Best Abjuration Wizard build

Best Abjuration Wizard build - Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)

By zanuffas
Last updated:
The best Abjuration Wizard Build for Baldur's Gate 3. It is the most unique Wizard subclass giving a lot of defensive options. The Abjuration School provides a unique Arcane Ward effect to reduce damage both for yourself and your allies. Moreover, as a Wizard you can still cast various damage and control spells.

Abjuration Wizard Build - Arcane Defender

This subclass's main draw is its Arcane Ward icon passive feature bg3Arcane Ward​ effect. You will be able to easily stack it by casting various defensive spells. With various buffs, this can ensure that you negate large amounts of damage both for yourself and your allies.

Moreover, the build also takes steps to ensure that these defensive options don't disregard offensive capabilities. Thanks to how Arcane Ward icon passive feature bg3Arcane Ward​ works we can use Armour of Agathys icon action bg3Armour of Agathys​ to deal tons of damage against enemies daring to attack you.

The Wizard is also capable of learning and casting all the amazing offensive spells like Lightning Bolt icon action bg3Lightning Bolt, Fireball icon action bg3Fireball, etc. To empower this Arcane Defender Build I also recommend multiclassing into  Sorcerer and Cleric. They will bring amazing synergies that you can exploit for an even more powerful version of the build.

Thanks, Sensei for some suggestions with Heavy Armor from Gamestegy Discord.

Wizard Mechanics Disclaimer

As this build will heavily rely on Wizard, there are a few special mechanics to know before using it.

Scribing spells

One important aspect is that any spell scrolls you find can be learned. This consumes a scroll and some additional gold. As a result, the spell is added to the spellbook:

wizard scribe spells bg3

This means that you get those spells that you do not learn leveling. Just wanted to tell you so that you would not be surprised in case the spells are talked about and I did not suggest taking it.

Preparing Spells

The second stage after you learn or scribe spells is that you can then "prepare" them. This means that you have a limited amount of spells active at a time.

wizard prepared spells bg3

This is a good thing as you can change them based on the situation outside of combat. For example, you will be fighting enemies that are weak to Fire. Just add Fireball icon action bg3Fireball​ or Wall of Fire icon action bg3Wall of Fire. Fighting a large group of enemies, maybe include Glyph of Warding icon action bg3Glyph of Warding​ or Confusion icon action bg3Confusion​ to disable them.

Leveling Overview

Here is a concise table with all the main picks during your leveling progression. For more detailed reasoning, I go further in the article. Also, do not forget to check the recommended gear as it is crucial.

Abjuration Wizard Leveling Overview Expand
Level Class Selection
1 Sorcerer STR - 8, DEX - 14, CON - 16, INT - 17, WIS - 10, CHA - 8
Skills: Arcana, History, Investigation, Nature
Cantrips: Friends icon action bg3Friends, Light icon action bg3Light, Mage Hand icon action bg3Mage Hand, Minor Illusion icon action bg3Minor Illusion
Spells: Magic Missile icon action bg3Magic Missile, Shield icon action bg3Shield
Subclass: Draconic Bloodline
Dragon Ancestor: Draconic Ancestry: White (Cold) icon passive feature bg3Draconic Ancestry: White (Cold)
2 Cleric Subclass: Tempest Domain
Cantrips: Blade Ward icon action bg3Blade Ward, Thaumaturgy icon action bg3Thaumaturgy, Resistance icon action bg3Resistance
Prepared Spells: Create or Destroy Water icon action bg3Create or Destroy Water
3 Wizard Spells: Chromatic Orb icon action bg3Chromatic Orb, Thunderwave icon action bg3Thunderwave​, anything else
Cantrips: Fire Bolt icon action bg3Fire Bolt, Shocking Grasp icon action bg3Shocking Grasp, Ray of Frost icon action bg3Ray of Frost
Scribe Spells: Cloud of Daggers icon action bg3Cloud of Daggers
4 Wizard Subclass: Abjuration
Spells: Thunderwave icon action bg3Thunderwave, anything
5 Wizard
Spells: Cloud of Daggers icon action bg3Cloud of Daggers, Web icon action bg3Web
Scribe Spells: Glyph of Warding icon action bg3Glyph of Warding, Fireball icon action bg3Fireball, Lightning Bolt icon action bg3Lightning Bolt
6 Wizard Cantrips: Dancing Lights icon action bg3Dancing Lights
Spells: Scorching Ray icon action bg3Scorching Ray, Misty Step icon action bg3Misty Step
Feat: Ability Improvement - +2 Intelligence or Heavy Armour Master icon passive feature bg3Heavy Armour Master
7 Wizard Spells: Counterspell icon action bg3Counterspell, Glyph of Warding icon action bg3Glyph of Warding
Scribe Spells: Fire Shield icon action bg3Fire Shield, Stoneskin icon action bg3Stoneskin​, Confusion icon action bg3Confusion
8 Wizard Spells: Lightning Bolt icon action bg3Lightning Bolt, Fireball icon action bg3Fireball
9 Wizard Spells: Any, make sure you have - Fire Shield icon action bg3Fire Shield, Stoneskin icon action bg3Stoneskin
Scribe Spells: Conjure Elemental icon action bg3Conjure Elemental, Cone of Cold icon action bg3Cone of Cold
10 Wizard Spells: Ice Storm icon action bg3Ice Storm, Confusion icon action bg3Confusion
Feat Level 8: Ability Improvement +2 Intelligence.
11 Wizard Spells: Conjure Elemental icon action bg3Conjure Elemental, Cone of Cold icon action bg3Cone of Cold
Scribing Spells: Chain Lightning icon action bg3Chain Lightning, Globe of Invulnerability icon action bg3Globe of Invulnerability
12 Wizard Cantrips: anything
Spells: anything

Starting the Game - Level 1

This section covers the creation screen and what would go into the best Races, Abilities, and Skills for the Abjuration Wizard build. Some of these choices are impactful as you cannot respec them.

The first thing, that may be counterintuitive is that you will start with Sorcerer. The main reasons are:

  • Get proficiency in Constitution Saving Throws. This is important as it allows you to sustain Concentration on spells with a higher chance.
  • Have the correct spellcasting modifier, which depends on the last class taken via multiclassing (it will be Wizard).
  • You will get some Abjuration spells, which will save Wizard Prepared spell slots.
  • Obtain Armour of Agathys icon action bg3Armour of Agathys​ - the main pillar of the build.


Picking a race provides various benefits - abilities, dialogue options, looks, etc. Also, keep in mind whether your picked race has Shield proficiency as this can improve survivability, especially in the early game.

