Best Lae'zel Build - Lore Friendly - Vlaakith's Champion

Best Lae'zel Build - Lore Friendly - Vlaakith's Champion - Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)

By zanuffas
Last updated:
In this post, I will go through the Best Lae'zel Build - Vlaakith's Champion for Baldur's Gate 3. This is a lore-friendly build that leans toward Lae'zel proving herself to the queen - Vlaakith with the base goal of becoming the Githyanki Knight.

Lae'zel Build - Vlaakith's Champion

The idea of this build is that Lae'zel becomes one of the dedicated followers of Vlaakith and embraces everything to reach the goal of becoming one of her champions. To be fair, only one minor detail shows her dedication, and without it, the build can be used in whatever decisions you make in the game.

To be fair, you can use any of the other BG3 Builds on Lae'zel by respecing at Withers. This is just my take on a lore-friendly companion setup.

In essence, this is a Fighter build that goes all in on fighting enemies head-on. This might sound very simple, but the Battle Master subclass is extremely satisfying giving multiple options on how to engage in combat. This is enabled thanks to various manoeuvres - Disarming Attack (Melee) icon action bg3Disarming Attack (Melee), Precision Attack icon action bg3Precision Attack, Riposte icon action bg3Riposte, etc.

To further optimize the build there will be a small multiclass dip, with War Domain cleric. This will show your dedication towards Vlaakith when you pick her as Deity (or any other) and also get access to the War Priest icon passive feature bg3War Priest​ feature enabling you to get additional attacks via bonus action.

The build will also use Two-Handed weapons as there are some very powerful options throughout the game for the Githyanki.

So let's go into the build!

Class Contribution

The build goes in Fighter and Cleric classes, with the former being the primary one.

11 Battlemaster Fighter

  • Access to 3 attacks per action point thanks to Improved Extra Attack icon passive feature bg3Improved Extra Attack.
  • One of the most well-known features - Action Surge icon action bg3Action Surge​ enabling additional attacks on each short rest.
  • Access to an additional Feat at level 6.
  • Indomitable icon passive feature bg3Indomitable​ allows succeeding a failed saving throw. Although this is only once per long rest it can be a lifesaver against deadly spells that might disable the fighter.
  • Unique fighting style options like Defence icon passive feature bg3Defence, Great Weapon Fighting icon passive feature bg3Great Weapon Fighting, etc.
  • Superiority Dice, that unlock unique manoeuvres - Disarming Attack (Melee) icon action bg3Disarming Attack (Melee)​, Menacing Attack (Melee) icon action bg3Menacing Attack (Melee), Precision Attack icon action bg3Precision Attack, etc.

1 War Cleric

  • Access to additional bonus action attacks via the War Priest icon passive feature bg3War Priest​ feature.
  • Domain spells, that help with protection, mainly - Shield of Faith icon action bg3Shield of Faith, Sanctuary icon action bg3Sanctuary​.
  • Additional cantrips like Guidance icon action bg3Guidance​ which is useful during world interactions and various dialogue checks.
  • A change in spellcasting modifier that will be useful for some damage min-maxing in the late game.

Leveling Overview

Here is a concise table with all the main picks during your leveling progression. For more detailed reasoning, I go further in the article. Also, do not forget to check the recommended gear as it is crucial.

I recommend doing a respec at Withers to correctly allocate the initial Ability points and other options.
Level Class Selection
1 Fighter 1 Fighting Style: Defence icon passive feature bg3Defence
Abilities: STR - 17, DEX - 16, CON - 14, INT - 8, WIS - 10, CHA - 8
Skills: Acrobatics, Perception
2 Fighter 2 -
3 Fighter 3 Subclass: Battle Master
Manoeuvre: Precision Attack icon action bg3Precision Attack, Disarming Attack icon passive feature bg3Disarming Attack, Trip Attack icon passive feature bg3Trip Attack
4 Fighter 4 Feat: Great Weapon Master: All In icon passive feature bg3Great Weapon Master: All In
5 Fighter 5 -
6 Fighter 6 Feat: Ability Improvement - +2 Strength
7 Fighter 7 Manoeuvres: Pushing Attack icon passive feature bg3Pushing Attack, Riposte icon action bg3Riposte
8 Fighter 8 Feat: Savage Attacker icon passive feature bg3Savage Attacker​ or Athlete: Standing Up icon passive feature bg3Athlete if no Auntie Ethel Hair +1 Strength
9 Fighter 9 -
10 Fighter 10 Manoeuvres: Rally icon action bg3Rally, Goading Attack icon passive feature bg3Goading Attack
Spells: Hold Monster icon action bg3Hold Monster
11 Fighter 11 -
12 Cleric 1 Cantrips: Thaumaturgy icon action bg3Thaumaturgy, Guidance icon action bg3Guidance​, Blade Ward icon action bg3Blade Ward
Subclass: War Domain
Deity: Vlaakith
Prepared Spells: Sanctuary icon action bg3Sanctuary​, Protection from Evil and Good icon action bg3Protection from Evil and Good​, anything

To be fair there are a lot of variations with this build and options that you can do. For example, maximizing spellcasting modifiers with fixed stat items to get bonus damage via Arcane Synergy. Or getting cleric multiclass at level 7 to maximize the number of attacks for the mid-game.

