Best Sorcadin build - Sorcerer Paladin

Best Sorcadin build - Sorcerer Paladin - Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)

By zanuffas
Last updated:
In this post, I will go through the Sorcadin - Sorcerer Paladin multiclass Build for Baldur's Gate 3. It has high potential for both casting and melee combat. The combination empowers Paladin as it can unlock higher-level slots for even stronger smites. Sorcerer brings metamagic for some spellcasting when the situation arises.

Sorcadin Build - Paladin Sorcerer Multiclass Overview

Sorcadin is a multiclass between Sorcerer and Paladin classes. Why would you go this way? It empowers Paladin allowing it to reach versatility that you cannot get by going only with just monoclass.

Sorcerer brings level 4 spell slots, unlocking higher damage potential. However, this is not all as your total number of spell slots will increase allowing for longer combat before needing a Long Rest.

Another aspect is metamagic which allows some neat tricks. You can use Sorcery points to utilize Metamagic: Twinned Spell icon passive feature bg3Metamagic: Twinned Spell​ and cast a single spell on two targets. This greatly diminishes the negative aspect of sacrificing two attacks. With some items, this will even be improved further.

Sorcadin also includes the benefits of Paladin, as you can still use their spells to control, support, and heal. And of course, the most important part of all of this - sustained use of Divine Smites.

Multiclass options

Going for Sorcadin multiclass also gives a few options on how to spread the different class levels. Here are what they are best at:

  • Lv 6 Paladin and Lv 6 Sorcerer - an optimal choice as you get access to Aura of Protection and a level 5 spell slot. This is a safe option for Oath of the Devotion and Oath of Vengeance Paladins, as level 7 does not bring many benefits.
  • Lv 7 Paladin and Lv 5 Sorcerer - going for this setup sacrifices the level 5 spell slot, however, you get access to level 7 Paladin Auras. These are very powerful when going with the Oath of the Ancients and Oathbreaker subclasses.

So for example, if you are going for a dark Paladin playthrough go with the second option. if you are the protector of the weak, I would choose the first option.

Leveling Overview

Here is a table to get a short and concise table with all the main picks during your leveling progression. For more detailed reasoning, I go further in the article. Also, do not forget to check the recommended gear as it is crucial.

Sorcadin Build Overview Expand
Level Class Selection
1 Paladin Subclass: Oath of Vengeance
STR - 17, DEX - 10, CON - 14, INT - 8, WIS - 8, CHA - 16
Skills: Intimidation, Persuasion
2 Paladin Fighting Style: Defence icon passive feature bg3Defence
3 Paladin -
4 Paladin Feat: Great Weapon Master
5 Paladin -
6 Paladin -
7 Sorcerer Cantrips: Friends, Minor Illusion, Light, Fire Bolt
Spells: Shield, Thunderwave
Subclass: Draconic Bloodline
Dragon Ancestor: Fire or Lightning
8 Sorcerer Spells: Enhance Leap
Class Passives: Metamagic: Twinned Spell icon passive feature bg3Metamagic: Twinned Spell, Metamagic: Extended Spell icon passive feature bg3Metamagic: Extended Spell
9 Sorcerer Spells: Mirror Image
Replace Spell: Thunderwave -> Enhance Ability
Class Passives: Metamagic: Quickened Spell icon passive feature bg3Metamagic: Quickened Spell
10 Sorcerer Cantrips: Mage Hand
Spells: Enlarge/Reduce
Feat: Savage Attacker icon passive feature bg3Savage Attacker
11 Sorcerer Spells: Fireball or Lightning Bolt
Replace Spell: Enhance Leap -> Haste
12 Sorcerer Spells: Counterspell

Starting the Game

We start with the early game. I would go into what are the best Races, Abilities, and Skills for Sorcerer Paladins. Some of these choices are impactful as you cannot respec them.


Picking a race provides various benefits - abilities, dialogue options, looks, etc. Because Paladin gets Heavy Armor proficiency you have many more options on what to choose.

If you are having difficulties making a choice, pick whatever you prefer in terms of looks or roleplay. "The perfect race pick" is important if you are min-maxing or doing a Tactician run.
Race Features Description
Tiefling Baldur's Gate 3Zariel Tiefling A very versatile race that has Darkvision icon passive feature bg3Darkvision​ and good fire resistance. Moreover, thanks to Thaumaturgy, they can further utilize high Paladin's Charisma.
Half-Orc Baldur's Gate 3Half-Orc Half-Orcs shine as Paladins. They can resurrect in case they die and get an additional die roll on a critical hit. This gives a big damage boost if you are using something like Polearm or Greataxe with a 1d10 or 1d12 damage roll.
dwarf bg3Dwarf Duergar
  • Dwarven Combat Training icon passive feature bg3Dwarven Combat Training
  • Superior Darkvision icon passive feature bg3Superior Darkvision
  • Duergar Resilience icon passive feature bg3Duergar Resilience
This subrace comes with an Enlarge spell, that gives bonus damage. It does not take a concentration slot, making it the perfect choice to improve damage.
halfling bg3Halfling This race has a unique effect where they can reroll dice that roll 1. This results in better chances for critical hits, fewer missed attacks, and dialogue success.
Half-Elf Baldur's Gate 3Wood Half-Elf What makes these special is their increased moving distance. I think this is valuable as once you start taking out enemies one by one with Smites, this will prove advantageous. Overall the same applies to Wood Elf.


paladin Baldur's Gate 3Paladin
Action_Paladin_LayOnHands_BigHeal Baldur's Gate 3Lay on Hands Use your blessed touch to heal a creature or cure it of all diseases and poisons. 
Action_Paladin_DivineSense Baldur's Gate 3Divine Sense Gain Advantage on Attack Rolls against celestials, fiends, and undead.
ico_classRes_channelOath Baldur's Gate 3Channel Oath Charges You gain the ability to channel the power contained in your Paladin Oath, which you can use to fuel certain actions.


For the Sorcadin build we can go with any Paladin class. Each of them provides different bonuses. For this build, I will be going with Oath of Vengeance, as I would like to stop Paladin leveling at level 6 and continue with Sorcerer after that.

paladin_vengeance Baldur's Gate 3Oath of Vengeance
Inquisitor's Might icon passive feature bg3Inquisitor's Might You or an ally's weapon attacks deal additional Radiant damage equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1) and can Daze enemies for 2 turns.
Oath of Vengeance Tenets icon passive feature bg3Oath of Vengeance Tenets Oath of Vengeance paladins abide by the following tenets:
Fight the Greater Evil. Exerting your wisdom, identify the higher morality in any given instance, and fight for it.
No Mercy for the Wicked. Chasten those who dole out their villainy by wiping their blight from the world forever.


