Raiden Shogun Guide: Raiden Shogun Best Artifacts Selection and Choice

Raiden Shogun Guide: Raiden Shogun Best Artifacts Selection and Choice - Genshin Impact

By KoeniginYU
Last updated:

Raiden Shogun's Elemental Burst can deal with great DMG and also support the whole team. If we want to build her as the main DPS, which type of artifact sets do we use? Now let's see my analysis.

The Best Artifacts sets for Raiden Shogun

If we want to build her as a DPS or a Support, the best choice of her artifacts is the Emblem of Severed Fate. 

Sands of Eon, Energy Recharge or ATK?

If Raiden Shogun uses her weapon Engulfing Lightning, then it is necessary to use the energy recharge Sands of Eon. Because the weapon will bring gain a maximum bonus of 80% ATK. Gain 30% Energy Recharge for 12s after using an Elemental Burst. 


If you use the Skyward Spine or Favonius Lance, and make Raiden Shogun's Energy Recharge more than 260%, you can use the ATK Eon.

If Raiden Shogun's Energy Recharge is less than 260%, use the Energy Recharge Eon can bring more DMG.

The Goblet of Eonothem Choice, Eletro DMG or ATK?

Raiden Shogun is an electro arcon. It is better to use the Eletro DMG on the Goblet.

The subs should focus on:

  • Crit DMG%
  • Crit Rate%
  • Energy Recharge
  • ATK %

Which Circlet of Logos is better? Crit DMG or Crit Rate?

Raiden Shogun can deal a great Eletro Elemental Burst. If she uses the Energy Recharge weapons, she needs Crit Rate head artifact more. if she doesn't have a crit rate one, and the others artifacts have good stats on it, she might only has 20% Crit Rate. When she is using the elemental burst, she couldn't do any crit damage to enemies in 7 seconds.

However, if you have a nice Crit DMG Artifact, follow the rule Crit Rate : Crit DMG = 1 : 2

In order to make Raiden Shogun as a strong DPS, it is better to make her Crit Rate more than 80%, because her Elemental Burst can only last for 7s. In 7s, she can do twice normal attacks. The high Crit Rates decides her high attack DMG.


If you want to use Raiden Shogun as a dps+support:

Weapon: Engulfing Lightning > Skyward Spine > The Catch. 

Artifacts: Eon needs Energy Recharge.

If you use Skyward Spine / The Catch need ATK Goblet better than Electro Goblet.

Click here to check Raiden Shogun's weapon calculation results to see which weapon is the best one for Raiden Shogun.


Post author KoeniginYU avatar KoeniginYU
Youtube/Twitch: Koenigin Yu Master in Philosophy and Psychology from a university renowned alongside Oxford and Cambridge. Possesses extensive experience in project planning, marketing, and observing trends in the gaming industry. Skilled in accurately analyzing market dynamics, assessing consumer psychology, and forecasting project development trends. Passionate about analyzing, evaluating, and predicting developments in the gaming field. ♪(・ω・)ノ