Starting the Game - Level 1

This section covers the creation screen and what would go into the best Races, Abilities, and Skills for the Lae'zel Fighter build. If you have Lae'zel as a companion I recommend doing a respec at Withers and following along. This will fix the initial ability allocation which is not optimal and misses some important thresholds.


So the obvious pick for this build is Lae'zel. The whole setup is aimed at creating a Battlemaster that uses some of the Githyanki-specific items.


As this is Lae'zel setup, the race is picked by default:

Race Features Description
Githyanki Baldur's Gate 3Githyanki
  • Martial Prodigy icon passive feature bg3Martial Prodigy
The default pick for the character. The race comes with all weapon proficiencies and medium armor. Moreover, it gets some good actions like Misty Step icon action bg3Misty Step​ and Astral Knowledge icon action bg3Astral Knowledge.


fighter bg3Fighter
Second Wind icon action bg3Second Wind You can use this to heal yourself in tight encounters, to get a little bit more of survivability.

Fighting Style

You can pick one:

Cantrips Description
Defence icon passive feature bg3Defence My go-to recommendation, as it will give a significant boost to survivability.
Great Weapon Fighting icon passive feature bg3Great Weapon Fighting An alternative choice if you are into maximizing damage. Overall this bonus is insignificant, and more AC is better.


Backgrounds are mostly for role-playing and you can pick whatever you prefer. However, as Wyll you will start with a specific one that cannot be changed:

Background Skills Description
Soldier Athletics
A somewhat good background which also gives proficiency in one of the dialogue ability checks.


Now let's take a look at the abilities of the Lae'zel build. Correct allocation will allow you to maximize the early gameplay and get good modifier bonuses.

The core mechanic to understand for ability points is that they give "ability modifiers" that apply to various skill checks. For example, Charisma works on Intimidation and persuasion checks. Wisdom on Survival or Animal Handling and so on.

You get a higher ability modifier on even values - 10, 12, 14, etc. So keeping it on odd may be useless. However, there are various +1/2 modifiers in the game, specifically Auntie Ethel Hair or Feats that help round this up.

Ability Value Description
strengthproficient_ability Baldur's Gate 3Strength 17 (15+2) The maximum strength will allow to maximize the weapon damage. The value can be 16 if you do not plan on getting the Auntie Ethel Hair +1 Strength.
dexterityDexterity 16 (15+1) This is a debatable stat and could be set to 14 while going for 16 in the Constitution. I prefer higher initiative roles, which allow Lae'zel to go earlier in combat.
constitution bg3Constitution 14 Helps with a higher health pool. Depending on your priorities you can set it to 16.
intelligenceIntelligence 8 Not a relevant ability for the build
wisdomWisdom 10 This will remove the negative modifier against Wisdom Saving Throws.
charismaCharisma 8 Not relevant for the build

Skills and Expertise

Overall, the skills should be impacted by your roleplaying and background decisions. However, you would still want those that will give you the best benefits. There are only a few relevant ones:

  • Acrobatics
  • Perception - helps detect ambushes
  • Survival - helps detect chests.

Leveling Progression - Levels 2-12

Here is the detailed progression for the Lae'zel build to get you started. You can use it as a guideline because early games can be daunting and overwhelming. Later on, once you get a feel for the class you can start picking your options

Level 2

This is where you will have left the tutorial area, and will start exploring the world. The fighter instantly gains a powerful feature:

Action Description
Action Surge icon action bg3Action Surge For each short rest, you can get an additional action point. This enables the fighter to unleash additional attacks.

Optional Progressing with Elixir of Hill Giant Strength

Some players prefer using the Elixir of Hill Giant Strength to gain fixed 21 strength. This allows circumventing some limitations with melee builds and gains a huge boost to damage early on. I think someone like Lae'zel would not use this, and I will continue the progression and gear recommendations with this in mind.

However, if you decide to use them, it is pretty easy. Early in Act 1, after you reach the first settlement - Druid's Grove. There you can stock up on some really powerful potions for Acts 1, and 2 - Elixir of Hill Giant Strength.

What do they do? They increase the Strength to 21 until a Long rest. More or less this negates any need to have strength investment if you plan to use them till the late game. This is somewhat gimmicky, however, if you are interested here is a guide on how to farm Elixir of Hill Giant Strength.

So here is the setup once you get these Elixirs and decide to use them. Remember to respec, to get the full utility:

Ability Value Description
strengthproficient_ability Baldur's Gate 3Strength 8 Strength becomes irrelevant.
dexterityDexterity 16 (15+1) Helps with initiative and gives a boost to the armor class when wearing medium armor.
constitution bg3Constitution 14 Helps with a higher health pool. Depending on your priorities you can set it to 16.
intelligenceIntelligence 16 (14 + 2) Later, you will obtain Diadem of Arcane Synergy icon bg3Diadem of Arcane Synergy which allows you to use the spellcasting modifier for bonus damage. This big investment is available thanks to the Elixir of Hill Giant Strength.
wisdomWisdom 12 This will remove the negative modifier against Wisdom Saving Throws.
charismaCharisma 8 Not relevant for the build

Level 3

Lae'zel gets to choose the Fighter subclass which will have a huge impact. The build will be going with Battlemaster as it is the default pick for her.

battlemaster bg3Battle Master
superiority dice bg3Superiority Dice These dice give bonus 1d8 damage, can be used 4 times, and are reset each short and long rest. Easy damage increase and improved battlefield control.