If you are having difficulties making a choice, pick whatever you prefer in terms of looks or roleplay. "The perfect race pick" is important if you are into extreme min-maxing.
Race Features Description
Half-Elf Baldur's Gate 3Wood Half-Elf
  • Civil Militia icon passive feature bg3Civil Militia
  • Darkvision icon passive feature bg3Darkvision
  • Fey Ancestry icon passive feature bg3Fey Ancestry
  • Fleet of Foot - your movement speed is increased by 1.5m.
Amazing choice, thanks to its increased movement speed. Moreover, it gets Shield proficiency and boosts Armour Class.
human bg3Human
  • Civil Militia icon passive feature bg3Civil Militia
  • Human Versatility icon passive feature bg3Human Versatility
This is one of the rare cases where I recommend this race. It helps this build to maintain a solid Armour Class by giving Shield Proficiency.
elf bg3Wood Elf
  • Darkvision icon passive feature bg3Darkvision
  • Elven Weapon Training icon passive feature bg3Elven Weapon Training
  • Fey Ancestry icon passive feature bg3Fey Ancestry
  • Fleet of Foot - your movement speed is increased by 1.5m.
The bonus movement speed is amazing, everything is very similar to Wood Half-Elf.
Githyanki Baldur's Gate 3Githyanki
  • Martial Prodigy icon passive feature bg3Martial Prodigy
Get's some amazing bonus features - Misty Step icon action bg3Misty Step, Astral Knowledge icon action bg3Astral Knowledge, etc.
halfling bg3Halfling
  • Halfling Luck icon passive feature bg3Halfling Luck
  • Brave icon passive feature bg3Brave
Any subrace will work. What matters is the Halfling Luck icon passive feature bg3Halfling Luck​ that will improve role-playing aspects with high roll success chances. Moreover, these will also work well later, if you will plan on using some attack roll spells.


sorcerer Baldur's Gate 3Sorcerer
ico_mini_spellSlot Baldur's Gate 3Spell Slots These can be used to cast spells and are restored each long rest.


Take only those cantrips that are utility or support, and avoid damaged ones. The reason is that they will use the Charisma spellcasting modifier, but we only care about Intelligence. So you will get them from Wizard.

Cantrips Description
Friends icon action bg3Friends If you are the main character and do most of the dialogues, this is mandatory as it gives an advantage on dialogue rolls.
Light icon action bg3Light Light dark areas. For now, it is nothing spectacular, but later this spell will play a big role.
Mage Hand icon action bg3Mage Hand This is a utility cantrip that will help with some quests and exploration objectives. It can be used in combat to shove enemies or throw items.
Minor Illusion icon action bg3Minor Illusion Use this to attract NPCs or enemies into one point. It needs to be used outside of combat for effect to be worth it.


Spell Description
Magic Missile icon action bg3Magic Missile Right from the start this spell is awesome. Although it does not deal huge damage, you can easily kill enemies with low HP in case you don't wish to miss it. This spell will get better as higher-tier spell slots are unlocked.
Shield icon action bg3Shield This spell is awesome as it will increase your Arcane Ward icon passive feature bg3Arcane Ward, but also give a huge boost to survivability. However, for now, don't use it too much as you will be left without spell slots.


draconic bloodline bg3Draconic Bloodline
Draconic Resilience icon passive feature bg3Draconic Resilience This negates the need for Mage Armour icon action bg3Mage Armour.
icon features bg3Draconic Resilience: Hit Points Just a bonus 1 HP for this build, so nothing fancy.

Dragon Ancestor

Ancestor Description
Draconic Ancestry: White (Cold) icon passive feature bg3Draconic Ancestry: White (Cold) The build relies on the Armour of Agathys icon action bg3Armour of Agathys​ spell, which is received from this subclass of Sorcerer. This will be a game changer, check for the combat section on how to use this correctly.


Backgrounds are mostly for role-playing and you can pick whatever you prefer. If you want to optimize, then it would be good to pick backgrounds that are based on your ability points of Intelligence.

Background Skills Description
Acolyte Insight
Provides proficiency in religion that is impacted by high Intelligence.
Sage Arcana
The most relevant background for Wizard in my opinion as both skills greatly benefit from intelligence.
Noble History
This option is great as it also improves Persuasion which can then be used in various dialogues.


Now let's take a look at the abilities of the best Abjuration Wizard build. Correct allocation will allow you to maximize the early gameplay and get good modifier bonuses.

Ability Value Description
strength icon bg3Strength 8 This build does not need strength.
dexterity icon bg3Dexterity 14 This plays an important role in improving armor class and increasing initiative. Going early will allow you to land damage or control spells.
constitution icon bg3Constitution 16 (15+1) Maximize Constitution, as you will be hit a lot in later levels it will ensure you can maintain spells for long. if you are eager, you could set this to 14, and Dexterity to 16. Then, at level 7, once you start doing Abjuration Wizard combos with Arcane Ward icon passive feature bg3Arcane Ward​ and Armour of Agathys icon action bg3Armour of Agathys​ change it back to 16.
intelligence icon bg3proficient_ability Baldur's Gate 3Intelligence 17 (15+2) The main ability of Wizard that determines spell success chance. It will also benefit your skills related to Arcana, Religion, etc. If this is not the main character or you will not use Auntie Ethel's Hair, set this to 16, and use 2 points either in Wisdom or Charisma.
wisdom icon bg3Wisdom 10 Additional Wisdom to avoid any negative modifiers as many spells target this ability.
charisma icon bg3Charisma 8 Sadly there are not many ability points left to spend here. For the main character, this could be disappointing.

Skills and Expertise

Overall, the skills should be impacted by your roleplaying and background decisions. However, you would still want those that will give you the best benefits. My recommendations are to pick those at which you have a high ability modifier and these are Intelligence-related.

  • Arcana
  • History
  • Investigation
  • Nature
  • Religion

Leveling Progression - Levels 2-12

Here is the detailed progression for the Abjuration Wizard to get you started. You can use it as a guideline because early games can be daunting and overwhelming. Later on, once you get a feel for the class you can start picking your options

Sadly, you will not take Wizard yet, and instead multiclass into Cleric, this will give some more benefits that will be needed later in the playthrough.

Level 2 - multiclass into Cleric Lv 1

To multiclass click this button in the level-up screen where you can pick cleric:

add class button level up screen bg3

Why do we do this? Here are a few benefits:

  • You obtain Shield and Heavy armor proficiency, which helps in early and late games with survivability.
  • Obtain Create or Destroy Water icon action bg3Create or Destroy Water​ to improve Lightning and Ice spell damage.
  • Obtain Wrath of the Storm icon passive feature bg3Wrath of the Storm​ for bonus damage via reactions


The build starts with the Wizard class. You will want to gain some unique features before doing a first multiclass.

cleric bg3Cleric
Domain Spells icon passive feature bg3Domain Spells These bonus spells save some slots.
ico_mini_spellSlot Baldur's Gate 3Spell Slots These can be used to cast spells and are restored each long rest.


Here only take those cantrips that are support or utility, do not take the damaged ones.

Cantrip Description
Blade Ward icon action bg3Blade Ward Generally, I do not recommend this perk. However, the build benefits a lot from the reduced damage later on. For now, it is good to have.
Thaumaturgy icon action bg3Thaumaturgy Gives a higher chance to succeed in intimidation dialogues.
Resistance icon action bg3Resistance Can be useful in some encounters, otherwise use it before combat.
Guidance icon action bg3Guidance In case you do not have Cleric or Druid, take this for various ability check rolls.


tempest domain cleric bg3Tempest Domain
Wrath of the Storm icon passive feature bg3Wrath of the Storm This will be useful together with Create or Destroy Water icon action bg3Create or Destroy Water​ to double lightning damage using Reaction.


Pick anything based on roleplay or other choices.

Prepare Spells

Here you cannot choose much. However, based on your Wisdom ability you can pick one or two spells, so my recommendations are:

  • Create or Destroy Water icon action bg3Create or Destroy Water​ - this one is mandatory as it will give a huge improvement once you start using Armour of Agathys icon action bg3Armour of Agathys​ a lot.
  • Sanctuary icon action bg3Sanctuary​ or Shield of Faith icon action bg3Shield of Faith

Level 3 - Wizard Lv 1

Finally, this is the first level that we will be multiclassing into Wizard. From now on, the build will only take it.


wizard bg3Wizard
Arcane Recovery icon action bg3Arcane Recovery Provides a way to restore spell slots with Arcane Recovery Charges.
ico_mini_spellSlot Baldur's Gate 3Spell Slots These can be used to cast spells and are restored each long rest.


