night Walkers icon bg3Disintegrating Night Walkers One of the best boots in the game. The Misty Step icon action bg3Misty Step​ is a great way to get bonus mobility.
Evasive Shoes icon bg3Evasive Shoes Slightly improves Armour Class resulting in a higher survivability.
amulet slot bg3Amulet - Previous Act Amulets.
Amulet of the Harpers icon bg3Amulet of the Harpers The Shield icon action bg3Shield​ spell is pretty good, but as Arcane Trickster you will already have access to it.
ring slot bg3Rings Caustic Band icon bg3Caustic Band A solid ring with a +2 acid damage bonus on your weapon attacks.
Eversight Ring icon bg3Eversight Ring It can be useful if your party utilizes the Darkness icon action bg3Darkness​ spell.
Shadow-Cloaked Ring icon bg3Shadow-Cloaked Ring Can be used to slightly improve damage while being obscured. Especially effective in Act 2.
Risky Ring icon bg3Risky Ring The item is a good option. However, in most cases you will be using stealth, and gaining Advantage will be pretty easy.
Shapeshifter's Boon Ring icon bg3Shapeshifter's Boon Ring Can be used to improve pickpocketing chances.

Act 3 - Final Build setup

This is the last act of the game, where you will get access to the most powerful items. To get them as early as possible you will need some planning, but overall, it should not be a problem.

Slot Item Description
melee slot bg3Melee (One-Handed) Dolor Amarus icon bg3Dolor Amarus In the best-case scenario, two of these can be equipped which would result in an additional 14 damage when landing a critical hit.
Ambusher icon bg3Ambusher The weapon's bonus 1d6 Necrotic damage rider also applies to ranged attacks.
Blade of the First Blood icon bg3Blade of the First Blood Improves crit range and allows retaliating against attacker enemy. It also offers bonus armor class when worn in offhand.
Club of Hill Giant Strength icon bg3Club of Hill Giant Strength This should be used together with Titanstring Bow icon bg3Titanstring Bow for improved damage from strength ability.
ranged slot bg3Ranged Hand Crossbow +2 icon bg3Hand Crossbow +2 This should replace the Ne'er Misser icon bg3Ne'er Misser as the +2 enchantment is better.
Titanstring Bow icon bg3Titanstring Bow The bow can fit in neatly with Helmet of Arcane Acuity icon bg3Helmet of Arcane Acuity and Band of the Mystic Scoundrel icon bg3Band of the Mystic Scoundrel combo. This way you can hit with Arrow of Many Targets on the first hit (maybe even land a Sneak Attack (Ranged) icon action bg3Sneak Attack (Ranged)​ via reaction) and leave bonus action for a control spell. Just remember you will still need some strength bonus from something like Elixir of Hill Giant Strength or Club of Hill Giant Strength icon bg3Club of Hill Giant Strength to make the bow damage worthwhile.
helmet slot bg3Head Helmet of Grit icon bg3Helmet of Grit This is a very powerful helmet. I do recommend equipping Amulet of Greater Health icon bg3Amulet of Greater Health to overcome the issues of low HP. This would allow you to have two bonus actions which can be used for attacking or entering stealth mid-combat.
Diadem of Arcane Synergy icon bg3Diadem of Arcane Synergy With a high spellcasting modifier, the bonus damage is decent.
Helmet of Arcane Acuity icon bg3Helmet of Arcane Acuity Can be used together with Band of the Mystic Scoundrel icon bg3Band of the Mystic Scoundrel to cast using bonus action. This means that your main action will be utilized for landing an attack and building Spell Save DC with Arrow of Many Targets.
cloak slot bg3Cloak Cloak of Displacement icon bg3Cloak of Displacement Improves survivability by reducing the chances of being hit.
Cloak of The Weave icon bg3Cloak of The Weave Might be a strange suggestion, and I would prioritize it on a caster. However, the bonus spell save DC can help with landing the initial spell.
The Deathstalker Mantle icon bg3The Deathstalker Mantle I would put a low priority on this cloak. The Arcane Trickster does not have Extra Attack icon passive feature bg3Extra Attack​ which makes it less likely that you will kill an enemy.
armor slot bg3Armor Armour of Landfall icon bg3Armour of Landfall Probably a strange suggestion, but this is a light armor, giving a lot of valuable features - improved Spell Save DC, Plant Growth icon action bg3Plant Growth, and Constitution Saving Throw advantage.
Dark Justiciar Half-Plate icon bg3Dark Justiciar Half-Plate Both of these armors will work. They give very good bonuses and work especially well on stealth playstyle.
Dark Justiciar Half-Plate icon bg3Dark Justiciar Half-Plate
Bhaalist Armour icon bg3Bhaalist Armour Technically this is the best light armor in the game, however, this will require you to be close to enemies to activate Aura Of Murder icon passive feature bg3Aura Of Murder. In turn, this kind of destroys the whole playstyle that we are aiming for with this build, so I would leave it for another melee martial or archer.
gloves slot bg3Gloves Helldusk Gloves icon bg3Helldusk Gloves These gloves will both improve the spellcasting and weapon damage.
Craterflesh Gloves icon bg3Craterflesh Gloves The strongest gloves if you can effectively incur critical damage as they create a separate instance of damage riders.
Martial Exertion Gloves icon bg3Martial Exertion Gloves A somewhat powerful glove, with a major caveat of incurring self-damage for an additional attack.
boots slot bg3Boots Helldusk Boots icon bg3Helldusk Boots Overall good boots allowing to avoid the effects of Difficult Terrain. The highlight is that you can use Reaction to avoid a failed Saving Throw.
Boots of Persistence icon bg3Boots of Persistence Similar to the ones above, with Freedom of Movement icon action bg3Freedom of Movement​ and Longstrider icon action bg3Longstrider​ effects.
amulet slot bg3Amulet Amulet of Greater Health icon bg3Amulet of Greater Health This is a perfect amulet if you use Helmet of Grit icon bg3Helmet of Grit. This way the survivability will be maximized and you can easily obtain a bonus action.
Amulet of The Devout icon bg3Amulet of The Devout I do want to recommend this amulet, but most likely it will go on another caster. Still, the +2 Spell Save DC would be a huge helper for casting with scrolls.
Broodmother's Revenge icon bg3Broodmother's Revenge The best amulet in terms of offensive prowess. The bonus damage can now be easily activated using Ring of Regeneration icon bg3Ring of Regeneration.
ring slot bg3Rings Ring of Feywild Sparks icon bg3Ring of Feywild Sparks A somewhat overlooked ring, but it gives +1 Spell Save DC. It can help land that initial spell.
Band of the Mystic Scoundrel icon bg3Band of the Mystic Scoundrel The ring is best used together with Helmet of Arcane Acuity icon bg3Helmet of Arcane Acuity, for an easy way to cast illusion/enchantment spells with bonus action. However, without Extra Attack icon passive feature bg3Extra Attack​ each shot for the build is very important and limits the build potential.
Ring of Protection icon bg3Ring of Protection The armor class boost from the ring slot is valuable throughout the game.
Ring of Regeneration icon bg3Ring of Regeneration This ring can be used together with Broodmother's Revenge icon bg3Broodmother's Revenge to constantly activate the bonus poison damage.