Backgrounds are mostly for role-playing and you can pick whatever you prefer. Paladin mainly benefits from Strength and charisma-related skills.

Background Skills Description
Soldier Athletics
The most fitting option for Paladin, as you have high Charisma and Strength.
Charlatan Deception
Sleight of Hand
The deception proficiency is a good choice here, however, Sleight of Hand is mostly useless as it is better handled by Bard, Ranger, or Rogue.
Noble History
Another good choice as it fits the overall roleplaying theme. The downside is that you have low intelligence and History proficiency does not benefit much.
Guild Artisan Insight
The persuasion proficiency makes this also a relevant choice for Sorcadin.


Now let's take a look at the abilities of the Sorcadin build. Correct allocation will allow us to maximize the early gameplay and get good modifier bonuses.

Ability Value Description
strengthproficient_ability Baldur's Gate 3Strength 17 (15+2) The main melee weapon damage ability. Either set it at 17 if you plan on using Auntie Ethel's Hair or leave it at 16 and use those two points on Wisdom.
dexterityDexterity 10 Dexterity is a debatable stat. If you are wearing a Medium Armor, having 14 is mandatory. However, with Heavy Armor 10 is perfect. Another thing to consider is initiative, and lower than 10 is a bad choice as you will go last in every fight.
constitution bg3Constitution 14 Important stat for any build gives bonus HP and improves the success of Constitution Saving Throws, which ensures your  Concentration spells don't break.
intelligenceIntelligence 8 Not an important stat for the build
wisdomWisdom 8 I would recommend going with 10, but this way you would need to sacrifice one ability point in Strength. This can be done if you do not use Auntie Ethel's Hair to improve Strength by 1.
charismaCharisma 16 (15+1) The main spellcasting ability of the build

Skills and Expertise

Overall, the skills should be impacted by your roleplaying and background decisions. However, you would still want those that will give you the best benefits. My recommendations are to pick those at which you have a high ability modifier


  • Athletics


  • Persuasion
  • Intimidation
  • Performance
  • Deception

Leveling Progression

Here is the detailed progression for the build to get you started. You can use it as a guideline because early games can be daunting and overwhelming. Later on, once you get the feel for the class you can start picking your options

Level 2

At level 2 we unlock the most famous Paladin action - Divine Smite. Moreover, we obtain 2 level 1 spell slots.

Actions Description
Action_Paladin_DivineSmite Baldur's Gate 3Divine Smite This Paladin-specific feature gives +2d8 Radiant Damage and an additional 1d8 against undead and fiends. it expends a spell slot if hits. Using higher-level spell slots deals more damage. Note, its damage does not depend on Charisma but spell level.

Smites Explained

This is the signature action of Paladin, that invokes Radiant damage. It looks amazing and does a lot of damage. However, there are a few caveats that should be explained.

divine smite baldurs gate 3

First, the Paladin gets additional Smites - Thunderous Smite, Searing Smite, etc. They are cool and give additional effects. However, they are far weaker than Divine Smite. Why? Divine Smite only uses spell slots. Other ones take Action + bonus action + spell slot. You use up more resources to utilize them.

paladin smites combat baldurs gate 3

Of course, other Smites come with unique effects like Blind, Freighten, etc. They are great when fighting enemies weak to specific elements - thunder, fire, etc. They are also perfect in case you have no use for Bonus Action that turn.

Fighting Style

Here you can pick a style that fits your weapon usage or playstyle. For example, going with a shield and a one-handed weapon would benefit from Duelling. Want to go for very high damage, take Two-handed weapons and pick Great Weapon Fighting.

Style Description
Great Weapon Fighting icon passive feature bg3Great Weapon Fighting When you roll a 1 or 2 on a damage die for an attack with a two-handed melee weapon, that die is rerolled once.
Defence icon passive feature bg3Defence A solid option both for one-handed and two-handed wielders.

Prepared Spells

Paladin level 1 spells are okay. They do not provide any crazy bonuses but can work in some situations. Here are my recommendations for what is good to have in your arsenal

Spell Description
Spell_Evocation_ThunderousSmite Baldur's Gate 3Thunderous Smite A smite alternative that deals Thunder damage and can make enemy prone. I would use it in case you have a free bonus action that you do not plan on using. Otherwise, use normal Smite.
Spell_Abjuration_ShieldOfFaith Baldur's Gate 3Shield of Faith It gives a +2 Armour Class as long as you can maintain concentration. Lasts until a long rest.
wrathful smite bg3Wrathful Smite Inflicts fear and deals psychic damage. Is a good option with some crowd-control capabilities.
Spell_Enchantment_CommandHalt Baldur's Gate 3Command Can command the creature to drop a weapon, run away, come close, etc. Can be useful in some encounters, especially against low Wisdom enemies.

For other slots pick what you want.

Optional Elixir of Hill Giant Strength

This is optional, and for some people breaks, immersion, feel free to skip it.

There is a trick early in Act 1 after you reach the first settlement - Druid's Grove. There you can stock up on some really powerful potions for Acts 1, and 2 - Elixir of Hill Giant Strength.

What do they do? They increase the Strength to 21 until a Long rest. More or less this negates any need to have strength investment if you plan to use them till the late game. This is somewhat gimmicky, however, if you are interested here is a guide on how to farm Elixir of Hill Giant Strength.

You will naturally stack up your Strength to 24 with some choices and bonuses, meaning that the potions will not be as useful. In Act 3 there will be an upgraded version - Elixir of Cloud Giant Strength, that will set it to 27. This is the highest possible strength value.

So here is the setup once you get these Elixirs and decide to use them. Remember to respec, to get the full utility:

Ability Value Description
strengthproficient_ability Baldur's Gate 3Strength 8 The potion will raise the strength to 21, meaning that we do not need this ability.
dexterityDexterity 14 Having higher dexterity will ensure we go earlier, it will also give bonus Armour Class to medium armours.
constitution bg3Constitution 16 (15+1) This Consitution amount is enough to ensure decent HP and constitution saving throw success.
intelligenceIntelligence 8 Not an important stat for us
wisdomWisdom 10 Wisdom is the most prominent spellcasting ability target, so going below 10 is not recommended.
charismaCharisma 17 (15+2) Charisma will be useful in combat, spellcasting, dialogues, and auras. Moreover, if using Giant Elixirs you can then use Auntie Ethel Hair for +1 Charisma.