Here you can now finally take damage cantrips, as they will scale off Intelligence:

Cantrip Description
Fire Bolt icon action bg3Fire Bolt Although the build will go more into Lightning and Frost, having a fire cantrip can be useful to light up surfaces or exploding barrels.
Shocking Grasp icon action bg3Shocking Grasp This is a melee range spell, that also disables enemy reactions.
Ray of Frost icon action bg3Ray of Frost
Long-range spell, that deals double damage on wet enemies.


From the start, the Wizard can choose 6 spells.

You will not be able to use all of these spells. They will just be added to your spellbook, where you can select Prepared Spells, which can be used by the wizard.
Spell Description
Chromatic Orb icon action bg3Chromatic Orb It is a very popular spell that can be hit with different elements. This way you can double-damage wet targets, or pick different elements based on the situation.
Thunderwave icon action bg3Thunderwave Situationally useful spell, that can instantly kill targets if they are thrown off the ledge.
Enhance Leap icon action bg3Enhance Leap A utility spell, that allows jumping long distances, is very useful for exploration.
Longstrider icon action bg3Longstrider I recommend adding this spell, in case no one in your group has it. Outside combat it is free to cast and greatly improves the mobility of the whole group.
Feather Fall icon action bg3Feather Fall Allows dropping for high heights without incurring damage.
Ice Knife icon action bg3Ice Knife Creates an Ice surface, that enemies may get prone to when walking on.

Some other spells to consider are - Thunderwave icon action bg3Thunderwave and Witch Bolt icon action bg3Witch Bolt.

Scribing Spells Level 2

As a wizard you can already scribe level 2 spells from scrolls, here are some recommendations.

You will be able to learn these at Wizard level 3, however, by scribing you get access to them much earlier.
Spells Description
Cloud of Daggers icon action bg3Cloud of Daggers It is the biggest damage spell at level 2. it damages two times - first when you cast, second after it is the enemy's turn. You could also use this to replace any spells you do not use.
Web icon action bg3Web​​ It is an excellent spell that gives crowd control capabilities, just be sure your allies don't step on it.
Scorching Ray icon action bg3Scorching Ray An excellent single-target spell, that later could be combined with Hat of Fire Acuity icon bg3Hat of Fire Acuity for a huge Spell Save DC boost.

Some other spells that I think are good to have:

Spells Description
Misty Step icon action bg3Misty Step Gives a boost to mobility and allows you to move around the battlefield with a bonus action.
Darkness icon action bg3Darkness Useful spell especially if you have Warlock in a group with Devil's Sight icon passive feature bg3Devil's Sight. Also works extremely well with some items in later games that give Blindness immunity. This way you can create a safe zone, where enemy ranged attacks cannot reach or they miss.
See Invisibility icon action bg3See Invisibility A great spell to have for some world exploration and encounters.
Blindness icon action bg3Blindness A control spell that makes ranged foes useless and it does not use a Concentration slot.
Shatter icon action bg3Shatter Not an overpowered spell, but there are situations, where you want its bonus damage against constructs - for example destroying Scrying Eyes.

Prepared Spells

The spells below are what I would consider adding to the Spell List that could be used in most combat encounters.

Spells Description
Chromatic Orb icon action bg3Chromatic Orb Offensive spells for the game start, use them based on the situation - Cloud of Daggers icon action bg3Cloud of Daggers​ is excellent for a group of foes, Chromatic Orb icon action bg3Chromatic Orb​ when you need a specific element and Ice Knife icon action bg3Ice Knife​ on single melee combatant to prone them.
Ice Knife icon action bg3Ice Knife
Cloud of Daggers icon action bg3Cloud of Daggers
Misty Step icon action bg3Misty Step Gives a significant mobility boost for a cost of bonus action.

Level 4 - Wizard Lv 2

You will now get access to the Wizard subclass.


abjuration wizard bg3Abjuration
Arcane Ward icon passive feature bg3Arcane Ward The protective ward is very powerful once you can have multiple stacks in later levels. For now, it is a slight boost to survivability.
Abjuration Savant Abjuration spells are cheaper to learn.


Spell Description
Thunderwave icon action bg3Thunderwave The spell can be used to push multiple enemies from chasms or elevation. This way they either die or get damaged. Remember, that their loot will also disappear. The version from Cleric scales from Wisdom, so you don't want to use that.
Disguise Self icon action bg3Disguise Self There isn't much else to pick, this can be a nice utility to have.

Level 5 - Wizard Lv 3

You can learn level 2 spells, and scribe level 3 spells, which unlocks huge combat potential.


Here are my recommendations if you have not scribed these yet, otherwise pick whatever you prefer.

Spells Description
Cloud of Daggers icon action bg3Cloud of Daggers The biggest damage spell at level 2. it damages two times - first when you cast, second after it is the enemy's turn. You could also use this as a replacement for any spells you do not use.
Web icon action bg3Web​​ It is an excellent spell that gives crowd control capabilities, just be sure your allies don't step on it.

Scribing Spells Level 3

You will be able to learn these at Wizard level 5, however, by scribing you get access to them much earlier.
Spells Description
Glyph of Warding icon action bg3Glyph of Warding This spell is one of the best level 3 options. It can control enemies via Sleep, and deal ice, lightning, or fire damage based on what the enemy is weak to. And to top it all off, it is an Abjuration spell!
Lightning Bolt icon action bg3Lightning Bolt If you plan on using something besides Glyph of Warding icon action bg3Glyph of Warding​ for offense, this spell is the best choice. Together with Wet status (that you can apply with a Water bottle or spell) you can clear out stacks of enemies.
Haste icon action bg3Haste Because you will want to maintain concentration honestly (to attract enemy attention), this is a perfect spell as it also buffs allies.
Fireball icon action bg3Fireball Very powerful Fire spell, that hits in a wide radius and can easily wipe enemies.
Hypnotic Pattern icon action bg3Hypnotic Pattern A very powerful control spell, just be careful not to hit your allies.
Protection from Energy icon action bg3Protection from Energy This is an Abjuration spell that will give 3 stacks of Arcane Ward icon passive feature bg3Arcane Ward. However, I did not use it as the benefits are useful for particular encounters.

Prepared Spells

The spells below are what I would consider adding to the Spell List that could be used in most combat encounters.

Spells Description
Glyph of Warding icon action bg3Glyph of Warding Undisputed spell for this build that is used to maintain Arcane Ward icon passive feature bg3Arcane Ward​ stacks.
Lightning Bolt icon action bg3Lightning Bolt Will deal double damage on wet enemies.
Hypnotic Pattern icon action bg3Hypnotic Pattern A strong control spell, to disable any kind of actions from enemies.

Level 6 - Wizard Lv 4

Now, you get some other great choice picks - the first feat is unlocked.


For cantrips, you can take anything. The build already covers what it needs from multiclassing. You could take:

Spells Description
Dancing Lights icon action bg3Dancing Lights Some items from Act 2, work only when being illuminated, this can be used to make sure that a light source is available anywhere - even on enemies.