You get to pick 3 distinct Battle Master actions:

Manoeuvre Description
Precision Attack icon action bg3Precision Attack One of the key options to make a fighter very powerful in early games. Once you obtain the Great Weapon Master: All In icon passive feature bg3Great Weapon Master: All In​ it will be easy to drastically improve hit chance and gain the +10 damage bonus.
Disarming Attack icon passive feature bg3Disarming Attack Very powerful action, that allows them to disarm foes, and force them to drop their weapons.
Trip Attack (Melee) icon action bg3Trip Attack (Melee) Gives an easy way to obtain advantage to attack rolls from close range by making enemies prone.

Level 4

Level 4 brings the first feat option. There are some options that you can pick so let me give recommendations


Feat Description
Great Weapon Master: All In icon passive feature bg3Great Weapon Master: All In This is the strongest feat if you are using two-handed weapons. First, it gives a bonus attack using a bonus action if you kill an enemy or land a critical hit. Second, it gives a big 10 damage boost, that comes with a -5 penalty to attack rolls. This is problematic in the early game but fighters can overcome it with Precision Attack icon action bg3Precision Attack. I recommend checking my guide on Attack Roll Increase, to get ideas on how to mitigate it.

Level 5

This is a huge upgrade for Battle Master Fighter.

Feature Description
Extra Attack icon passive feature bg3Extra Attack This allows attacking two times instead of one, theoretically doubling the Battle Master's damage output.

The next big upgrade like this will be at level 11.

Level 6

And we get another Feat choice


Feat Description
Ability Improvement - +2 Strength Let's pump that strength to maximize the Fighter build pure combat prowess.

Level 7

Temporary multiclass into War Domain Cleric.

In my opinion, this level offers a unique opportunity if you are willing to do a respec at level 11. I am leaving this an optional choice for those who want to maximize the build for levels 7-11. After that, you would still go back to full fighter at level 11. Remember, the last level of the build will be War Domain Cleric, so this is additional optimization for those who want maximum damage in Act 2 and early Act 3.

So the idea here is that you can get War Domain Cleric and enjoy the War Priest icon passive feature bg3War Priest​ effect. There are also some useful buffs like Shield of Faith icon action bg3Shield of Faith​ for additional survivability.

So instead of taking Fighter at Level 7, multiclass into Cleric with these picks:

  • Cantrips: Thaumaturgy icon action bg3Thaumaturgy, Guidance icon action bg3Guidance, Blade Ward icon action bg3Blade Ward
  • Subclass: War Domain
  • Deity: Vlaakith, well obvious with the build theme, otherwise take what you prefer
  • Abilities: any
  • Prepare Spell: Sanctuary icon action bg3Sanctuary, Protection from Evil and Good icon action bg3Protection from Evil and Good, anything

At level 11, you would go back to 11 levels of fighter as you want that Improved Extra Attack icon passive feature bg3Improved Extra Attack​ which is a huge damage boost through the whole day, every turn. Let's continue with the base progression

Fighter features

The Battle Master gets substantial improvements to its subclass. Still there is one point I would like to cover.

Feature Description
superiority dice bg3Superiority Dice: 1 An additional dice is unlocked, allowing even more maneuvers per short rest.


Manoeuvres Description
Riposte icon action bg3Riposte In essence, this gives an additional attack with reaction. Of course, this does compete with Attack of Opportunity, but it might not get always activated.
Pushing Attack (Melee) icon action bg3Pushing Attack (Melee) Sometimes this can guarantee an instant kill if the enemy is pushed to a chasm. Also, this allows to force enemies onto difficult terrain or spells like Hunger of Hadar icon action bg3Hunger of Hadar​ in case they leave it.

Level 8

The third feat is unlocked which is the earliest option for any class.


There are a few good options, so here are some recommendations from my side:

Feat Description
Savage Attacker icon passive feature bg3Savage Attacker If you are looking for maximum damage, this would be my pick. It will improve any of the damage rolls and damage riders when you hit.
Athlete: Standing Up icon passive feature bg3Athlete: Standing Up​​ I would not overlook this feat. It gives multiple benefits:
  • Improves jumping distance by 50%
  • Makes it cheaper to stand up from the Prone effect.
  • In case you did not get +1 Strength from Auntie Ethel's Hair, this allows you to round it up for 20.
Alert icon passive feature bg3Alert A very popular pick, as it allows for avoiding surprise rounds and getting a huge boost to initiative, making Lae'zel go earlier in combat.

Level 9

Besides the boost in HP, a new class feature of fighter is unlocked:

Feature Description
Indomitable icon passive feature bg3Indomitable Greatly improves chances of succeeding in Saving Throws, minimizing the impact of crowd control actions.

Unfortunately, it is not as important for a fighter, compared to something like a Caster, which would be using a lot of Concentration spells.

Level 10

A decent progression level that improves the Battle Master subclass further.

Feature Description
Improved Combat Superiority icon passive feature bg3Improved Combat Superiority Makes the Manoeuvres more potent as the additional dice roll now has a higher upper value.


Manoeuvres Description
Rally icon action bg3Rally A great tool to have in the arsenal in case you need to help a downed party member.
Goading Attack icon passive feature bg3Goading Attack Can help you to force some stronger enemies to attack the Fighter.

Level 11

This is big, very big. You gain a very important class feature from Fighter

Feature Description
Improved Extra Attack icon passive feature bg3Improved Extra Attack​​ Now a third attack can be used, tripling your base damage. Especially in the late game, where you have multiple sources of additional damage, this will stack up for easy kills against most foes.

