Yoimiya or Klee | Who is Worth Pulling in V2.8?

Yoimiya or Klee | Who is Worth Pulling in V2.8? - Genshin Impact

By KoeniginYU
Last updated:

Yoimiya and Klee, both are Pyro characters, and will come in Version 2.8. Some travelers are confused: Yoimiya or Klee, who is better? Which one is worth pulling in the v2.8.

Yoimiya or Klee? Who is Stronger?

If you have similar supports in the team and use the same artifacts, Yoimiya can deal 20% more damage than Klee. 

Yoimiya is easier to use. The rotation of her skills is quite easy. Support characters-Yoimiya Elemental Skill-Yoimiya Elemental Burst.

What's more, Yoimiya is a teenager character, and higher than Klee. That means Yoimiya can run faster. 

All in all, Yoimiya is stronger and worth pulling in v2.8. If you are going to pull one pyro character, I suggest pulling Yoimiya. However, you can also save the primogems for the future characters in Sumeru.

But if you are one of the Klee fans, why not get one little cute Klee? Because she is the only one who can make Master Jean angry and get the headache easily.



Post author KoeniginYU avatarKoeniginYU
Youtube/Twitch: Koenigin Yu Master in Philosophy and Psychology from a university renowned alongside Oxford and Cambridge. Possesses extensive experience in project planning, marketing, and observing trends in the gaming industry. Skilled in accurately analyzing market dynamics, assessing consumer psychology, and forecasting project development trends. Passionate about analyzing, evaluating, and predicting developments in the gaming field. ♪(・ω・)ノ