What do you lose by going with these Elixirs? Well, the most important thing is that you cannot use Elixir of Bloodlust or Elixir of Vigilance, but there is nothing that high strength cannot solve!

Level 3

Level 3 Paladin gains a lot of new things - new actions, class, subclass features, and spells. However, I do not think that these are very powerful boons, we will have to wait for better actions

Feature Description
Divine Health icon passive feature bg3Divine Health Prevents diseases. Nothing special, just a good passive to have.

We also gain subclass-specific actions. These use Channel Oath Charge, which means that your spell slots will not be expended when used.

Action Description
Action_Paladin_AbjureEnemy Baldur's Gate 3Abjure Enemy Frighten an enemy. They'll be easier to hit and cannot move. Fiends and undead have Disadvantages on this Saving Throw. This costs Action points, so I doubt you will be using it much.
Action_Paladin_VowOfEnmity Baldur's Gate 3Vow of Enmity Gain Advantage on Attack Rolls against an enemy. This is perfect when you are fighting a single strong enemy. It only uses bonus action meaning you can also attack in the same turn. Match this together with Great Weapon Master: All In icon passive feature bg3Great Weapon Master: All In​ for a huge damage bonus without any downsides.

In addition, we get subclass-specific spells:

Spells Description
Spell_Enchantment_Bane Baldur's Gate 3Bane Up to 3 creatures receive a -1d4 penalty to Attack Rolls and Saving Throws. Unfortunately, I do not use it much as this takes up a Concentration slot
Spell_Divination_HuntersMark Baldur's Gate 3Hunter's Mark Similar spell to Hex, but deals physical damage and does not provide any negative effects. Takes up a Concentration slot.

Level 4

We finally unlock our first Feat which will greatly improve the overall performance of the Sorcerer Paladin Build. Moreover, another Lay on Hands Charge is added, for more healing actions. So let's deep dive:


Feat Description
PassiveFeature_GreatWeaponMaster_BonusAttack Baldur's Gate 3Great Weapon Master This is the strongest feat if you are using two-handed weapons. First, it gives a bonus attack using a bonus action if you kill an enemy or land a critical hit. Second, it gives a big 10 damage boost, that comes with a -5 penalty to attack rolls. This is problematic in the early game but can be overcome in various ways. I recommend checking my guide on Attack Roll Increase, to get ideas on how to mitigate it.
ico_features Baldur's Gate 3Ability Improvement You can go with +2 Strength or take +2 Charisma if using Elixir of Hill Giant Strength. it is a safer option compared to Great Weapon Master: All In icon passive feature bg3Great Weapon Master: All In​, as you will hit more often at the cost of lower damage.

Managing Great Weapon Master

One of the more important feats of the build is Great Weapon Master: All In icon passive feature bg3Great Weapon Master: All In. It gives a flat damage boost at the cost of decreased attack rolls. Generally, it is best to take this later in the game at level 8+, when you have higher attack bonuses and better gear.

However, if you can effectively use it at level 4, you will be able to easily kill most of the enemies you encounter, especially as it is easy to die in Act 1. So if you are up for putting in additional effort the benefits are immense. Here are the main ways to increase your attack rolls:

  • Bless icon action bg3Bless​ from Cleric or Paladin, for a 1d4 bonus.
  • Spells like Faerie Fire icon action bg3Faerie Fire, and Blindness icon action bg3Blindness​ give an advantage to attackers.
  • Oil of Accuracy or Diluted Oil of Sharpness, for 1 and 2 attack roll bonus.
  • Gloves of the Growling Underdog icon bg3Gloves of the Growling Underdog - can be obtained in Goblin Camp, and gives an advantage for attack rolls.
  • Svartlebee's Woundseeker icon bg3Svartlebee's Woundseeker - early game greatsword that you can get before engaging in any of the major battles of Act 1.

Now, if you want more in-depth information, I have a guide covering how to increase attack rolls, which lists a lot of options and combinations. You can then pick the bonuses based on your party setup.

Level 5

Finally, level 2 spells are unlocked, new Oath spells and we get the Paladin class feature - Extra Attack.

Feature Description
Extra Attack icon passive feature bg3Extra Attack Can make an additional free attack after making an unarmed or weapon attack. This will make you much more powerful in combat

Oath of Vengeance bonus spells are very good for Level 5:

Spell Description
Spell_Conjuration_MistyStep Baldur's Gate 3Misty Step An excellent spell to have in the arsenal. You can now leave or enter the battlefield in the best possible position. Moreover, it only costs bonus action.
Spell_Enchantment_HoldPerson Baldur's Gate 3Hold Person This is a good concentration spell and will be even more powerful once you get Sorcerer Metamagic: Twinned Spell icon passive feature bg3Metamagic: Twinned Spell​ and Metamagic: Quickened Spell icon passive feature bg3Metamagic: Quickened Spell. For now, hold on to this and let your casters use it. Using up an action point for one spell is too big of a loss.

Prepared Spells

As level 2 spells are unlocked here are some considerations to include in your build:

Spell Description
Spell_Abjuration_LesserRestoration Baldur's Gate 3Lesser Restoration Can heal disease, poison, paralysis, and some other negative effects. Not mandatory, but good to have if the situation arises.
Spell_Transmutation_MagicWeapon Baldur's Gate 3Magic Weapon This spell can empower your weapons with bonus damage rolls and attack rolls. The higher the spell slot you use the bigger the bonus. Another thing is that the bonus may seem low, but it will greatly boost your success on hitting while having Great Weapon Master: All In icon passive feature bg3Great Weapon Master: All In​ active.
Spell_Evocation_BrandingSmite_Melee Baldur's Gate 3Branding Smite This smite is useful due to its 2d6 radiant damage bonus which will be useful in Act 2. This is a good choice if you do not have a way to utilize the bonus action slot.

Level 6

This is the last level of Paladin for the Sorcadin build. The main interest is the newly unlocked Aura.

Action Description
Action_Paladin_AuraOfProtection Baldur's Gate 3Aura of Protection You and nearby allies gain a bonus to Saving Throws equal to your Charisma modifier. Using the Aura you can safely use Concentration spells

Level 7 - Sorcorer Lv 1

This is the first level when I recommend multiclassing to Sorcerer. We wanted that Extra Attack feature as in theory it doubles the damage output of Sorcadin and an aura for improved defense.

If you would go with Oathbreaker or Oath of the Ancients, I would recommend also taking level 7, to unlock their subclass auras as these are very useful.


sorcerer Baldur's Gate 3Sorcerer
Sorcerers are natural spellcasters, drawing on inherent magic from a gift or bloodline. 