Level 12 - Level 1 Cleric

So this level is left for the Cleric Multiclass. The main goal is to obtain the War Priest icon passive feature bg3War Priest​ effect which will offer additional attacks per long rest.

There is also a unique opportunity here to do some optimizations. For example, if you have Amulet of Greater Health icon bg3Amulet of Greater Health you could respec, drop all the constitution, and pump up Wisdom. This way you will have higher resistance against spells targeting Wisdom. However, this opens the opportunity to increase damage when wearing Diadem of Arcane Synergy icon bg3Diadem of Arcane Synergy.

You can also lower Dexterity to something like 14, and further improve Wisdom, resulting in +3 to each attack which stacks up well with the number of Fighter attacks. Overall, I leave this decision in your hands.


cleric bg3Cleric
ico_mini_spellSlot Baldur's Gate 3Spell Slots These can be used to cast spells and are restored each long rest.
Domain Spells icon passive feature bg3Domain Spells Gives access to some additional spells.


There are a few useful ones, however, late in the game, they don't matter much.

Cantrip Description
Thaumaturgy icon action bg3Thaumaturgy Useful for some dialogue ability checks, however, Lae'zel will not be doing many of them if she is a companion.
Guidance icon action bg3Guidance Gives +1d4 to ability checks to an ally.
Blade Ward icon action bg3Blade Ward Can be cast before combat to get some damage resistance.


war domain cleric bg3War Domain
War Priest icon passive feature bg3War Priest The additional charges allow for attacks with bonus action. These also work while in Wild Shape icon action bg3Wild Shape.
Divine Favour icon action bg3Divine Favour Gives +1d4 radiant damage rider. This also works in Wild Shape icon action bg3Wild Shape.
Shield of Faith icon action bg3Shield of Faith Provides additional Armour Class, and the spell works until long rest. This also moves to Wild Shape icon action bg3Wild Shape. I recommend it if you do not plan on using other Concentration spells. For example, you could mix this with Ice Storm icon action bg3Ice Storm​ or Plant Growth icon action bg3Plant Growth.


The main and obvious pick would be - Vlaakith. Of course, if you are rejecting her, any other diety can be taken.

Prepare Spells

Depending on your Wisdom, you will have a few options:

Spell Description
Sanctuary icon action bg3Sanctuary Can be used to avoid combat in a dire situation.
Protection from Evil and Good icon action bg3Protection from Evil and Good Gives additional protection against fiends, undeads, etc.

Maximizing Ability Scores

Now, as the build progression is covered there are a few aspects and important decisions you will have to make throughout the game. These will decide your final score for abilities.

  1. 17 Strength - the base from character creation.
  2. Act 1 - Auntie Ethel Hair - you will want to get +1 Strength if you pick this choice.
  3. Feat - Ability Improvement - +2 Strength.
  4. Act 2 - Potion of Everlasting Vigour - +2 Strength
  5. Act 3 - Mirror of Loss - pick +2 Strength.

This results in the highest natural strength value of 24. To be fair this fits the Lae'zel build especially as she would not be using something like Strength Elixirs.

Potions, Elixirs and Consumables

Let's take a look at what consumables you can use to further empower the build.


These are general consumables, and most of them are activated for a few turns. Potions are separate from Elixirs and can be active together.

Consumable Description
potion of speed bg3Potion of Speed In case you or your other casters have a Concentration spell slot taken and cannot cast Haste, use this potion. It acts similarly, but the effect is just for 3 turns.
potion of animal speaking bg3Potion of Animal Speaking Although not something powerful, it can be used to enable dialogues with animals.
potion of invisibility bg3Potion of Invisibility Can be used to get a perfect position before the encounter starts or leave the encounter if it comes to worst.
oil of accuracy bg3Oil of Accuracy Gives +2 to attack rolls, which minimizes the negative impact from Great Weapon Master: All In icon passive feature bg3Great Weapon Master: All In.
diluted oil of sharpness bg3Diluted Oil of Sharpness Gives a bonus attack roll and damage. It is a good coating if you can apply it before combat.


Unfortunately, only one Elixir can be active at a time. However, the good thing is that they last until a long rest, making them very useful and economical.

Be sure to activate them before combat as otherwise, you will need to use Bonus Action.

Remember to activate one elixir after each Long Rest. These are found plentiful throughout the game, so don't save them too much.
Consumable Description
elixir of bloodlust bg3Elixir of Bloodlust Very effective elixir that gives another action point if you kill an enemy. I would say this is the best one to use to maximize your output through the turn.
elixir of heroismElixir of Heroism Very valuable elixir especially in the early game to counteract the Sharpshooter: All In icon passive feature bg3Sharpshooter: All In​ and Great Weapon Master: All In icon passive feature bg3Great Weapon Master: All In​ effects of -5 attack rolls.
elixir of the colossusElixir of the Colossus Makes you bigger, and a bit stronger with a 1d4 damage boost.
elixir of vigilance bg3Elixir of Vigilance For some encounters, you will want to go first. This elixir will ensure that it overcomes even surprise mechanics.

Illithid Powers

This special mechanic in Baldur's Gate 3 allows you to consume tadpoles and unlock special Illithid Powers.