Pick these spells if you have not yet scribed them.

Spells Description
Scorching Ray icon action bg3Scorching Ray An effective spell against single targets.
Misty Step icon action bg3Misty Step Use the spell for mobility to get to a higher ground or get away from enemies.


Feat Description
Heavy Armour Master icon passive feature bg3Heavy Armour Master This feat together with heavy armor will further reduce damage and increase survivability.
War Caster: Concentration icon passive feature bg3War Caster: Concentration This is a temporary feat. I only recommend it until you get access to items with the Constitution Saving Throw advantage like Amulet of Greater Health icon bg3Amulet of Greater Health.
Ability Improvement Here, I would recommend +2 Intelligence. This way you improve your spellcasting. I would recommend this option if you are mostly playing with the group and there won't be as many opportunities to force attacks.

Level 7 - Wizard Lv 5

I would say this is the level, where Abjuration Wizard can start its main rotations with full throttle. You have plenty of spell slots, access to level 3 and level 4 spells, and decent gear.


Here are my recommendations, they are mainly abjuration spells. If you have scribed some of them, choose others.

Spells Description
Counterspell icon action bg3Counterspell This is an Abjuration spell so it fits well your narrative of stacking Arcane Ward icon passive feature bg3Arcane Ward. Moreover, it will negate any deadly spells an enemy may cast.
Glyph of Warding icon action bg3Glyph of Warding This spell is one of the best level 3 options. It can control enemies via Sleep, and deal ice, lightning, or fire damage based on what the enemy is weak to. And to top it all off, it is an Abjuration spell!
Haste icon action bg3Haste If you already have access to the one above, pick this.

Scribing Spells Level 4

As you get access to level 4 spell slots, Wizard can learn these from scrolls now:

Spells Description
Confusion icon action bg3Confusion An amazing spell, that can make multiple encounters very easy. Enemies may start attacking each other or even skip their turns.
Fire Shield icon action bg3Fire Shield Amazing spell, that will increase the amount of damage that you can reflect to the foes. It does not use a Concentration slot, so best to cast it before combat.
Stoneskin icon action bg3Stoneskin Abjuration spell, that acts similar to Blade Ward icon action bg3Blade Ward but works until Long Rest.
Evard's Black Tentacles icon action bg3Evard's Black Tentacles The spell targets the Strength ability, making it very strong against particular enemies.
Ice Storm icon action bg3Ice Storm Ice Spell also creates ice surfaces, which can make enemies prone and skip their turns.
Wall of Fire icon action bg3Wall of Fire Powerful fire spell, that can create choke points and damage enemies two times - on initial cast and target turn.
Banishment icon action bg3Banishment In my opinion the only useful level 4 spell from abjuration school. What makes it special, is that it targets the enemy's Charisma ability, which not many spells do.

Prepared Spells

The spells below are what I would consider adding to the Spell List that could be used in most combat encounters.

Spells Description
Stoneskin icon action bg3Stoneskin I would recommend taking one of these. They are defensive spells that will improve either damage reflection or damage reduction.
Fire Shield icon action bg3Fire Shield
Ice Storm icon action bg3Ice Storm Applies decent damage and creates Ice surfaces so that enemies may become prone.
Confusion icon action bg3Confusion Excellent control spell that only targets enemies and excludes allies.
Haste icon action bg3Haste Can be a very powerful choice, especially if you can precast it before combat.

Level 8 - Wizard Lv 6

This level gives an awesome feature, that will improve survivability not just for yourself but for your allies.

Features Description
Projected Ward icon passive feature bg3Projected Ward This is a lifesaver as you can help your allies and reduce the damage they take with your reaction.


Here are my recommendations if you have not scribed these yet, otherwise pick whatever you prefer.

Spells Description
Lightning Bolt icon action bg3Lightning Bolt If you plan on using something besides Glyph of Warding icon action bg3Glyph of Warding​ for offense, this spell is the best choice. Together with Wet status (that you can apply with a Water bottle or spell) you can clear out stacks of enemies.
Haste icon action bg3Haste Can buff yourself or an ally to get two actions per turn.
Fireball icon action bg3Fireball High damage as a fire spell, can be useful in some encounters, where you are not able to Wet enemies.

Level 9 - Wizard Lv 7

This level allows scribing level 5 spells, and you can start picking additional level 4 spells that you have not yet learned.


Here are my recommendations if you have not scribed these yet, otherwise pick whatever you prefer.

Spell Description
Fire Shield icon action bg3Fire Shield Awesome spell that will increase your retaliating damage.
Stoneskin icon action bg3Stoneskin This spell acts as Blade Ward icon action bg3Blade Ward​ but until a long rest, allowing it to soak up a lot of physical damage.

If you have these pick any other two that you prefer.

Scribing Level 5 Spells

Because you are a Wizard you can access level 5 spells. Be sure to learn them from the scrolls:

Spells Description
Conjure Elemental icon action bg3Conjure Elemental This is an awesome spell. You can summon Water Myrmidon, which will apply wet status on enemies, making your Armour of Agathys icon action bg3Armour of Agathys​ deal double damage.
Hold Monster icon action bg3Hold Monster Very strong control spell, that your group members can exploit from close range for guaranteed critical hits.
Cone of Cold icon action bg3Cone of Cold Ice spell, that plays well with Wet status for dealing double damage.

Prepared Spells

The spells below are what I would consider adding to the Spell List that could be used in most combat encounters.

Spells Description
Conjure Elemental icon action bg3Conjure Elemental The Conjure Elemental: Water Myrmidon icon action bg3Conjure Elemental: Water Myrmidon​ can be a very powerful summon allowing it to easily apply wet on foes.
Cone of Cold icon action bg3Cone of Cold A cold spell that can benefit from wet status and inflict double damage.

Level 10 - Wizard Lv 8

You will now get access to more spells and most importantly 2nd Feat.


Here are my recommendations if you have not scribed these yet, otherwise pick whatever you prefer.

Spells Description
Ice Storm icon action bg3Ice Storm A spell that is perfect for crowd control. Icy surfaces can easily make enemies prone if they fail Saving Throw checks.
Confusion icon action bg3Confusion One of my favorite control spells in the whole game. Can disable groups of enemies.


There are multiple good feats to pick from, here are a few favorites of mine:

Feat Description
Dual Wielder icon passive feature bg3Dual Wielder This is a good option if you have a decent Armour Class, try to maintain it 20-22. The second weapon can provide bonus Spell Save DC improving your spell casting.
Alert icon passive feature bg3Alert Improve your initiative score, which almost guarantees you go first. Also, you cannot be surprised. With this feat, you can take the best positions and preparations before any foe does any action.
Ability Improvement You can add +2 to Intelligence to round it up to 20 or 18, whether you picked Auntie Ethel's Hair. This will improve spell success chance.

Level 11 - Wizard Lv 9

Now you can also learn any level 5 spells that you skipped and start scribing those Level 6 spells - and they are powerful.


Here are my recommendations if you have not scribed these yet, otherwise pick whatever you prefer.

Spells Description
Conjure Elemental icon action bg3Conjure Elemental This is an awesome spell. You can summon Water Myrmidon, which will apply wet status on enemies, making your Armour of Agathys icon action bg3Armour of Agathys​ deal double damage.
Cone of Cold icon action bg3Cone of Cold Ice spell, that plays well with Wet status for dealing double damage.

If you have these pick any others you want.