Taking the Sorcerer class gives some useful cantrips especially outside of combat. Here are my recommendations:

Cantrips Description
Friends icon action bg3Friends A very valuable cantrip for dialogues. Gives an advantage to dice rolls when interacting with non-aggressive creatures. Be sure to leave the area after finishing the dialogue as the target may attack you.
Fire Bolt icon action bg3Fire Bolt I recommend having this cantrip as it can be useful for setting this on fire - barrels, oil, etc.
Spell_Evocation_Light Baldur's Gate 3Light Imbue an object with light. Can be useful if you do not have Darkvision in very dark places. Useful in Act 2
Spell_Illusion_MinorIllusion Baldur's Gate 3Minor Illusion Use this spell to distract NPCs or foes. Can be used from stealth before entering combat. Once the enemies are in one place, you can use Fireball or Lightning Bolt (that you obtain later) to deal huge damage.


As a Sorcerer, we are also able to pick level 1 spells. Here are my recommendations for the first two

Spell Description
Spell_Evocation_Thunderwave Baldur's Gate 3Thunderwave You can use this spell to throw enemies from ledges. It can be extremely useful in some cases, so I recommend having it. However, later it will be replaced.
Spell_Shield Baldur's Gate 3Shield This is a very powerful spell that can be used with a level 1 spell. It increases your Armour Class by 5 for the turn. This means you can avoid most of the attacks, especially if you have a shield equipped.


Generally, going with any Sorcerer subclass is a good option. each of them offers something unique and works in different approaches. Here is a short overview of what each does best:

  • Draconic Bloodline - gives bonus HP, meaning higher survivability. Moreover, you gain bonus elemental resistances and spells based on selected bloodlines.
  • Storm Sorcery - gives bonus mobility via the Tempestuous Magic feature. You can fly after casting a spell. Unfortunately, this does not work with Divine Smite, and getting Fly after you exhaust your resources is not useful.

I prefer Draconic Bloodline for Sorcadin as you want to be able to soak and deal additional damage.

sorcerer_dragoniceBloodline Baldur's Gate 3Draconic Bloodline
ico_features Baldur's Gate 3Draconic Resilience: Hit Points Gives a bit more survivability for Paladin Sorcerer multiclass.
Draconic Resilience icon passive feature bg3Draconic Resilience The bonus Armour Class is good, but not relevant with Heavy Armour.

Dragon Ancestor

As Draconic Bloodline, you can choose one of the ancestors. These unlock a level 1 spell and later on, some unique effects based on the element you choose.

I see two main choices, either going with Fire related ancestry or Lightning. This way you can utilize Fireball or Lightning Bolt spells at level 5 Sorcerer.

  • Lightning related - Draconic Ancestry: Blue (Lightning) icon passive feature bg3Draconic Ancestry: Blue (Lightning)​, Draconic Ancestry: Bronze (Lightning) icon passive feature bg3Draconic Ancestry: Bronze (Lightning)​ will give bonus damage with Lightning Bolt spell. Moreover, this is a more powerful option in terms of spellcasting as you can double damage on Wet enemies.
  • Fire related - Draconic Ancestry: Red (Fire) icon passive feature bg3Draconic Ancestry: Red (Fire)​, Draconic Ancestry: Gold (Fire) icon passive feature bg3Draconic Ancestry: Gold (Fire)​, Draconic Ancestry: Brass (Fire) icon passive feature bg3Draconic Ancestry: Brass (Fire)​ will give bonus damage to fire spells - Fireball. Moreover, it gives fire resistance which is a very abundant element throughout the game.
Ancestry Description
Draconic Ancestry: Gold (Fire) icon passive feature bg3Draconic Ancestry: Gold (Fire) I chose this one, as I have a soft spot for Fire spells, even if they will deal less damage. Moreover, Disguise Self, looks to be the most relevant spell even in the late game.

Level 8 - Sorcerer Lv 2

Sorcerer Level 2 unlocks - bonus sorcery points, a new spell slot, class passives, spells, etc.

Actions Description
Skill_Sorcerer_CreateSorceryPoints_1 Baldur's Gate 3Create Sorcery Points Spend Spell Slots to gain Sorcery Points. Once you get some more metamagic options, you could sacrifice spell slots, to cast two spells in one turn or increase your range
Skill_Sorcerer_CreateSpellSlot_1 Baldur's Gate 3Create Spell Slot Spend Sorcery Points to unlock a Spell Slot. You could create a higher tier spell slot, to increase the damage over what you can at the current level

Utilize Sorcery Points

This is a truly powerful mechanic that you can utilize differently based on the situation. For example:

  • Do you need more spell slots? Consume the points to gain one or two additional spell slots for Smites or spells.
  • Do you want to use Metamagic: Quickened Spell icon passive feature bg3Metamagic: Quickened Spell​ as you want to use Fireball on a group of 4 enemies? Consume a spell slot, and deal more damage than a Divine Smite could do.

This is a unique interaction of Paladin Sorcerers where they can use their mechanics to get and edge in combat.


I think for now there are no spells that would greatly improve the Sorcerer Paladin build. For this reason, I recommend just going with what you find useful or a ritual spell

Spell Description
Spell_Transmutation_LongJump Baldur's Gate 3Enhance Leap Can be used outside of combat without using a Spell slot. Allows to access new places or jump right next to an enemy once combat starts
Spell_Transmutation_FeatherFall Baldur's Gate 3Feather Fall Ritual spell, that can be used without expending spell slot. Allows to avoid fall damage.

Class Passives

Sorcerers get access to unique actions - metamagic. They allow to consumption of sorcery points to enhance spellcasting. There are a few options that we will unlock to help Paladin's damage output. For now, we do not get any special choices

Passives Description
Metamagic: Twinned Spell icon passive feature bg3Metamagic: Twinned Spell Spells that only target 1 creature can target an additional creature
Metamagic: Extended Spell icon passive feature bg3Metamagic: Extended Spell Double the duration of conditions, summons, and surfaces caused by spells.

Utilize Metamagic

The most deadly combination in my opinion is Metamagic: Quickened Spell icon passive feature bg3Metamagic: Quickened Spell. Consume 3 Sorcery points and cast a spell as a bonus action. You can use this attack with a weapon and use Fireball with bonus action. Or cast Haste and still attack three times on the same turn or do two attacks and an additional spell.

Another example, activating Hold Person, and then hitting two times on the same turn with guaranteed critical hits. Let your allies join in and the enemy is as good as dead. As you can see this unlocks some very powerful strategies.

