How Many Primogems We can Get in 2.6 | F2P Primogems Calculation - Genshin Impact

By KoeniginYU
Last updated:

Hey, Travelers. I am Koeni. Are you ready to pull the new characters in 2.6? Before we pull, let's see how many primogems we can get in patch 2.6. I also calculated the results for the free-to-play and pay-to-play players. Hope you have nice luck!

How to obtain the free Primogems in 2.6?

Normally we can get the primogems from here:

  • Daily Quests
  • Stardust Exchange
  • Spiral Abyss
  • New Story Quests
  • Hoyolab Daily Check-in

If you have some questions, welcome to leave the comments. Good luck!


Post author KoeniginYU avatarKoeniginYU
Youtube/Twitch: Koenigin Yu Master in Philosophy and Psychology from a university renowned alongside Oxford and Cambridge. Possesses extensive experience in project planning, marketing, and observing trends in the gaming industry. Skilled in accurately analyzing market dynamics, assessing consumer psychology, and forecasting project development trends. Passionate about analyzing, evaluating, and predicting developments in the gaming field. ♪(・ω・)ノ