To be fair, Lae'zel is one character that I never give tadpoles. She is fully against it most of the game, and it feel unfair to use them on her. However, if you want some options:

Illithid Power Type Description
Favourable Beginnings icon passive feature bg3Favourable Beginnings Base Beneficial power to take as it does not have any costs, and provides only benefits on the first hits with attack rolls.
Luck of the Far Realms icon passive feature bg3Luck of the Far Realms Base An easy way to ensure you land critical hits.
Cull the Weak icon passive feature bg3Cull the Weak Base Can help to kill an enemy faster if it is left with a few HP.
Psionic Backlash icon action bg3Psionic Backlash Base A great way to weaponize your reaction before obtaining Counterspell icon action bg3Counterspell.
Illithid Expertise icon passive feature bg3Illithid Expertise Elite Can be used to maximize the effectiveness of charisma-based skills, especially relevant to the main character.
Psionic Dominance icon action bg3Psionic Dominance Elite Can be used to save yourself from a deadly spell. This is especially relevant as you will have a disadvantage on mental saving throws.

Equipment Recommendations

Now I would like to go through some gear recommendations to maximize the Lae'zel Fighter Build. Items are especially important as they take the build to the next level thanks to their unique effects.

Now, as this is a somewhat lore-friendly build I will be offering Githyanki-related items wherever possible. Most of them include additional psychic damage, which relates to their prowess when fighting Illithid enemies.

I recommend checking the Item Checklists this will help you plan your run and assign items so that they do not overlap.

Act 1

Slot Item Description
melee slot bg3Melee (Two-Handed) Unseen Menace icon bg3Unseen Menace Solid choice as it increases the critical chance and provides an advantage on attack rolls.
Soulbreaker Greatsword icon bg3Soulbreaker Greatsword The first strong githyanki themed weapon, which offers the psychic damage bonus.
Svartlebee's Woundseeker icon bg3Svartlebee's Woundseeker It's one of the best greatswords that you can get in Act 1. The bonus to attack rolls is great for counteracting Great Weapon Master: All In icon passive feature bg3Great Weapon Master: All In​ Effect.
Sword of Justice icon bg3Sword of Justice A solid greatsword, that gives bonus armour class with Shield of Faith icon action bg3Shield of Faith​ action.
ranged slot bg3Ranged Bow of Awareness icon bg3Bow of Awareness Gives bonus initiative, allowing one to go earlier in combat. I recommend this for the early games, as you will have low dexterity.
Hand Crossbow +1 icon bg3Hand Crossbow +1 Equip two of these so that you can attack with your bonus action.
helmet slot bg3Head Grymskull Helm icon bg3Grymskull Helm Gives immunity to critical hits, greatly improving survivability.
Diadem of Arcane Synergy icon bg3Diadem of Arcane Synergy This is a very powerful headwear, however, it does require some investment in the Spellcasting modifier. For this reason, I only recommend it if you are using Elixir of Hill Giant Strength to maximize its effectiveness.
Circlet of Psionic Revenge icon bg3Circlet of Psionic Revenge Inflicts bonus 1d4 psychic damage and gives additional bonuses for githyanki wearers.
Haste Helm icon bg3Haste Helm I think the melee aspect of the build greatly benefits from this helmet, so I recommend it.
cloak slot bg3Cloak - Nothing really of note here.
armor slot bg3Armor Adamantine Splint Armour icon bg3Adamantine Splint Armour A heavy armor version of Adamantine gear. It is one of the best armors until the middle of Act 2.
Githyanki Half Plate icon bg3Githyanki Half Plate The starting armor that is surprisingly good worn by Lae'zel. It gets +2 Armor Class from at least 14 Dexterity.
gloves slot bg3Gloves Gloves of the Growling Underdog icon bg3Gloves of the Growling Underdog Very strong gloves as they give Advantage. It is the best way to counteract the Great Weapon Master: All In icon passive feature bg3Great Weapon Master: All In​ -5 attack roll effect.
Gloves of Dexterity icon bg3Gloves of Dexterity These gloves have a niche use between late Act 1, and part of Act 2. The 18 DEX allows you to ditch any dexterity investment, which could be used on Intelligence to activate Diadem of Arcane Synergy icon bg3Diadem of Arcane Synergy. The gloves also give +1 to attack rolls.
Gloves of Missile Snaring icon bg3Gloves of Missile Snaring Defensive gloves to reduce the damage of incoming ranged attacks.
boots slot bg3Boots Disintegrating Night Walkers icon bg3Disintegrating Night Walkers One of the best boots, giving a total advantage for movement on difficult surfaces. It also gives Misty Step icon action bg3Misty Step​ to increase that mobility.
Boots of Genial Striding icon bg3Boots of Genial Striding Good boots that allow moving without slowing down on difficult terrain.
amulet slot bg3Amulet Amulet of Branding icon bg3Amulet of Branding This is a good amulet that can double your damage with a cost of bonus action. For example, it would work perfectly against bosses where Great Weapon Master: Bonus Attack icon passive feature bg3Great Weapon Master: Bonus Attack​ may not activate every time.
Broodmother's Revenge icon bg3Broodmother's Revenge The only amulet in the game that gives direct damage increase, can be activated with a single health potion before combat.
Amulet of Misty Step icon bg3Amulet of Misty Step Gives mobility improvement thanks to the Misty Step icon action bg3Misty Step​ spell.
ring slot bg3Rings Strange Conduit Ring icon bg3Strange Conduit Ring For now, I recommend just getting the item, as the fighter cannot cast spells. However, later, when you obtain Cleric and cast something like Shield of Faith icon action bg3Shield of Faith​ this will result in bonus 1d4 bonus damage.
Ring of Protection icon bg3Ring of Protection The best option for Act 1. The bonus Armour Class is a great boost for survivability.
Caustic Band icon bg3Caustic Band A solid ring with a +2 acid damage bonus on your weapon attacks.
Crusher's Ring icon bg3Crusher's Ring A good movement boost makes it easier to reach those targets.