Metamagic: Twinned Spell icon passive feature bg3Metamagic: Twinned Spell​ is another powerful tool that you will unlock next level. You could use a spell on two enemies with a single cast. Later on, as you will get Band of the Mystic Scoundrel icon bg3Band of the Mystic Scoundrel you can do this from bonus action.

You could also cast Hold Person or Command: Drop Weapon on two targets. The Sorcadin opens up once you understand the potential of this mechanic.

Level 9 - Sorcerer Lv 3

We unlock additional sorcery points for metamagic, 2 level 3 spell slots, and another selection for Class Passives.

Spells and Replace Spell

We unlock level 2 spells, some of them will be useful, but overall the majority of good ones will be unlocked at level 5 Sorcerer.

Spell Description
mirror image bg3Mirror Image This spell increases your armor class by 9 points. This can then hold off three attacks, slowly draining it. This is a very powerful frontline tool.

Regarding spell replacement, I suggest removing Thunderwave and picking one of these:

Spell Description
hold person bg3Hold Person Take this if you are using another subclass besides Oath of Vengence. As I showed previously you can combine this with Metamagic: Quickened Spell icon passive feature bg3Metamagic: Quickened Spell​ or Metamagic: Twinned Spell icon passive feature bg3Metamagic: Twinned Spell​ for additional combos with attacks and spells.
enlarge reduce bg3Enlarge/Reduce A decent spell to have in the arsenal as you can use it to improve damage by 1d4. Be sure to cast it before combat. However, if you plan using Balduran's Giantslayer icon bg3Balduran's Giantslayer the sword will come with a more powerful version.

Class Passives

To be honest, I think there is only one passive that the Sorcerer Paladin build needs and it will allow the creation of some very strong combos:

Passives Description
Metamagic: Quickened Spell icon passive feature bg3Metamagic: Quickened Spell By consuming 3 Sorcery points a spell can be cast using bonus action instead of action points. You can use something like Hold Person and at the same turn hit for guaranteed critical. Or activate Haste on yourself and attack with 3 attacks.

Level 10 - Sorcerer Lv 4

Again, we get plenty of boons for this level-up. 1 level 4 spell slot, bonus sorcery point, cantrip, spell, and finally a new Feat.


You can choose whatever cantrip you want at this point, they are now more "good to have" than "necessary. I would take:

Cantrips Description
mage hand bg3Mage Hand Can be utilized in world exploration and combat to interact with objects, shove, or throw.

Spells and Replace

Take any spell as we will be replacing it on the next level with a level 3 spell.


Now this is our last Feat, and we have plenty of options to choose from based on how you plan to optimize the build.

Feat Description
PassiveFeature_GreatWeaponMaster_BonusAttack Baldur's Gate 3Great Weapon Master If you did not take this feat previously and use two-handed weapons, I recommend picking it up now. You will get a good damage boost with minimal loss to attack rolls and can utilize bonus action points effectively.
Savage Attacker icon passive feature bg3Savage Attacker A very popular feat as it introduces weapon damage with an advantage. The damage increase is great, and at this level, you will already have a good chance to hit.
ico_features Baldur's Gate 3Ability Improvement If you picked Great Weapon Master, this is the perfect time to take this feat. Get +2 Strength or take +2 Charisma if using Elixir of Hill Giant Strength.

Level 11 - Sorcerer Lv 5

This is a big step for Sorcadin Build. A lot of good spells are unlocked and the build enters the final stage. Let's go through how you should optimize it.

Spell and Replace Spell

First, you will want to get some AOE damage spells. This will be perfect as you could use either Action or bonus action with Metamagic: Quickened Spell icon passive feature bg3Metamagic: Quickened Spell​ to deal massive damage to enemies grouped in place.

These spells will cover one of the weaknesses that Paladin would have - no way of dealing big area of effect damage.

Spell Description
fireball bg3Fireball 8d6 rolls for massive fire damage. Take this if you picked up one of the fire draconic ancestries - Draconic Ancestry: Brass (Fire) icon passive feature bg3Draconic Ancestry: Brass (Fire), Draconic Ancestry: Brass (Fire) icon passive feature bg3Draconic Ancestry: Brass (Fire), etc. This will give bonus damage for each enemy that you hit.
lightning bolt bg3Lightning Bolt Take this if you picked one of the lightning-related ancestries - Draconic Ancestry: Bronze (Lightning) icon passive feature bg3Draconic Ancestry: Bronze (Lightning), Draconic Ancestry: Blue (Lightning) icon passive feature bg3Draconic Ancestry: Blue (Lightning). Lightning Bolt can deal even more damage than Fireball, but you need to apply Wet status. This can usually be done by a Cleric or Wizard as they use the Create Water spell.

See what you can do with some setup:

For spell replacement, I would remove one of the spells that you do not use for example: ritual spells like Enchance Leap, or Feather Fall.

Spell Description
Spell_Transmutation_Haste Baldur's Gate 3Haste Gives Haste for the target, adding additional action points. This spell is the best used with Metamagic: Quickened Spell icon passive feature bg3Metamagic: Quickened Spell. Consume 3 sorcery points and cast this on yourself with a bonus action. Then you can hit 4 times with smites in the same turn. Or use it on yourself and ally with Metamagic: Twinned Spell icon passive feature bg3Metamagic: Twinned Spell

Level 12 - Sorcerer Lv 6

We reached the final level of Sorcadin build and level 6 for Sorcerer. By taking the Sorcerer we now get access to a level 5 spell slot. This can be used to upcast some of the spells yhtat you have access to like Hold Monster icon action bg3Hold Monster​ or Command icon action bg3Command​ for very powerful control. Moreover, we unlock new subclass features based on the draconic bloodline:

Features Description
Elemental Affinity: Damage icon passive feature bg3Elemental Affinity: Damage When you cast a spell that deals damage of the type associated with your draconic ancestry, you add your Charisma Modifier to the damage.
Elemental Affinity: Resistance icon passive feature bg3Elemental Affinity: Resistance When you cast a spell that deals damage of the type associated with your draconic ancestry, you can spend 1 Sorcery point to gain Resistance to that damage type.

Spells and Replace Spell

Now as a last spell, there are a few good options that you can pick to further optimize the build

Spell Description
Spell_Abjuration_Counterspell Baldur's Gate 3Counterspell A very powerful reaction spell. You can use it to cancel any kind of spell using a level 3 spell slot. Of course, this means that you will have less for smiting, but it can easily ensure that a huge area of effect spell does not incapacitate most of your party.
fear bg3Fear Get total control of the enemy, and make them drop their weapon. They will also flee and trigger opportunity attacks if near you.