Scribing Level 6 Spells

Because you are a Wizard you can access level 5 spells. Be sure to learn them from the scrolls:

Spells Description
Chain Lightning icon action bg3Chain Lightning Solid and very powerful spell, that works very well on Wet enemies.
Globe of Invulnerability icon action bg3Globe of Invulnerability This is a lifesaver in many Act 3 encounters and bosses. Recommend having it on hand.
Wall of Ice icon action bg3Wall of Ice Ice spell that can deal substantial damage, be sure to use it on wet targets.
Otiluke's Freezing Sphere icon action bg3Otiluke's Freezing Sphere An ice throwable spell, that deals 6d10 damage and targets Constitution Saving Throw.

Prepared Spells

The spells below are what I would consider adding to the Spell List that could be used in most combat encounters.

Spells Description
Globe of Invulnerability icon action bg3Globe of Invulnerability Gives invincibility to everyone who stands inside the Globe.
Chain Lightning icon action bg3Chain Lightning The strongest lightning spell, enabling it to hit multiple foes for significant damage. Use this on wet enemies.

Level 12 - Wizard Lv 10

And Abjuration Wizard build the last level is reached. This is a huge improvement, to what has already been done, but the main highlight is:

Feature Description
Improved Abjuration icon passive feature bg3Improved Abjuration Thanks, to this it will be much easier to maintain Arcane Ward icon passive feature bg3Arcane Ward​ stacks and will save a lot of spell slots.


To be honest, by now you can take anything as all the things the build needs are already covered.


Here are my recommendations if you have not scribed these yet, otherwise pick whatever you prefer.

Spells Description
Hold Monster icon action bg3Hold Monster Useful spell against some enemies. It also paralyzes them. Follow up with attacks from close range to inflict guaranteed critical hits.

For the second spell pick anything, that you would like to try.

Maximizing Ability Scores

Now, as the build progression is covered there are a few aspects and important decisions you will have to make throughout the game. These will decide your final score for abilities.


  1. Act 1 - Auntie Ethel Hair - you will want to get +1 Intelligence if you pick this choice.
  2. Act 3 - Mirror of Loss - pick +2 Intelligence.

This will allow you to reach 20 natural Intelligence, and result in a +5 ability modifier on your spells and rolls.


Constitution is also an important ability:

  1. 16 from the start of the game
  2. Act 3 - +2 from the Mirror of Loss.

On the other hand, in Act 3, you can skip it and just wear Amulet of Greater Health icon bg3Amulet of Greater Health for a fixed 23 CON.

Potions, Elixirs and Consumables

Let's take a look at what consumables we can use to further empower the build.


These are general consumables, and most of them are activated for a few turns. Potions are separate from Elixirs and can be active together.

Consumable Description
potion of speed bg3Potion of Speed In case you or your other casters have a Concentration spell slot taken and cannot cast Haste, use this potion. It acts similarly, but the effect is just for 3 turns.
potion of animal speaking bg3Potion of Animal Speaking Although not something powerful, it is worth stocking up and saving a spell slot.
potion of invisibility bg3Potion of Invisibility Can be used to get a perfect position before the encounter starts.


Unfortunately, only one Elixir can be active at a time. However, the good thing is that they last until a long rest, making them very useful and economical.

Be sure to activate them before combat as otherwise, you will need to use Bonus Action.

Remember to activate one elixir after each Long Rest. These are found plentiful throughout the game, so don't save them too much.
Consumable Description
elixir of bloodlust bg3Elixir of Bloodlust Very effective elixir that gives another action point if you kill an enemy. This will not work with Armour of Agathys icon action bg3Armour of Agathys​ reflection, so remember that.
elixir of battlemage's power bg3Elixir of Battlemage's Power Gain 3 stacks of Arcane Acuity. I would say this should be the most used Wizard elixir for higher spell success.
elixir of peerless focus bg3Elixir of Peerless Focus Another good choice is to better maintain spell Concentration.
superior elixir of arcane cultivation bg3Superior Elixir of Arcane Cultivation Grant's a single level 3 spell slot. Could be useful in case you are preparing for a longer encounter.
supreme elixir of arcane cultivation bg3Supreme Elixir of Arcane Cultivation Grant's a single level 4 spell slot. Could be useful in case you are preparing for a longer encounter.
elixir of vigilance bg3Elixir of Vigilance For some encounters, you will want to go first. This elixir will ensure that it overcomes even surprise mechanics. However, if you have Alert icon passive feature bg3Alert​ this becomes redundant.

Illithid Powers

This special mechanic in Baldur's Gate 3 allows you to consume tadpoles and unlock special Illithid Powers. These range from somewhat useful, to extremely deadly. I would like to leave a few recommendations:

Base Illithid Powers

Order Illithid Power Description
1 Favourable Beginnings icon passive feature bg3Favourable Beginnings Beneficial power to take as it does not have any costs, and provides only benefits on the first hits.
3 Concentrated Blast icon action bg3Concentrated Blast Taking only for progression, to unlock the next power.
4 Cull the Weak icon passive feature bg3Cull the Weak Passive feature that does not cost anything and automatically deals bonus psychic damage around the target, once it is close to death.
5 Transfuse Health icon action bg3Transfuse Health Taking it for progression
6 Shield of Thralls icon action bg3Shield of Thralls Taking for progression, to unlock the next power, but it also provides a good bonus as temporary health, that can be cast before combat.
7 Force Tunnel icon action bg3Force Tunnel Mainly taking for progression
8 Displace icon action bg3Displace Mainly taking for progression

Elite Illithid Powers

These become unlocked later in the game as you progress. They are extremely powerful additions to the build.

Order Illithid Power Description
0 Fly icon action bg3Fly Automatically unlocked. You can use this to initiate attacks of opportunity without spending any movement.
1 freecast bg3Freecast Removes any cost of spell slots or consumable resources
2 black hole bg3Black Hole Amazing power, that pulls enemies together and slows them. After that, you can follow up with Fireball, Fear, etc.
3 psionic dominance bg3Psionic Dominance You can use this similarly to Counterspell, and disable enemy spell.
4 illithid expertise bg3Illithid Expertise Expertise in bonus skills from this power is not mandatory as Bard already covers most of these.
6 mind sanctuary bg3Mind Sanctuary Extremely valuable power that can also help other casters to use up their Bonus action effectively.

Equipment Recommendations

Now I would like to go through some gear recommendations to maximize the Best Abjuration Wizard Build. Items are especially important as they take the build to the next level thanks to their unique effects.

I recommend checking the Item Checklists this will help you plan your run and assign items so that they do not overlap.