Act 2 - mid-game

For Act 2, you will be dropping that heavy armor for some great medium ones. Some of the items will still be the best ones even if they are from Act 1.

Slot Item Description
melee slot bg3Melee (Two-Handed) Halberd of Vigilance icon bg3Halberd of Vigilance Comes with +2 enchantment and bonus force damage.
Drakethroat Glaive icon bg3Drakethroat Glaive You can imbue a weapon with any element 1d4 damage and gain a +1 to attack rolls. You can get the bonus elemental damage on any weapon. For example, drop another weapon on the ground, cast the spell with this glaive, and equip the said weapon. This is a very powerful combo, although it may be a bug.
ranged slot bg3Ranged Darkfire Shortbow icon bg3Darkfire Shortbow It is an amazing bow that allows you to precast Haste icon action bg3Haste​ before combat. This may not seem as big as you can use Potion of Speed, but sometimes its short duration is insufficient. Otherwise, stay with bows from the previous act.
helmet slot bg3Head Flawed Helldusk Helmet icon bg3Flawed Helldusk Helmet Improves Saving Throws for Constitution and against spells.
Diadem of Arcane Synergy icon bg3Diadem of Arcane Synergy This is the recommended headwear if you have a way to set your spellcasting modifier (intelligence - FIghter, wisdom - cleric) to at least 14. This can be done by using fixed stat items like Amulet of Greater Health icon bg3Amulet of Greater Health or Gloves of Dexterity icon bg3Gloves of Dexterity.
cloak slot bg3Cloak Cloak of Protection icon bg3Cloak of Protection Improves survivability and Saving Throw success. You want to equip this cloak to maintain that good Armour Class.
armor slot bg3Armor Dwarven Splintmail icon bg3Dwarven Splintmail The best heavy armor in Act 2.
gloves slot bg3Gloves Braindrain Gloves icon bg3Braindrain Gloves As you will deal psychic damage with the build, these will allow for additional mental fatigue debuff.
Gauntlets of Surging Accuracy icon bg3Gauntlets of Surging Accuracy These have a niche use, specifically when you have a nova round, and plan on attacking enemies in close proximity or jumping on a boss. Use Action Surge icon action bg3Action Surge​ and enjoy a +1d4 boost to attack rolls.
Flawed Helldusk Gloves icon bg3Flawed Helldusk Gloves It gives a bonus of 1d4 damage, which is a good boost to melee damage.
boots slot bg3Boots Evasive Shoes icon bg3Evasive Shoes Gives +1 to the armor class.
Disintegrating Night Walkers icon bg3Disintegrating Night Walkers The boots are still the best ones you can equip.
amulet slot bg3Amulet Amulet of the Harpers icon bg3Amulet of the Harpers Allows casting a Shield icon action bg3Shield​ spell, and can be a lifesaver if attacked heavily for one turn.
ring slot bg3Rings Risky Ring icon bg3Risky Ring The ring can be a good replacement for Unseen Menace icon bg3Unseen Menace and Gloves of the Growling Underdog icon bg3Gloves of the Growling Underdog, as they would guarantee an advantage and give a consistent increase in hit chance. Later, in the game this will be counteracted from various buffs so they lose their importance of Fighter.
Caustic Band icon bg3Caustic Band Still a good ring to use, for easy +2 damage.
Ring of Protection icon bg3Ring of Protection Improves armor class by 1.

Act 3 - Final Build setup

This is the last act of the game, where you will get access to the most powerful items. To get them as early as possible you will need some planning, but overall, it should not be a problem.

Generally, you would want Bhaalist Armour icon bg3Bhaalist Armour, for the piercing vulnerability. However, as this build aims to use a two-handed sword and reflect a lore-friendly setup of Lae'zel, I leave it out of item recommendations.