For spell replacement pick anything that you are not using and switch it to one of the recommendations above.

Illithid Powers

This is a special mechanic in Baldur's Gate 3, that allows you to consume tadpoles and unlock special Illithid Powers. These range from somewhat useful, to extremely deadly. I would like to leave a few recommendations:

Base Illithid Powers

Order Illithid Power Description
1 favourable beginnings bg3Favourable Beginnings Very useful power to take as it does not have any costs, and provides only benefits on the first hits.
2 luck of the far realms bg3Luck of the Far Realms Guarantees a critical hit, a very powerful action to have.
5 concentrated blast bg3Concentrated Blast Taking only for progression, to unlock the next power.
6 cull the weak bg3Cull the Weak Passive feature that does not cost anything and automatically deals bonus psychic damage around the target, once it is close to death.
7 shield of thralls bg3Shield of Thralls Taking for progression, to unlock the next power, but it also provides a good bonus as temporary health.

Elite Illithid Powers

These become unlocked later in the game as you progress. They are extremely powerful additions to the build.

Order Illithid Power Description
1 freecast bg3Freecast Removes any cost of spell slots or charges, allowing you to cast some very powerful spells in case you cannot do that, or want to save Smite slots

Equipment Recommendations

Now I would like to go through some gear recommendations to maximize the Paladin Warlock multiclass build. Items are especially important as they take the build to the next level thanks to their unique effects.

I recommend checking the Item Checklists this will help you plan your run and assign items so that they do not overlap.

Act 1

The early game can be hard, as you do not know where to find items. You also should make a decision, about what kind of setup you are going with - Two-Handed or One-Handed.

Slot Item Description
melee slot bg3Melee (One - Handed) Larethian's Wrath icon bg3Larethian's Wrath This weapon is also a contender for the best one-handed weapon in Act 1, as it has a unique Razor Gale effect, allowing it to hit multiple targets.
Phalar Aluve icon bg3Phalar Aluve A perfect one-handed option. Its special Shriek ability will also give a huge boost to other party members. However, I would better use this with Cleric as the activation costs an action and the result is two lost attacks with Extra Attack icon passive feature bg3Extra Attack.
Sword of Screams icon bg3Sword of Screams A solid weapon, that gives a bonus 1d4 psychic damage each hit.
melee slot bg3Melee (Two-Handed) Unseen Menace icon bg3Unseen Menace Great option as it increases the critical chance and provides an advantage on attack rolls.
Sword of Justice icon bg3Sword of Justice A very good choice, has +1 Enchantment but most importantly it can use a spell that gives +2 Armour Class. Fighters don't use the Concentration slot for anything else, so the Tyr's Protection is the perfect choice.
Everburn Blade icon bg3Everburn Blade This sword is worth it until you reach Druid's Grove, there it is much better to buy items with +1 Enchantment like Greataxe +1 icon bg3Greataxe +1 or Greatsword +1 icon bg3Greatsword +1 as they give a better chance of landing attacks and minimal damage decrease.
ranged slot bg3Ranged Bow of Awareness icon bg3Bow of Awareness The higher initiative bonus will allow you to start your turn earlier.
Hand Crossbow +1 icon bg3Hand Crossbow +1 Equipping two of these will allow you to attack with off-hand. This is important as you may not have use for Bonus Action. However, for dedicated ranged weapons check the options above. And it becomes useless once you get Great Weapon Master.
offhand slot bg3Shield Adamantine Shield icon bg3Adamantine Shield It provides a substantial defensive boost by reducing critical hit damage.
Safeguard Shield icon bg3Safeguard Shield Gives a bonus to saving throws, easily accessible early in the game.
helmet slot bg3Head Diadem of Arcane Synergy icon bg3Diadem of Arcane Synergy The best option in terms of bonus damage for Act 1 and Act 2.
Grymskull Helm icon bg3Grymskull Helm Gives resistance to critical hits and allows the use of Hunter's Mark, for additional single-target damage.
Haste Helm icon bg3Haste Helm Provides increased speed at the start of the combat.
cloak slot bg3Cloak The Deathstalker Mantle icon bg3The Deathstalker Mantle The only option in Act 1 that is okay, is by providing once-per-turn invisibility. Only available to Dark Urge origin.
armor slot bg3Armor Adamantine Splint Armour icon bg3Adamantine Splint Armour Another powerful armor from Grymforge, that is a solid contender till Act 3.
Chain Mail +1 icon bg3Chain Mail +1 Early armor once you get a few levels up, comes with 17 Armour Class.
Githyanki Half Plate icon bg3Githyanki Half Plate This can be equipped when starting the game by taking it from Lae'zel. Perfect option with a high Armour Class.
gloves slot bg3Gloves Gloves of the Growling Underdog icon bg3Gloves of the Growling Underdog As a frontliner, it will be easy to get surrounded by two enemies, so the ensured advantage is very valuable.
Gloves of Heroism icon bg3Gloves of Heroism Paladin-related gloves. Provides bonus survivability.
boots slot bg3Boots Disintegrating Night Walkers icon bg3Disintegrating Night Walkers Avoids slipping on various terrains and most importantly unlocks Misty Step each short rest. These boots can last till Act 3, as walking on icy surfaces can be deadly for melee build. The item removes this problem.
Vital Conduit Boots icon bg3Vital Conduit Boots As you may cast some spells with concentration these boots will give bonus survivability via temporary hitpoints.
amulet slot bg3Amulet Broodmother's Revenge icon bg3Broodmother's Revenge This is a very powerful amulet, that will lead you through most of the game, the 1d6 bonus damage is very good.
Pearl of Power Amulet icon bg3Pearl of Power Amulet Restores up to level 3 spell slot, this means that you can use it after a combat encounter to have an additional spell slot for Divine Smite.
ring slot bg3Rings Caustic Band icon bg3Caustic Band Provides 2 damage increase on each weapon hit, making it a good choice in Act 1. It is very expensive.
Strange Conduit Ring icon bg3Strange Conduit Ring It's easy to activate it as you can concentrate on multiple spells in your arsenal, which will result in bonus psychic damage.
Ring of Protection icon bg3Ring of Protection Gives defensive bonuses to Armour Class and Saving Throws.

Act 2 - mid-game

Act 2 changes the landscape and there will be a lot of dark areas. For the Paladin Oathbreaker build, specifically two-handed this whole Act will be filled with various spears, glaives, and halberds, that top one another with various bonuses and unique actions. Feel free to try them out and fully enjoy their benefits.