Act 1

Slot Item Description
melee slot bg3Melee (One - Handed) The Spellsparkler icon bg3The Spellsparkler Although this staff does not give increased Spell Save DC, the bonus lightning charges interact well with other gear and also increase spell damage.
Mourning Frost icon bg3Mourning Frost This is a good staff, that can work well with Armour of Agathys icon action bg3Armour of Agathys​ to get bonus damage. However, the bonuses fall off, once you reach level 4-5 spell slots.
Melf's First Staff icon bg3Melf's First Staff Very good item, as it is the first weapon to give bonus Spell Save DC.
ranged slot bg3Ranged Bow of Awareness icon bg3Bow of Awareness Gives bonus initiative, allowing one to go earlier in combat
Hand Crossbow +1 icon bg3Hand Crossbow +1 Equip two of these so that you can attack with your bonus action. This is an amazing weapon as you can use bonus action to break water bottles to apply wet.
offhand slot bg3Shield Adamantine Shield icon bg3Adamantine Shield It provides a substantial defensive boost by reducing critical hit damage.
Absolute's Warboard icon bg3Absolute's Warboard Very good shield similar to Safeguard Shield icon bg3Safeguard Shield, just gives a bonus Heroism icon action bg3Heroism​ cantrip. Only use it if you have Absolute's Brand.
Safeguard Shield icon bg3Safeguard Shield Gives a bonus to saving throws, easily accessible early in the game.
helmet slot bg3Head The Lifebringer icon bg3The Lifebringer This one interacts well with The Spellsparkler icon bg3The Spellsparkler when you have lightning charges active.
The Shadespell Circlet icon bg3The Shadespell Circlet This headwear gives bonus Spell Saave DC, increasing the success chance of many spells.
cloak slot bg3Cloak - Nothing really of note here.
armor slot bg3Armor Adamantine Splint Armour icon bg3Adamantine Splint Armour A good protection
Infernal Robe icon bg3Infernal Robe I would say this is the best robe in Act 1. Once you are level 6-7 you can start reflecting damage as Abjuration Wizard and this armor allows using Fire Shield: Warm icon action bg3Fire Shield: Warm, for bonus damage together with Armour of Agathys icon action bg3Armour of Agathys.
The Protecty Sparkswall icon bg3The Protecty Sparkswall Amazing armor, as it gives +1 AC when you have lightning charges and also increases spell success chance.
Githyanki Half Plate icon bg3Githyanki Half Plate This armor is worn by Lae'zel. You can equip it on yourself and have a good Armour class boost early in the game, before obtaining the above ones.
gloves slot bg3Gloves Gloves of Dexterity icon bg3Gloves of Dexterity These gloves are contested by many builds, in case you can use them, be sure to do that. This way you can respec and set Dexterity to 8. Then move points to other stats.
Daredevil Gloves icon bg3Daredevil Gloves Amazing gloves that work well with this build once you are in close range. This negates the penalty of nearby enemies, with some spells.
Gloves of Missile Snaring icon bg3Gloves of Missile Snaring Defensive gloves to reduce the damage of incoming ranged attacks.
Bracers of Defence icon bg3Bracers of Defence Decent early-game gloves that give good armor class, in case you do not have Shield proficiency.
boots slot bg3Boots Disintegrating Night Walkers icon bg3Disintegrating Night Walkers All of these boots will help you walk freely on Ice. The Disintegrating Night Walkers icon bg3Disintegrating Night Walkers are especially powerful as they allow walking on almost any difficult surface.
Hoarfrost Boots icon bg3Hoarfrost Boots
Boots of Striding icon bg3Boots of Striding
Boots of Genial Striding icon bg3Boots of Genial Striding Makes it easier to move on various surfaces, so you can effectively activate Opportunity attacks.
amulet slot bg3Amulet Pearl of Power Amulet icon bg3Pearl of Power Amulet Restore up to level 3 spell slot. Can be unequipped after use.
Amulet of Misty Step icon bg3Amulet of Misty Step Gives mobility improvement thanks to the Misty Step icon action bg3Misty Step​ spell.
ring slot bg3Rings Crusher's Ring icon bg3Crusher's Ring Amazing ring, that allows moving longer distances.
Ring of Protection icon bg3Ring of Protection The best option for Act 1. The bonus Armour Class is a great boost for survivability.
The Sparkswall icon bg3The Sparkswall Reduces lightning damage received.

Act 2 - mid-game

Slot Item Description
melee slot bg3Melee (One-handed) The Spellsparkler icon bg3The Spellsparkler These staves from Act 1 are still a solid choice.
Melf's First Staff icon bg3Melf's First Staff
ranged slot bg3Ranged Darkfire Shortbow icon bg3Darkfire Shortbow Amazing bow that allows to precast Haste before combat. This may not seem big as you can use Potion of Speed, but sometimes its short duration is not enough. Otherwise, stay with bows from the previous act.
offhand slot bg3Shield Absolute's Protector icon bg3Absolute's Protector This gives you Fire Shield: Chill icon action bg3Fire Shield: Chill, which further generates ice damage.
Ketheric's Shield icon bg3Ketheric's Shield Gives bonus Spell Save DC, which is amazing for better success when casting spells.
Shield of Scorching Reprisal icon bg3Shield of Scorching Reprisal This shield is amazing and can be used to deal bonus damage to attackers who miss you.
helmet slot bg3Head Fistbreaker Helm icon bg3Fistbreaker Helm Improves spell success chance and increases the likelihood of going first.
Holy Lance Helm icon bg3Holy Lance Helm Because the build has a good AC, this is an amazing helm to wear, for that additional bonus damage, especially early in Act 2.
cloak slot bg3Cloak Cloak of Protection icon bg3Cloak of Protection Improves survivability and Saving Throw success. You want to equip this cloak on Abjuration Wizard to maintain that good Armour Class.
armor slot bg3Armor Dwarven Splintmail icon bg3Dwarven Splintmail The best Act 2 heavy armor, with 19 AC. it could detract enemies from attacking you, so use Act 1 armor instead or robes if this happens.
The Protecty Sparkswall icon bg3The Protecty Sparkswall Still the best option even in Act 2 in terms of spellcasting.
Robe of Exquisite Focus icon bg3Robe of Exquisite Focus Another robe that gives +1 Spell Save DC.
gloves slot bg3Gloves Gloves of Dexterity icon bg3Gloves of Dexterity I think besides the gloves in Act 1, these are the best options for now until Act 3.
boots slot bg3Boots Boots from Act 1 Boots from the Act 1 are still the best choices.
Evasive Shoes icon bg3Evasive Shoes Can help with maintaining that AC sweet spot, to not get your Arcane Ward icon passive feature bg3Arcane Ward​ stacks removed too fast
amulet slot bg3Amulet Amulet of Misty Step icon bg3Amulet of Misty Step Gives mobility improvement thanks to the Misty Step icon action bg3Misty Step​ spell.
Spellcrux Amulet icon bg3Spellcrux Amulet Can be used to restore spell slots, and unequip after that.
ring slot bg3Rings True Love's Caress icon bg3True Love's Caress Equip this ring and allow a party member to cast Warding Bond icon action bg3Warding Bond​ on you while wearing True Love's Embrace icon bg3True Love's Embrace. This will give you resistance to all the damage, greatly improving survivability, without a need to increase armor.
Ring of Protection icon bg3Ring of Protection Bonus armor class for survivability.
Ring of Twilight icon bg3Ring of Twilight While obscured (which happens when standing in shadows) you get a bonus armor class for survivability.
Crusher's Ring icon bg3Crusher's Ring Still a good ring for better movement distance.

Act 3 - Final Build setup

This is the last act of the game, where you will get access to the most powerful items. To get them as early as possible you will need some planning, but overall, it should not be a problem.

I see two main setups that you can aim:

  1. Helldusk Armour icon bg3Helldusk Armour + Ring of Regeneration icon bg3Ring of Regeneration/Helm of Balduran icon bg3Helm of Balduran + The Reviving Hands icon bg3The Reviving Hands, to get the highest damage reduction and constant Blade Ward icon action bg3Blade Ward​. However, this will require you to sacrifice your Spell Save DC. Thanks, Kastorex from BG3 Builds Discord for suggesting this.
  2. Armour of Persistence icon bg3Armour of Persistence - a very strong stand-alone armor that gives defensive buffs like Blade Ward icon action bg3Blade Ward, this frees other slots so you can stack that Spell Save DC.