Slot Item Description
melee slot bg3Melee (Two-Handed) Silver Sword of the Astral Plane icon bg3Silver Sword of the Astral Plane This is my recommended pick for the Lae'zel build. It is the strongest githyanki-themed weapon in the game with a strong damage rider and additional offensive action.
Balduran's Giantslayer icon bg3Balduran's Giantslayer An alternative weapon with a solid offensive action option and additional damage based on the strength modifier.
ranged slot bg3Ranged The Dead Shot icon bg3The Dead Shot Improves critical range for attack rolls.
Hellrider Longbow icon bg3Hellrider Longbow I would pick this bow if you are using Heavy Armour. The bonus initiative would be a huge boost to do some damage early in the turn.
Vicious Shortbow icon bg3Vicious Shortbow Very powerful bow, that gives additional damage on critical hits with weapon attacks. I would use this if you often use effects like Hold Person icon action bg3Hold Person​/Hold Monster icon action bg3Hold Monster​ to guarantee crits.
helmet slot bg3Head Horns of the Berserker icon bg3Horns of the Berserker Gives an easy way to get +2 Necrotic damage.
Diadem of Arcane Synergy icon bg3Diadem of Arcane Synergy This is the recommended headwear if you have a way to set your spellcasting modifier (intelligence - FIghter, wisdom - cleric) to at least 14. This can be done by using fixed stat items like Amulet of Greater Health icon bg3Amulet of Greater Health or Gloves of Dexterity icon bg3Gloves of Dexterity.
Mask of Soul Perception icon bg3Mask of Soul Perception Gives bonuses to attack and initiative rolls.
Helm of Balduran icon bg3Helm of Balduran This helmet synergizes well with Broodmother's Revenge icon bg3Broodmother's Revenge to activate the 1d6 poison bonus.
Sarevok's Horned Helmet icon bg3Sarevok's Horned Helmet A decent headwear option that increases the critical hit chance.
cloak slot bg3Cloak Cloak of Displacement icon bg3Cloak of Displacement Great way to avoid attacks and reduce the chance of enemy attacks landing.
Cloak of Protection icon bg3Cloak of Protection The bonus armor class is great for better survivability.
armor slot bg3Armor Helldusk Armour icon bg3Helldusk Armour One of the best armors in the game, gives 21 Armour Class, and various buffs.
Armour of Persistence icon bg3Armour of Persistence Reduces incoming damage and provides Blade Ward icon action bg3Blade Ward​ + Resistance icon action bg3Resistance​ effects.
gloves slot bg3Gloves Legacy of the Masters icon bg3Legacy of the Masters The best gloves in terms of melee damage potential.
Braindrain Gloves icon bg3Braindrain Gloves The gloves fit well with the githyanki theme. You will deal psychic damage from various sources like Strange Conduit Ring icon bg3Strange Conduit Ring or Silver Sword of the Astral Plane icon bg3Silver Sword of the Astral Plane, which can then apply mental fatigue.
Gauntlets of the Warmaster icon bg3Gauntlets of the Warmaster As you will be attacking a lot of Battle Master Manoeuvres, these gloves will improve the success chances. Moreover, they come with +1 attack roll boost.
Helldusk Gloves icon bg3Helldusk Gloves A decent gloves giving 1d6 fire damage rider.
boots slot bg3Boots Helldusk Boots icon bg3Helldusk Boots An alternative boot to Disintegrating Night Walkers icon bg3Disintegrating Night Walkers. It's not better by any means just an alternative.
Boots of Psionic Movement icon bg3Boots of Psionic Movement Mentioning these, as they fit the githyanki theme. However, I do think they are inferior to other boot options, especially as the fly costs bonus action and results only in 1d4 bonus damage.
amulet slot bg3Amulet Broodmother's Revenge icon bg3Broodmother's Revenge The only amulet that gives a direct damage boost.
Amulet of Greater Health icon bg3Amulet of Greater Health It could be used to improve the survivability of the build. If using it remember to set your constitution to 8 using respec.
ring slot bg3Rings Strange Conduit Ring icon bg3Strange Conduit Ring Once you take the Cleric multiclass you can get Shield of Faith icon action bg3Shield of Faith​ which improves your armour class and gets you additional damage from this ring.
Ring of Mental Inhibition icon bg3Ring of Mental Inhibition An excellent ring to fit the githyanki theme. Battle Master uses plenty of actions like Disarming Attack (Melee) icon action bg3Disarming Attack (Melee)​ or Trip Attack (Melee) icon action bg3Trip Attack (Melee)​ to proc the mental inhibition effect.
Ring of Regeneration icon bg3Ring of Regeneration An easy way to activate Broodmother's Revenge icon bg3Broodmother's Revenge passively.
Ring of Protection icon bg3Ring of Protection Gives a slight armor class boost.

Build Mechanics

In this section, I would like to dive deep into how to play the Wyll Build. This will help you utilize it to the fullest and correctly use various actions and spells throughout the game.

Important Mechanics and Combos

Let's go through key mechanics and tips on how to use the build effectively. Warlock has very interesting combos if you are willing to invest some time in the setup.

The Fighter's simplicity - its number of Attacks

So in general, Fighter is considered a simple build, you mostly hit with your weapon and that's it. I think Battle Master does give an interesting and tactical approach with Manoeuvres where you can also apply control on enemies.

However, the main thing is that Fighter can hit more times than most of the other classes:

  • Extra Attack icon passive feature bg3Extra Attack​ + Improved Extra Attack icon passive feature bg3Improved Extra Attack​ - 3 attacks with first action point
  • Action Surge icon action bg3Action Surge​ - 3 attacks per short rest
  • Great Weapon Master: Bonus Attack icon passive feature bg3Great Weapon Master: Bonus Attack​ - 1 additional attack with bonus action. An alternative will be the War Priest icon passive feature bg3War Priest​ effect, which can be activated if Great Weapon Master is not procced.
  • Haste icon action bg3Haste​ or Potion of Speed - 1 additional attack.
  • Elixir of Bloodlust - 1 additional attack if an enemy is killed

So on the initial turn, it is possible to land 9 attacks, and not many enemies can stand after this onslaught.

Managing Great Weapon Master

One of the more important feats of the build is Great Weapon Master: All In icon passive feature bg3Great Weapon Master: All In. It gives a flat damage boost at the cost of decreased attack rolls. Generally, it is best to take this later in the game at level 8+, when you have higher attack bonuses and better gear.

