Eula or Ayaka, who is the Main Cryo DPS? Which one is better

Eula or Ayaka, who is the Main Cryo DPS? Which one is better - Genshin Impact

By KoeniginYU
Last updated:

Ayaka and Eula are 5 stars Cryo Characters. Now the Eula's Banner will come soon. Some travelers are still thinking if it is worth pulling Eula. Here is some advice that I want to share. For the F2P and P2P. Hope it could be helpful for you to understand who will be the better one in your character list. Some players are confused of choosing the cryo characters:

Is it worth Pulling Eula?

According to the different banners' sales strategy, when the new 5 stars' character comes, he/she will always be a very good damage dealer in the team.  

For the F2P and No More Primogems in Bag:

When Ayaka banner comes up, Ayaka ≥ Eula in DPS in some high-level dungeons.

Save the primogems for Ayaka will be better. 

But if you really like Eula, pull her then. o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o

For the P2P or the Close to 90 Pulls Players:

Pull Eula. She will be strong for about more than 3 months. 

If you got a 50% chance that lost Eula, you can save the rest primogems for Ayaka.

Ayaka will come at least after 3-5 months. Before that, you can collect lots of primogems in future versions. 

Especially according to my primogems calculation, we always have about 70 times free pulls in each version. *(How many Primogems we will get in Eula's Banner )

If you are also interested in the Elektro Archon Raiden Shogun in Inazuma (Female God in Inazuma), please select Ayaka, instead of Eula.

Raiden Shogun+ Ayaka will be good partners. And Raiden Shogun's team build can be easily build. 

For the Eula or Ayaka's lovers

All waifus are yours.

Do it!

Do Not Hesitate!


These are all my personal views on pulling Eula or not. Hope you enjoy the game.

Welcome to leave the comments behind. 

Good luck travelers.

Here, you can see Ayaka best artifacts selection, which can make her deal 10k damage.

Here, you can see Ayaka Best weapon selection

Here you can know some comparisons between Ayaka and Ganyu, which one is good.

Is it to pull Ayaka? Is Ayaka worth playing?


Post author KoeniginYU avatarKoeniginYU
Youtube/Twitch: Koenigin Yu Master in Philosophy and Psychology from a university renowned alongside Oxford and Cambridge. Possesses extensive experience in project planning, marketing, and observing trends in the gaming industry. Skilled in accurately analyzing market dynamics, assessing consumer psychology, and forecasting project development trends. Passionate about analyzing, evaluating, and predicting developments in the gaming field. ♪(・ω・)ノ