Build Mechanics

In this section, I would like to dive deep into how to play the Wyll Build. This will help you utilize it to the fullest and correctly use various actions and spells throughout the game.

Important Mechanics and Combos

Let's go through key mechanics and tips on how to use the build effectively.

Correctly using Sneak Attack

So the main feature of Rogue is Sneak Attack (Ranged) icon action bg3Sneak Attack (Ranged)​ which is enabled from the first level. In the early game, this is an excellent source of additional damage, especially if you land a critical hit. However, it does get phased out in the latter part of the game.

The main thing to know is that you can use the Reaction window to enable it on hit. This means that you can use your offhand bonus action attack to activate it, instead of using the action itself on the main hand.

bg3 sneak attack reaction

So with this, you will be asked if you want the additional sneak attack damage when using normal attacks. However, this can lead to easily miss the activation and it is an important damage source on each turn. So here are the ways that enable the sneak attack:

  • You have to use a Finesse weapon - dagger, shortsword, or ranged weapons like bows.
  • Have an Advantage like Prone, being invisible, being hidden, etc.
  • Having an ally close to the enemy circumvents the Advantage requirement.

With these points in mind, you should have an easy way to activate the Sneak Attack (Ranged) icon action bg3Sneak Attack (Ranged)​ reaction.

Managing Sharpshooter

The core feat of this build - Sharpshooter: All In icon passive feature bg3Sharpshooter: All In​ gives a solid 10 damage boost per hit. However, it comes with a drawback - -5 to attack rolls. This, of course, can be circumvented via various tricks:

  • Archery icon passive feature bg3Archery​ fighting style bonuses
  • Oil of Accuracy and Diluted Oil of Sharpness
  • High Ground bonuses

I have a full article on increasing attack rolls. that goes into depth on various mechanics that work especially well in the early game, when the -5 attack roll, hurts the most.


So the main idea of this build is that Arcane Trickster can activate the Magical Ambush icon passive feature bg3Magical Ambush​ feature when using Hide icon action bg3Hide. This is important as imposing a Saving Throw disadvantage greatly improves the success chances of your spells. So your rogue can initiate combat not by shooting with a ranged weapon but by hitting them with a powerful spell like Confusion icon action bg3Confusion, Lightning Bolt icon action bg3Lightning Bolt, etc.

Of course, this sounds cool, but Arcane Trickster only gets level 2 spell slots, which at best unlock Hold Person icon action bg3Hold Person. You are right, this does limit, but there are plenty of Spell Scrolls available in the game. These allow casting very powerful spells without limitations and you can stack up on these easily using the next mechanic!