However, if you can effectively use it at level 4, you will be able to easily kill most of the enemies you encounter, especially as it is easy to die in Act 1. So if you are up for putting in additional effort the benefits are immense. Here are the main ways to increase your attack rolls:

  • Bless icon action bg3Bless​ from Cleric or Paladin, for a 1d4 bonus.
  • Spells like Faerie Fire icon action bg3Faerie Fire, and Blindness icon action bg3Blindness​ give an advantage to attackers.
  • Oil of Accuracy or Diluted Oil of Sharpness, for 1 and 2 attack roll bonus.
  • Gloves of the Growling Underdog icon bg3Gloves of the Growling Underdog - can be obtained in Goblin Camp, and gives an advantage for attack rolls.
  • Svartlebee's Woundseeker icon bg3Svartlebee's Woundseeker - early game greatsword that you can get before engaging in any of the major battles of Act 1.

Now, if you want more in-depth information, I have a guide covering how to increase attack rolls, which lists a lot of options and combinations. You can then pick the bonuses based on your party setup.

Using appropriate Manoeuvres

Battle Master's main draw is its unique Manoeuvre actions. These give various bonuses by consuming Superiority Dice. These get reset each short and long rest, giving plenty of uses.

For example, use Trip Attack (Melee) icon action bg3Trip Attack (Melee)​ to make the enemy prone on the first attack. This then leaves them lying on the ground, guaranteeing constant advantage. Follow up with attacks from yourself and your allies.

battle master maneouvres saving throw target bg3

However, you should not use them blindly. Always evaluate what Saving Throw the action targets, and whether the enemy will succeed against it or not. This way you can impose significant crowd control and damage on the foes.

For example, if you have a low hit chance, especially with Great Weapon Master: Bonus Attack icon passive feature bg3Great Weapon Master: Bonus Attack​ you can use Precision Attack icon action bg3Precision Attack​ to add an additional attack roll bonus and greatly improve the chance of landing a hit.

Stacking Psychic effects

So this is Lae'zel build, and as Gith, they use various psychic effects to strike down their foes. From the lore, their main enemy is illithid mindflayers, which are their sworn enemies. For this reason, many of their items include psychic damage effects. Here are a few ways that I use in the build to stack these:

This is of course not "optimal" in terms of damage, but does give a unique playstyle with interesting damage options and debuff effects on top of what Battle Master can do.

Considerations for different item and ability setups

Okay, so Fighter has plenty of options for maximizing its stats with different items and ability setups. In the build, I did list a few of them, but overall it all depends on how much effort you are willing to put in.

  • Using Amulet of Greater Health icon bg3Amulet of Greater Health drastically improves the health pool and allows you to dump Constitution. It then can be allocated to the spellcasting modifier - Wisdom (last level 1 class cleric) or Intelligence (last level 1 class fighter).
  • Gloves of Dexterity icon bg3Gloves of Dexterity can be a decent mid-game choice, to improve Dexterity and get bonus initiative and improved attack rolls. This also allows dumping DEX, pumping Intelligence, and using Diadem of Arcane Synergy icon bg3Diadem of Arcane Synergy for bonus damage. For the later part of the game, these gloves take a valuable equipment spot and lose their importance.
  • When multiclassing into Cleric your spellcasting modifier becomes Wisdom, so remember that if you will be wearing Diadem of Arcane Synergy icon bg3Diadem of Arcane Synergy.
  • There is an option of using Gauntlets of Frost Giant Strength icon bg3Gauntlets of Frost Giant Strength to set the strength to 23 in Act 3. This then allows us to again pool those points into something like Wisdom/Intelligence and get bonus damage from Diadem of Arcane Synergy icon bg3Diadem of Arcane Synergy

Early Game Combat

Let's cover how you should progress combat levels 1-6.

  • It's pretty simple, bonk the weakest enemy, and kill them.
  • Use Action Surge icon action bg3Action Surge​ to get an extra attack and use this action once per short rest to maximize the build effectiveness. Perfect for taking down a specific foe or a boss.
  • Once you get Great Weapon Master: All In icon passive feature bg3Great Weapon Master: All In​ I do recommend comboing it with Precision Attack icon action bg3Precision Attack​ for an easy way to improve attack rolls.
  • Use different Manoeuvres based on what enemies are weak. Using Trip Attack (Melee) icon action bg3Trip Attack (Melee)​ is an easy way to guarantee an advantage in melee attacks.
  • Second Wind icon action bg3Second Wind​ is perfect for restoring a small amount of HP.
  • Utilize the Githyanki actions like Misty Step icon action bg3Misty Step​ to get in a better position.

Mid to Late Game Combat

Overall the combat stays the same - hit many times, destroy your foes, rinse and repeat.

  • In case Great Weapon Master: Bonus Attack icon passive feature bg3Great Weapon Master: Bonus Attack​ doesn't proc you can use War Priest icon passive feature bg3War Priest​ effect to land a bonus action attack.
  • If you are using psychic damage riders, be sure to get Resonance Stone in late Act 2 to maximize your damage.
  • With Improved Extra Attack icon passive feature bg3Improved Extra Attack​ and Action Surge icon action bg3Action Surge​ you can easily release 6 attack on initial turn, removing or weakening critical targets.
  • That's it more or less...


Thank you for reading the best Lae'zel Fighter Build for Baldur's Gate 3. This is a lore-friendly setup that takes into account her default class and subclass picks. Moreover, I recommend various githyanki friendly items and maximize psychic effects. So enjoy the game with your favourite Bae'zel


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