Now, for the other equipment:

Slot Item Description
melee slot bg3Melee (One - Handed) Markoheshkir icon bg3Markoheshkir
The best caster staff in the game (well, almost the best). This fits the build extremely well and you can use Kereska's Favour. You can choose from two options - Frost of Dark Winter, if you want more Ice spells, and bonus ice damage (does not apply to Armour of Agathys icon action bg3Armour of Agathys​), or Bolts of Doom for Lightning spells.
Staff of Cherished Necromancy icon bg3Staff of Cherished Necromancy This staff is currently bugged, and once you consume a life essence you can use it infinitely. So necromancy spells like - Eyebite icon action bg3Eyebite, Circle of Death icon action bg3Circle of Death, and Blight icon action bg3Blight​ can be cast without a spell slot limit... So used it based on personal preference.
The Spellsparkler icon bg3The Spellsparkler In case for some reason you do not have access to one of the weapons below, this staff will still serve its purpose.
ranged slot bg3Ranged Hellrider Longbow icon bg3Hellrider Longbow
Gives a big boost to the initiative, guaranteeing that you can go first. However, you will need to get Longbow proficiency from race.
helmet slot bg3Head Hood of the Weave icon bg3Hood of the Weave The hood gives solid +2 Spell Save DC, greatly improving spell success chance.
Helm of Balduran icon bg3Helm of Balduran You can use the helmet together with The Reviving Hands icon bg3The Reviving Hands to always activate Blade Ward icon action bg3Blade Ward. This then opens a slot to wear Helldusk Armour icon bg3Helldusk Armour instead of Armour of Persistence icon bg3Armour of Persistence.
cloak slot bg3Cloak Cloak of Protection icon bg3Cloak of Protection Improves survivability and Saving Throw success.
Cloak of The Weave icon bg3Cloak of The Weave Improve Spell Save DC by one, the best option for a direct increase in spell effectiveness.
armor slot bg3Armor Armour of Persistence icon bg3Armour of Persistence This is one of the top armors as it gives Blade Ward icon action bg3Blade Ward​ and additional damage reduction. Still, you can use the ones below as you can cast Stoneskin icon action bg3Stoneskin​ for some survivability. Moreover, you will have plenty of slots to stack Spell Save DC.
Helldusk Armour icon bg3Helldusk Armour You can use this together with healing gear and The Reviving Hands icon bg3The Reviving Hands to get maximum damage reduction. Of course, this limits the slots for items with Spell Save DC.
Armour of Landfall icon bg3Armour of Landfall As a caster that heavily relies on Concentration spells, this is probably the best armor to wear. The Constitution saving throw advantage is more than awesome.
Robe of the Weave icon bg3Robe of the Weave This armor is what would be "the best" option if you only relied on control and damage spellcasting. However, as you have concentration spells and are hit often, the ones above are a bit better in my opinion.
gloves slot bg3Gloves Gauntlet of the Tyrant icon bg3Gauntlet of the Tyrant Another option in Act 3, also gives a level 3 Command icon action bg3Command​ spell for each Long Rest. The gloves provide +1 Spell Save DC,
Helldusk Gloves icon bg3Helldusk Gloves Very good gloves, but might be contested by other builds, specifically, martial ones.
The Reviving Hands icon bg3The Reviving Hands These can work together with Helm of Balduran icon bg3Helm of Balduran or Ring of Regeneration icon bg3Ring of Regeneration to activate Blade Ward icon action bg3Blade Ward​ and greatly reduce incoming damage.
boots slot bg3Boots Boots of Persistence icon bg3Boots of Persistence Another choice of amazing boots, that come with the Longstrider icon action bg3Longstrider​ effect and Freedom of Movement icon action bg3Freedom of Movement.
Boots from previous Acts. -
amulet slot bg3Amulet Amulet of The Devout icon bg3Amulet of The Devout The +2 Spell Save DC is a huge boost, giving a large success improvement for spells.
Amulet of Greater Health icon bg3Amulet of Greater Health With this amulet, you can reduce Constitution to 8, and use ability points on Wisdom or Strength, to increase the success of Saving Throws. Moreover, you will have a lot of HP, in case your Armour of Agathys icon action bg3Armour of Agathys​ is destroyed. Moreover, you would also have to set your Feat to +2 Intelligence
Spellcrux Amulet icon bg3Spellcrux Amulet Restores up to level 6 spell slots. After using it, you can unequip it for another amulet.
ring slot bg3Rings Ring of Feywild Sparks icon bg3Ring of Feywild Sparks This is the only ring that gives bonus Spell Save DC. This may be a bug that might be patched in the future.
Ring of Regeneration icon bg3Ring of Regeneration You can use this together with The Reviving Hands icon bg3The Reviving Hands to always activate Blade Ward icon action bg3Blade Ward. This then opens a slot to wear Helldusk Armour icon bg3Helldusk Armour instead of Armour of Persistence icon bg3Armour of Persistence.
Ring of Protection icon bg3Ring of Protection The ring is still a solid choice, to maintain optimal Armour Class.
True Love's Caress icon bg3True Love's Caress Equip this ring and allow a party member to cast Warding Bond icon action bg3Warding Bond​ on you while wearing True Love's Embrace icon bg3True Love's Embrace. This will give you resistance to all the damage, greatly improving survivability, without a need to increase armor.

Build Mechanics

In this section, I would like to dive deep into how to play the Abjuration Wizard. This will help you utilize it to the fullest and correctly use various actions and spells throughout the game.

Important Mechanics and Combos

Let's go through key mechanics and tips on how to effectively use the build.

Effectiveness of Arcane Ward

The main selling point of Abjuration Wizard is its Arcane Ward icon passive feature bg3Arcane Ward. You can easily stack it up, by casting Abjuration spells:

  • Shield icon action bg3Shield
  • Protection from Evil and Good icon action bg3Protection from Evil and Good
  • Armour of Agathys icon action bg3Armour of Agathys
  • Glyph of Warding icon action bg3Glyph of Warding
  • Counterspell icon action bg3Counterspell
  • etc.

The level of the spell you cast will determine how many stacks you get. The stack amount cannot go above two times your wizard level. So you can obtain stacks naturally throughout the combat, or prepare yourself in the camp.

Now, how does this all work? Imagine you have 5 stacks. The enemy hits you for 7 damage. The damage is reduced 7-5=2. And you also lose 1 stack. Now you receive only 2 damage and have 4 stacks left. Pretty neat?

This will get crazier in later levels, when you can cast a level 6 spell, and stack Arcane Ward icon passive feature bg3Arcane Ward​ to 20.

Baiting enemies with an Attack of Opportunity

This is very simple, but more or less you approach to make an enemy attack you. You want to move close to them, and then move away so that the tooltip appears "Provokes Attack of Opportunity" with red arrows.

provokes attacks of opportunity bg3

After this, the enemy starts attacking you and you will reflect damage with Armour of Agathys icon action bg3Armour of Agathys

Baiting Enemies and Concentration Spells

So enemy AI is programmed to attack targets while they have Concentration spells active. At least that's true on higher difficulties. This is the reason why the build has a high Constitution score, and I recommend items like - Armour of Landfall icon bg3Armour of Landfall, Safeguard Shield icon bg3Safeguard Shield, etc.