Slot Item Description
melee slot bg3Melee (One-handed) Shar's Spear of Evening icon bg3Shar's Spear of Evening One of the best weapons in the game. You will get it late in Act 2, but it can be a solid choice until you get the endgame weapons or Nyrulna icon bg3Nyrulna. It is an alternative version of Selûne's Spear of Night icon bg3Selûne's Spear of Night
Selûne's Spear of Night icon bg3Selûne's Spear of Night Very powerful option as it can buff allies with 1d4 damage, and create difficult terrain. It is an alternative version to Shar's Spear of Evening icon bg3Shar's Spear of Evening.
Charge-Bound Warhammer icon bg3Charge-Bound Warhammer Similar option to Myrkulite Scourge icon bg3Myrkulite Scourge, just the bonus damage comes from lightning.
Myrkulite Scourge icon bg3Myrkulite Scourge Deals bonus necrotic damage. Otherwise, it is a normal choice.
melee slot bg3Melee (Two-Handed) Shar's Spear of Evening icon bg3Shar's Spear of Evening One of the best weapons in the game. You will get it late in Act 2, but it can be a solid choice until you get the endgame weapons. It is an alternative version of Selûne's Spear of Night icon bg3Selûne's Spear of Night
Selûne's Spear of Night icon bg3Selûne's Spear of Night Very powerful option as it can buff allies with 1d4 damage, and create difficult terrain. It is an alternative version to Shar's Spear of Evening icon bg3Shar's Spear of Evening.
Moonlight Glaive icon bg3Moonlight Glaive Has a passive light effect, making it effective with Callous Glow Ring icon bg3Callous Glow Ring. Moreover, it gets bonus radiant damage and unique attack actions.
Halberd of Vigilance icon bg3Halberd of Vigilance A good choice for Act 2 and can be used till Act 3. Besides its unique benefits, it comes with bonus 1d4 force damage and not many enemies can resist it.
Drakethroat Glaive icon bg3Drakethroat Glaive You can imbue a weapon with any element 1d4 damage and gain a +1 to attack rolls. You can get the bonus elemental damage on any weapon. For example, drop another weapon on the ground, cast the spell with this glaive, and equip the said weapon. This is a very powerful combo, although it may be a bug.
ranged slot bg3Ranged Bow of Awareness icon bg3Bow of Awareness The higher initiative bonus will allow you to start your turn earlier.
Darkfire Shortbow icon bg3Darkfire Shortbow Can be used to cast Haste on yourself before combat if possible.
offhand slot bg3Shield Shield of Devotion icon bg3Shield of Devotion Gives an additional level 1 spell slot, that can be used for Smiting.
Adamantine Shield icon bg3Adamantine Shield The shield is still relevant especially as it gives resistance to Critical hits.
helmet slot bg3Head Helmet of Arcane Acuity icon bg3Helmet of Arcane Acuity Amazing helmet, that allows you to stack arcane acuity for increased spell success chance. If you are okay with a bit less damage, but guaranteed spell success like Hold Person, this item is the best one. I would still delay equipping this one until equipping Band of the Mystic Scoundrel icon bg3Band of the Mystic Scoundrel.
Diadem of Arcane Synergy icon bg3Diadem of Arcane Synergy To effectively use this item, you will need something that would inflict conditions on enemies, like debuff or passive effect.
cloak slot bg3Cloak Cloak of Protection icon bg3Cloak of Protection Improves survivability and Saving Throw success.
Fleshmelter Cloak icon bg3Fleshmelter Cloak Reflect 1d4 acid damage if somebody hits you in melee range.
armor slot bg3Armor Reaper's Embrace icon bg3Reaper's Embrace A very Oathbearker theme-like armor is available in late Act 2. It has the highest AC at this stage.
Adamantine Splint Armour icon bg3Adamantine Splint Armour The armor is still potent in Act 2, but be on the lookout for others with 19 Armour Class like Splint Armour +2 icon bg3Splint Armour +2.
Adamantine Scale Mail icon bg3Adamantine Scale Mail Still plays a good role in Act 2, as its 16 Armour Class is plenty.
gloves slot bg3Gloves Gloves of the Automaton icon bg3Gloves of the Automaton Similar to the option below, these provide an Advantage on attacks but require Bonus Action to activate the effect. It would be best if you did that before combat starts. Once you get Risky Ring  icon bg3Risky Ring, drop them.
Flawed Helldusk Gloves icon bg3Flawed Helldusk Gloves Provides bonus fire damage, however, only use it once you get Risky Ring  icon bg3Risky Ring.
Dark Justiciar Gauntlets icon bg3Dark Justiciar Gauntlets A solid option as it gives a bonus 1d4 necrotic damage. But only use it after you get Risky Ring  icon bg3Risky Ring.
boots slot bg3Boots Evasive Shoes icon bg3Evasive Shoes Bonus armor class for higher survivability.
Disintegrating Night Walkers icon bg3Disintegrating Night Walkers The boots are still a good option in Act 2.
amulet slot bg3Amulet Broodmother's Revenge icon bg3Broodmother's Revenge Still, the best amulet as it provides a substantial damage boost if healed - a cleric can do this easily.
Surgeon's Subjugation Amulet icon bg3Surgeon's Subjugation Amulet Not a perfect amulet, but could be useful once you have Risky Ring  icon bg3Risky Ring and other options are taken
Spell Savant Amulet icon bg3Spell Savant Amulet Gain an additional level 2 spell slot for more Smites.
ring slot bg3Rings Killer's Sweetheart icon bg3Killer's Sweetheart Allows dealing guaranteed critical hit per long rest. After this, you can just unequip it. Moreover, it can change an attack that misses and turns it into critical.
Risky Ring  icon bg3Risky Ring Provides an Advantage on attack rolls. This is a mandatory ring as it will both guarantee more hits and a higher chance of critical hits.
Callous Glow Ring icon bg3Callous Glow Ring The bonus damage can easily stack from multiple sources. For example paladin base attack + Divine Smite.
Caustic Band icon bg3Caustic Band 2 Acid damage on any kind of attack. With multiple attacks you do the bonus is substantial.
Strange Conduit Ring icon bg3Strange Conduit Ring As you have multiple cheap spells to enable concentration, this ring is very useful for a bit more damage.

Act 3 - Final Build setup

This is the last act of the game, where you will get access to the most powerful items. To get them as early as possible you will need some planning, but overall, it should not be a problem.