Steall all the items

As a rogue, you are expecting that there will be stealing, and to no surprise, this build relies on that a lot. You can check the full pickpocket guide to understand how to optimize this mechanic from the start of the game.

However, where Arcane Trickster build starts to shine is in Act 3, once you reach level 11. Rogues get Reliable Talent icon passive feature bg3Reliable Talent​ which almost guarantees you can steal items without failure. This is where you should be targeting those Spell Scroll vendors and looting everything that you can lay your hands on.

I also recommend targeting consumable and arrow vendors. One of the core offensive options for the build will be ranged attacks and using something like Arrow of Slaying will double the damage.

Mage Hand Legerdemain

In general, many people overlook Mage Hand icon action bg3Mage Hand​ and all of the benefits it can bring. Arcane Trickster does get an improved version called Mage Hand Legerdemain icon passive feature bg3Mage Hand Legerdemain, which has a special Invisibility effect. The tooltip says it can also pick locks, but that's false for now.

Let's go through various tactics that can be used to employ the Mage Hand Legerdemain icon passive feature bg3Mage Hand Legerdemain​:



Separate the Rogue from the group

So, there are a few things to consider when deciding where to stand with Arcane Trickster. First, when you know that an encounter is coming and enemies are already aggressive, you can start casting a spell to initiate a Surprise Round.

However, in many cases, you will see a group of NPCs and don't know what will happen. My suggestion then would be to separate him from the group. This way you can make him join combat once it starts. Why is that important?

First, you can freely be in stealth mode and activate Magical Ambush icon passive feature bg3Magical Ambush. This will save you a bonus action point which can be used for an attack. Second, you can strategically cast a spell to hit enemies where it hurts the most. Third, you will not miss any kind of dialogue if there is one and a peaceful resolution is possible.

Understand how stealth works

Stealth is most likely the most difficult part to understand in this game. At first glance it is pretty simple - avoid enemy vision, hit them before combat. But you will see that this might not work consistently.

Overall the simplest recommendation from my side would be to make sure to initiate combat with a surprise round whenever that is possible. It is pretty simple to do:

  1. Make sure you are in the possible sight of the enemy. It means that if combat starts they can clearly see you.
  2. Attack with a ranged weapon or cast a spell
  3. The combat will start and the portraits of enemies should be greyed out. This means the Surprise round was successfully initiated.

There are other aspects of stealth, for this, I plan to prepare a separate guide that should help in various combat situations.

On the other hand, you can also use something like Minor Illusion icon action bg3Minor Illusion​ to pull enemies together, change their vision cones, and attack with the same spell but hit all of them.

Early Game Combat

Let's cover how you should progress combat levels 1-6.

  • The goal as a Rogue is to land Sneak Attack (Ranged) icon action bg3Sneak Attack (Ranged)​ once per turn as this is a major damage contributor at least in the early game.
  • Once you unlock Arcane Trickster use Minor Illusion icon action bg3Minor Illusion​ to group up foes to prepare for combat. Grouped enemies are easy pickings for spells like Cloud of Daggers icon action bg3Cloud of Daggers, Fireball icon action bg3Fireball, etc.
  • Be sure to use both main and off-hand attacks to maximize the damage.
  • Mage Hand Legerdemain icon passive feature bg3Mage Hand Legerdemain​ can be used to consistently initiate surprise rounds. It is invisible so just walk to an enemy and hit them.
  • Shield icon action bg3Shield​ and Mirror Image icon action bg3Mirror Image​ allows Arcane Trickster to be one of the tankiest builds in the early game.

Mid to Late Game Combat

  • As you have Magical Ambush icon passive feature bg3Magical Ambush​ your goal is to use various scrolls while in stealth to apply control or damage. For example - Chain Lightning icon action bg3Chain Lightning, Globe of Invulnerability icon action bg3Globe of Invulnerability, Confusion icon action bg3Confusion, Cone of Cold icon action bg3Cone of Cold, etc. All of these spells use Saving Throws, which are great options to be cast with scrolls.
  • Use your spell scrolls, in the late game, you will have plenty of them and can always steal more.
  • Once you have Reliable Talent icon passive feature bg3Reliable Talent​ stock up on spell scrolls, arrows, and potions. This is one of the main reasons to have a rogue in the party and to utilize all the items for maximum potential.
  • I still recommend trying to land a weapon hit so that Sneak Attack (Ranged) icon action bg3Sneak Attack (Ranged)​ activates. This is a decent damage boost and if you have a party member with Bhaalist Armour icon bg3Bhaalist Armour the Aura Of Murder icon passive feature bg3Aura Of Murder​ effect will double the damage.


Thank you for reading the best Arcane Trickster Build for Baldur's Gate 3. This is a somewhat overlooked subclass with some potential if you understand game mechanics. It can shine as a stealthy caster and tank multiple hits thanks to wide range of utility spells. In the end, with plenty of stealing options you can create a true Scroll Eater.



Post author zanuffas avatar zanuffas
Gamestegy Founder. I have been writing game guides and builds for 4 years. I like to push myself to create something wonderful for the readers!