This way enemies will prioritize you for attacking, and you can reflect cold damage via Armour of Agathys icon action bg3Armour of Agathys​ or Fire Shield icon action bg3Fire Shield. This can also be some simple spells like Protection from Evil and Good icon action bg3Protection from Evil and Good​ or Resistance icon action bg3Resistance.

Maintain decent Armour Class

For early late Act 1 - Act 2 aim for 18 Armour class. For Act 3, I recommend a range of 20-23. The main issue is that if it is higher, enemies will miss most of the attacks. If it is lower you will be hit too often and your Arcane Ward icon passive feature bg3Arcane Ward​ stacks will go down very fast.

Remember, ranged enemy attacks will not be reflected so it is very easy to get hit multiple times from them, without dealing any damage.

If you see that enemies are fully avoiding you or missing most of the attacks, feel free to switch gear, and reduce your Armour Class - for example, remove a shield or rings.

Illithid power Fly

You can use this power to initiate an Attack of opportunity and don't move an inch, it is much better than normal movement-provoking. For this, you will need to consume the special tadpole you get at the start of Act 3 - Astral-Touched Tadpole.

Although your goal is to get hit you can cast Spells

This abjuration Wizard build objective is to get hit so that you would reflect Cold damage from Armour of Agathys icon action bg3Armour of Agathys. However, this should not stop you from preparing and casting spells.

As a Wizard you have access to some really powerful spells that can just mop the floor with enemy bodies. So if you see three wet enemies, just pop Chain Lightning icon action bg3Chain Lightning​ and see them turn to ashes. Don't spend time trying to provoke and micromanage everything.

Have someone cast Warding Bond

Warding Bond icon action bg3Warding Bond​ is a very powerful spell, that greatly improves survivability. If it is cast on Abjuration Wizard, more or less your ally will take 0 damage, while the Wizard enjoys resistance to all damage.

You can get it from Cleric or True Love's Caress icon bg3True Love's Caress + True Love's Embrace icon bg3True Love's Embrace item combo on two different characters.

When using this spell, you can even play around with lower Armour Class, so that enemies would land hits more often.

Wet + Lightning and Cold Spells

I think this is the most important mechanic to learn in Baldur's Gate 3 for caster. It is very easy to set up and can guarantee you easy wins for most encounters.

The first step is to apply water here are some options for how to do that:

  • Have a Cleric, Druid, or yourself cast Create or Destroy Water icon action bg3Create or Destroy Water
  • Throw Water bottle
  • Have Conjure Elemental icon action bg3Conjure Elemental​ to summon Water Myrmidon and apply Healing Vapours icon action bg3Healing Vapours.
  • The easiest, drop the water bottle on the ground and destroy it with an attack (an offhand attack with bonus action is perfect for that)

Once the enemy is wet, they will become vulnerable to Ice and Lightning damage. This means you deal double the amount. After this follow up with your favorite spell - Chain Lightning icon action bg3Chain Lightning, Lightning Bolt icon action bg3Lightning Bolt, Cone of Cold icon action bg3Cone of Cold, etc.

Early Game Combat

Let's cover how you should progress combat levels 1-6.

  • Very early in the game, you play as a normal caster. use Magic Missile icon action bg3Magic Missile, Cloud of Daggers icon action bg3Cloud of Daggers​ on grouped enemies, and Chromatic Orb icon action bg3Chromatic Orb​ on wet foes. Sleep icon action bg3Sleep​ is perfect for disabling them.
  • At level 5, you can scribe level 3 spells - Glyph of Warding icon action bg3Glyph of Warding, is the main one you want to use both for control and damage. It will also stack your Arcane Ward icon passive feature bg3Arcane Ward. For control, be sure to use the sleep version, as it is extremely powerful at this stage.
  • At levels 6-7, you can start playing more of a frontliner role. You can go into the melee range, cast Armour of Agathys icon action bg3Armour of Agathys​ with the highest level and apply Create Water icon action bg3Create Water​ to double that reflected frost damage.
  • Try to always maintain a Concentration spell - Protection from Evil and Good icon action bg3Protection from Evil and Good, Resistance icon action bg3Resistance, etc. This will ensure that enemies are inclined to attack you.
  • Using Counterspell icon action bg3Counterspell​ will also restore your Arcane Ward icon passive feature bg3Arcane Ward​ stacks, so it's a great use for Reaction.

Late Game Combat

The Abjuration Wizard's full effectiveness comes online at about levels 7-8. This is when you have good level 4 spells, can maintain an adequate amount of Arcane Ward icon passive feature bg3Arcane Ward​ stacks, and access good gear.

  1. Cast Armour of Agathys icon action bg3Armour of Agathys​ with the highest level upcast. This will give plenty of protection stacks but most importantly reflect damage will increase immensely.
  2. Make sure that enemies are Wet so that your spells and Armour of Agathys icon action bg3Armour of Agathys​ deal double damage against them.
  3. Every turn try to cast at least one Abjuration spell level 3. For offense to control, Glyph of Warding icon action bg3Glyph of Warding​ is a perfect choice, for reactions Counterspell icon action bg3Counterspell. This will help maintain the Arcane Ward icon passive feature bg3Arcane Ward​ stacks.
  4. Stoneskin icon action bg3Stoneskin​ is a perfect protection spell that works until a long rest and also generates protection stacks.
  5. Be sure to cast Fire Shield: Chill icon action bg3Fire Shield: Chill​ before combat, this will save action points that you can use for other spells.
  6. Summon Water Myrmidon using Conjure Elemental icon action bg3Conjure Elemental, this way you will not need to create water yourself and can deal double damage with your lightning and water spells.
  7. Try to get close to enemy melee fighters, or those using melee weapons, a good idea is to use Misty Step icon action bg3Misty Step. Once you are close, provoke attacks of opportunity by moving away from them. Do this until you exhaust your movement speed.

Here are some other tips that I think are helpful in general for Wizard.

  • Ice Storm icon action bg3Ice Storm​ is a great spell to create ice surfaces and does not require concentration.
  • If you are fighting a boss first time, I recommend Globe of Invulnerability icon action bg3Globe of Invulnerability. This will greatly reduce risks and allow you to evaluate the encounter, before jumping into offensive combat.
  • Confusion icon action bg3Confusion​ is an amazing spell, that can be cast on the first turn. I recommend using it if you see multiple enemies bunched up together. This way all of them get affected and they can start fighting each other.

Build Variations

There are a few variations that the build could be changed about. I think it is more for advanced players who are likely doing some deeper optimizations.

Setup Description
  • 2 Warlock
  • 1 Cleric
  • 9 Wizard
This setup is useful if you plan on using "bugged" Armour of Shadows invocation from Warlock. With it, you can infinitely cast the Mage Armour icon action bg3Mage Armour, and then equip heavier armor, which cancels it. After that, equip clothing and cast the spell again. Rinse and repeat.
  • 1 Sorcerer
  • 11 Wizard
This setup is good if you do not need to Create or Destroy Water icon action bg3Create or Destroy Water. For example, you will have separate Cleric, Druid, or Storm Sorcerer to apply for wet status. This is also an option in the late game when you get Conjure Elemental icon action bg3Conjure Elemental​ and summon Water Myrmidon.


Thank you for reading the Abjuration Wizard build for Baldur's Gate 3. This guide will help to make this Ice wizard effective in combat and cover all the needed mechanics for the build to work.


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