Spears from Act 2 - Selûne's Spear of Night icon bg3Selûne's Spear of Night and Shar's Spear of Evening icon bg3Shar's Spear of Evening are still good weapons.

Slot Item Description
melee slot bg3Melee (One - Handed) Nyrulna icon bg3Nyrulna
Although this would technically be a weapon used for Throwing builds, it is perfect as a melee choice. You can still throw it for AOE lightning damage as Extra Attack icon passive feature bg3Extra Attack​ works. What makes it also good is its unique action attacks providing crowd control capabilities.
Duellist's Prerogative icon bg3Duellist's Prerogative Although the weapon is aimed at single-wielding without a shield, it is still useful as it allows additional attack using bonus action. However, if you want the bonus to critical chance you will have to forgo the shield. But that should not be a problem if you have Duelling icon passive feature bg3Duelling​ passive
Devotee's Mace icon bg3Devotee's Mace Deals 1d8 bonus radiant damage and has +3 enchantment to damage and attack rolls.
Belm icon bg3Belm What makes this one special is that it has a unique Whirlwind attack, that can target all nearby enemies with separate attack rolls. Moreover, it can do additional attacks using bonus action. However, it is a shortsword so its base damage is just 1d6. But you can easily do three smites on different targets with it.
melee slot bg3Melee (Two-Handed) Balduran's Giantslayer icon bg3Balduran's Giantslayer
Strongest weapon in the game. You need to have high strength with it from natural bonuses, Elixir of Cloud Giant Strength, or at least Gauntlets of Frost Giant Strength icon bg3Gauntlets of Frost Giant Strength. This way you get the highest possible damage improvements.
Silver Sword of the Astral Plane icon bg3Silver Sword of the Astral Plane A good choice, specifically for Githyanki due to bonus damage and resistance. Otherwise, it falls short of other options.
Hellbeard Halberd icon bg3Hellbeard Halberd This gives a bonus of 6 poison damage per hit, which is very high, making it a strong top weapon contender.
ranged slot bg3Ranged The Dead Shot icon bg3The Dead Shot
Although this is the best bow, it is unlikely that you can use it as it is a contender for all builds. Feel free to use the ones from previous acts.
offhand slot bg3Shield Ketheric's Shield icon bg3Ketheric's Shield
Shield from Act 2, is a very powerful option as it gives +1 Spell Save DC and +2 Armour Class.
Viconia's Walking Fortress icon bg3Viconia's Walking Fortress

The strongest shield in the game. Has a special shield bash reaction that deals force damage. Moreover, gives good resistance to spells.
Swires' Sledboard icon bg3Swires' Sledboard Provides Force Conduit each turn, decreasing the damage that the wielder receives.
helmet slot bg3Head Helmet of Arcane Acuity icon bg3Helmet of Arcane Acuity
Amazing helmet, that allows you to stack arcane acuity for increased spell success chance. If you are okay with a bit less damage, but guaranteed spell success like Hold Person, this item is the best one.
Diadem of Arcane Synergy icon bg3Diadem of Arcane Synergy Overall, with this helmet, you can do more damage on the first turn. However, landing Hold Person with Helmet of Arcane Acuity icon bg3Helmet of Arcane Acuity the damage pulls off in the second turn, if anything is still alive. if you want to breeze through the game, without much thinking, this helmet will be enough.
cloak slot bg3Cloak Cloak of Displacement icon bg3Cloak of Displacement
Improves the chances of attacks missing the wearer until getting hit for that turn.
armor slot bg3Armor Helldusk Armour icon bg3Helldusk Armour
This armor has the highest armor class in the game. Moreover, it grants flying and burns enemies in flames when they attack you.
Armour of Persistence icon bg3Armour of Persistence A solid defensive choice, that comes with damage reduction cantrip effects.
Armour of Agility icon bg3Armour of Agility The armor does not limit the Dexterity bonus to AC. It is a good option if you have a Dexterity of 16 at least. Otherwise, go for the options above.
gloves slot bg3Gloves Helldusk Gloves icon bg3Helldusk Gloves
Gives a solid bonus of 1d6 fire damage on hit, and provides a fire spell with Strength as a casting ability!
Gauntlets of Frost Giant Strength icon bg3Gauntlets of Frost Giant Strength These gloves can be used to permanently increase Strength. This means you no longer need Elixir of Hill Giant Strength. Moreover, you can gimp on strength and leave it at 8. Use those attribute points on Dexterity or Wisdom.
boots slot bg3Boots Helldusk Boots icon bg3Helldusk Boots
Allows avaoiding failed Saving Throws, and uses reaction to change the outcome. Moreover, provides bonus actions for mobility and damage.
Boots of Persistence icon bg3Boots of Persistence Gives a huge boost to mobility and avoids difficult terrain.
amulet slot bg3Amulet Broodmother's Revenge icon bg3Broodmother's Revenge
The amulet still pulls strong even in the late game.
Amulet of Greater Health icon bg3Amulet of Greater Health Makes any Constitution ability investment redundant as it maximizes it to 23 points. However, this means that you also sacrifice an amulet slot for something that could be more offensive.
Magic Amulet icon bg3Magic Amulet Gives an Advantage on attack. I would use this only if you do not have Risky Ring  icon bg3Risky Ring. Otherwise, this does not provide much use, besides Saving Throw Advantage.
ring slot bg3Rings Killer's Sweetheart icon bg3Killer's Sweetheart
Guarantees a critical hit once per Long rest. Moreover, it can change an attack that misses and turns it into critical.
Band of the Mystic Scoundrel icon bg3Band of the Mystic Scoundrel
This is a powerful ring for Sorcadin build as it allows casting enchantment and illusion spells with Bonus Action. These include Hold Person and other Crowd Control options, so be sure to utilize this together with Metamagic.
Risky Ring  icon bg3Risky Ring Provides an Advantage on attack rolls. This ring is still a good contender but could be taken by other builds.
Caustic Band icon bg3Caustic Band 2 Acid damage on any kind of attack. With multiple attacks you do the bonus is substantial. Can be equipped after Killer's Sweetheart icon bg3Killer's Sweetheart has been used


Thank you for reading the Sorcadin - Paladin Sorcerer build for Baldur's Gate 3. I hope you enjoyed reading the build as this is a truly powerful frontliner with full spellcasting capabilities. I hope the progression explained everything you need to know for Paladin Sorcerer multiclass level picks.



Post author zanuffas avatar zanuffas
Gamestegy Founder. I have been writing game guides and builds for 4 years. I like to push myself to create something wonderful for the readers!